Cure autism


There are many methods and treatments have been shown to improve the symptoms of autism. However, at this point there is no single method that has been medically proven that will cure autism.

Unfortunately, there are many methods that claim to cure autism and that claim to have medical proof. Possibly the worst are those that claim to have developed antidotes creating the belief that a single potion will cure autism.

way to produce an actual cure must start with a concept. The idea is then tested and after a certain medical research, there must be a medical report or publication that is published for review by the medical community. When medical articles have been published in the medical community support or reject the medical data presented.

After a certain degree of acceptance the community and established Medical Society or organization, preferably government agency, can cure actually be known as the doctors.

False treatments and medicines that have been labeled as a cure are either not supported by any medical research or by recognized organizations.

Find autism cure is a minefield for parents because on the internet there are many websites and sales pages that try to convince people that they have a cure. Products or methods that are available can really work, and they might even be supported by research where research is published and accepted – there is no proven cure

The main reason for this is because medical research can. easily distorted and misrepresented to show numbers and figures that make it look like the research is an absolute certainty. This is why being subject to what are often called, medical pier reviews.

Other doctors and clinicians will weed out the speculative data and false research. This is basically what happened with one Doctor that claimed the MMR vaccine was the cause of autism. Medical research came under speculation and has been rejected by government medical institutions.

Although there is no known cure, there are many treatments that are shown and proven to improve symptoms such as music therapy or occupational therapy. These are not intrusive therapies that seek to improve skills such as moto-neurological skills and improve central nervous system.

This helps autistic people gain more control over their sensory processing or body. However these help autistic people manage and overcome their autistic symptoms that can lead to what could be considered a cure, but they do not remove them as a cure would.

So do not be fooled by claims and hype about cures and potions for autism and be cautious about spending money on technology and treatments until you have a good idea of ​​what the treatment is and how it can help.


Why Children With Autism Need Schedules


Believe it or not, schedules play a very Important part in every child’s life. Children like schedules Because it Permits Them to anticipates what Will Happen When. But having a schedule is particularly Important for the autistic child. Autistic children need a sense of structure Which Helps to Overcome the feelings of anxiety They typically have. They know what to expections during the day and what activity They Will Be admirers at what times during the day.

The lack of a schedule in an autistic child’s life Can make things very hectic, both for themself and for you . If you are the type of person who just “remembers” doctor Appointments and other Commitments and does whatever activity feels right at the time, then good for you but you are going to have to change That for the benefit of your autistic child, where autism almost requires structure and a schedule.

Many autistic children exhibit Many problems in reading, in which case you are Encouraged to use a “visual schedule” to Assist Them. On this visual schedule, Will you put pictures of Each daily activity, Which Allows Them to see what is coming next. Having Such a schedule posted where the child Can always see it Will Help to Avoid the Occasional break downs. If you need to make a change to the schedule for whatever reason, be sure to take extra time to carefully explain it to the child. Children with autism like a schedule and routine, and Even a minor change Can put a huge dent in Their whole day.

Schedules Can also be used to encouragements the child to do something That you already know They do not want to do. Show Them the activity or task and carefully explain That this task must be Completed Before You Can move on to the next activity, pointing to the next activity. Be firm in letting themself know that the next activity can not be done until the first task has been Completed.

Life is Unpredictable and there Will be days When something comes up, Although you shouldnt try to stick to the schedule as Much as Possible. If something comes up, try to get back on schedule as Quickly as Possible so as to Avoid the high levels of anxiety That the child Will experience. This schedule also plies to something like what time to get up in the morning and bed time – keep Those times the co-every-day as it represents a part of the normal schedule.

While having a schedule is Important for all children, it is particularly Important for autistic children. If you can understand thatthey requires structure and routine to Avoid anxiety, you willhave a much better OPPORTUNITY to work with themself and Teach Them new things. In fact, as time goes as, you may want to include Even a new daily activity That you Will introducer Into the schedule, Perhaps labeled something like “Learn Something New”. Keep it simple but use this scheduled time to ease Into learning something new. Be sure to keep it positive so That the child Will look forward to it, Which is a good reason to start this new activity slowly and let it build over time as the child gets used to this new part of Their routine.


Children’s Health – Autism – Important Diet for autistic children


While medication and physical therapy are important for autistic children without carefully selected food consumption with important nutrients, they will relax their activity. In some cases, it may contribute to the severity of symptoms if the wrong kinds of food are taken as we mentioned in a previous article. It is the responsibility of parents of children with autism to daily food intake and carefully monitor the reaction of the child in the early stages of analysis. There are some foods that can increase the autoimmune response, thus weakening the immune system in fighting molding cell oxidation and bacteria and virus. Others may reduce the blood flow to the cells, thus disrupting the central nervous system to send and manage information, etc. Here are some important diet for parents of children with autism to discuss.

1. Organic Foods

a) Organic vegetables and fruits are grown in a friendly environment without spraying harmful substances. They are expensive, compared to conventional grown foods, but they have unique advantages for children with autism. There are no protection against man made chemicals, foods spoil easily, they must be rushed to the market as soon as they are harvested reduces the loss of nutrients in food. If you can buy them fresh, they must be good. Since most children are autisic analysis deficient in vitamin B6, zinc, selenium and magnesium, make sure all vegetables and fruits do contain high levels of them.

b) Organic meat

It is important that parents who want to feed their children with autistic meat for protein intake, make sure that the animals are organic growth. One is the presence of growth hormone injected or enough animals can disrupt the activity of the central nervous system in regulating the production of hormone child, thereby increasing the severity of symptoms and brain tumors and cancer that we mentioned in the previous article. It is in the interest of the child, a parent can make them with soy based protein, or make sure that the animals are organic growth.

2. Circulation

a) Essential fatty acids

fatty acid is also important for liver fat and protein metabolism, it also plays an important role in helping our cell in information sent as and to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood ..

b) Garlic

Garlic is considered as one super food containing certain substances, and decreasing formation of plaque that accumulates in the arterial wall , it also makes the blood thinner, thereby increasing the effective circulation transport blood throughout our body, including the nervous system, resulting in reducing the symptoms of autism. Children who take blood thinner medication should consult with your doctor before applying.

c) Oranges

Orange contains large amounts of vitamin C and bioflavonoids as well as help to boost the immune system to combat autoimmune dysfunction and cell oxidation, they also help to strengthen capillary walls and increase blood flow in the body.

d) Watermelon

squashes are rich in lycopene which not only helps to prevent irregular cell growth, including tumors of the brain, but also reduces building of plaque in the arteries wall, thereby increasing blood circulation to transport oxygen and nutrients to body cells need, including the central nervous system.

3. Detoxification

a) Leaf green vegetables

In addition to containing large amounts of vitamin C and other essential vitamins and minerals, it also contains high levels of chlorophyll, one of substance not only helps to strengthen the arteries wall and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, but also cleanse the body of toxins, including heavy metals.

b) Lemons

It is said that high levels of vitamin C in the lemon helps to convert the accumulated toxins in water-soluble form and eliminate it through the kidneys urine secretion.

c) Garlic

In addition, it is important to make our blood thinner for better traffic and boost the immune system in the fight against cellular oxidation, it also helps to activate liver enzymes and toxins elimination.

d) Broccoli sprouts

It contains high levels of phytochemicals called isothiocyanates, as well as helping to inhibit carcinogenesis and tumor formation, and it is believed that the enzyme-inducing agents, helping to reduce inflammation and increase body toxins elimination.

There are many more fruits and vegetables have the same functions as above as cabbage, broccoli, psyllium, etc., make sure you choose one that your child likes it.

4. The immune system

a) Soy foods

Soy food contains large amounts of plant based protein. Research studies show that lack of high-quality protein can cause depletion of immune cells, resulting in the inability of the body to make antibodies and other immune-related problems.

b) Carrots

Carrot contains high levels of beta carotene, which can be adjusted from vitamin A, it is a powerful antioxidant that not only helps to improve the immune system in the fight against irregular cells growth, but also prevents the immune system abnormal function, attacking the body’s cells.

c) Cold water fish

Cold water fish contains high levels of essential fatty acids, which not only help to improve the central nervous system in the information transmitted, but also important for impairment in the fight against the toxic aggregation in the body.

d) Squash

Additionally, it contains many essential vitamins and minerals, beta glucans that helps to develop and activate the immune system, increase immunity and reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases, allergies, or yeast infection and inflammation.

5. digestive problems

Since most children with autism are thought to have digestive problems, imbalance microbial gastrointestinal

a) foods contain digestive enzymes

Since most children with autism have problems in digesting complex foods, including those with high fiber. Adding rich digestive enzyme foods help improve the digestive system in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals, thus reducing the risk of immune system dysfunction and elevation symptoms of autism caused by nutrient deficiency.

b) pH balance

Maintenance corrected Ph levels helps to reduce the risk of the growth of harmful bacteria in the digestive track and increase the production of digestive enzymes in absorbing vital nutrients for our body. It is said that autistic children need to have the right amount of magnesium and potassium to maintain the pH balance between 6.5 and 7.5. protein synthesis and catalytic activity.

Foods that contain large amounts of digestive enzymes are Sprout, legume, papaya and pineapple.

6. CNS

a) Soy

In addition to containing large amounts of calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals as well as Phyto materials necessary for the immune system to protect our body against infections and inflammatory protein that also helps to improve brain function as neurotransmitters, because most neurotransmitters are made from amino acids such as tryptophan and tyrosine of the protein in the food consumed, thereby reducing the severity of autistic symptoms.

b) Spinach and strawberry

spinach and strawberries contain high levels of antioxidants, which helps to reduce the risk of free radical formation in the central nervous system so that extra measures brain cells’ in the management of hormone-producing glands and promotion of information.

c) Amino acid

dietary protein needs to be broken down to amino acids for our bodies to function, including neurotransmitters, hormones, DNA, enzymes. the consumption of food with good protein sources will help to reduce the symptoms of nervous irregular work for children with autism.

There are two types of dietary protein

a) Complete protein contains all eight essential amino acids are fish and meat, fowl and eggs, cheese and yogurt.

b) Inadequate protein that contains some of the eight essential amino acids are grains and legumes, beans and right, but you can combine incomplete proteins that make up a complete protein like rice and beans.

The complete protein is necessary to improve the function of brain cells clothing, not all complete food risks proteins are good for autistic children, some of them can cause allergies as well as disrupt the digestive enzymes in nutrient absorption, talk to your doctor or dietitian before applying.

It is expected parent with autistic children to keep a food diary and note the child’s behavior and symptoms alongside all food intake. This can help to identify the foods that cause allergic immune system and replay them them with other foods that contain at least the same nutrients. Once again, you should consult with a dietitian or nutritional therapist before applying.


Autism: Overview


autism is a term used to describe several developmental disabilities. Such conditions include autism, Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder. The latter is used to describe abnormal cases of autism and is considered to be the most common autism. Symptoms of these conditions tend to surface during the first two years of life and are usually diagnosed around three to four years.

Autism is the best known disorder of the autistic spectrum. The predominant symptoms of autism are extreme difficulties with social interaction and communication, both verbal and non-verbal. Children with autism also may engage in repetitive behavior such as flapping hands or head rolling. Severity of the symptoms being very, and with proper treatment and medication child living with high-functioning type of autism can seamlessly integrate society.

Asperger syndrome is also characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication, though it is usually no delay in the acquisition of language skills. People with Asperger often large vocabulary at a young age and may be above average intelligence. However, it is often difficult for them to make friends and maintain relationships, as they are often considered to have a lack of empathy, or even be downright rude. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be very helpful in teaching someone afflicted with Asperger syndrome how to function properly in social situations.

Childhood disintergrative disease has different symptoms that usually do not begin to appear until after the age of three. After developing normal child in question quickly equalized, losing language, social function and motor skills. This disease is rare and is considered low functioning autistic spectrum disorder.

Rett Syndrome is also known as “Cerebro trophic hyperammonamea”. It affects mostly women and symptoms can be very severe. Physical characteristics such as small hands and feet are often present, and about half the people who suffer from Rett syndrome can not walk. People with Rett syndrome usually have no verbal skills and also suffer from other problems such as gastrointestinal diseases.

pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified, or PDD-NOS, is a term used for situations where the subject shows the difficulty in social development and communication, but do not meet enough criteria to justify an analysis of one of the other disorders autism. People who are classified in this way generally experience milder symptoms than the other diseases, with the exception of Asperger syndrome. Characteristics of Asperger overlap to a large extent the PDD-NOS, the key difference is that in cases of Asperger syndrome is usually not a matter of delay.

five administration autism have varying degrees of severity and prognosis. They can also be difficult to diagnose because of the huge commorbity with other conditions such as learning disabilities or epilepsy.

Regardless of the situation right treatment and medication is vital to ensure that anyone suffering from this disease gets to the highest quality of life possible.


Autism We Bót & Vitamins – Syndion


Many parents seek a comprehensive and well-rounded, good combination supplement. They want something that includes vitamins, something that includes antioxidants and something that will also include minerals. I have seen very good results with my patients with a supplement called Syndion or Syndion SF. Syndion was created by a person named Jim Adams. Jim Adams is a PhD researcher from Arizona State University who has been involved in the biomedical community for autism for many, many years. Syndion is a liquid supplement that has vitamins, minerals and antioxidants so that you are able to reach all three very important additional category in one simple addition.

The website also has information such as dosing information based on the child’s weight to determine how much to take. Usually Syndion is taken twice a day and can be easily mixed with a variety of juices. So for some children who have problems with different tastes, you can try different flavors juice to see which works best. Syndion is a great product especially for children who have a hard time swallowing the tablets, has issues with swallowing or general issues with regard to taste certain things. Syndion provides very good support for the very important things that are generally lacking in people who have autism, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

When you implement a new website so that Syndion, you can see improvements in areas such as better language, more increased the eyes, or maybe your child will begin to recognize more objects in their environment more. You may also see a better mood and more understanding, there could be a range of reforms that are seen but what is usually happening is that Syndion is to help with the major areas affected by autism. Those areas tend to be socialization skills, the issue of language and communication, higher cognitive activity skills, attention and focus on the skills and sometimes self-stimulating behavior and stereotypical behavior. Not any website will do all that we are wanting to do it, but as a comprehensive multi-vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to provide the necessary nutrients, Syndion is a wonderful place to start.


Autism Treatment – MAO-A Activity, and advantages of the Autism Treatment, Part 1 of 2


This article MAO-A activity will be a 2 part series. But in the first recording, I believe I misspoke the name of the magazine so I just wanted to quickly clarify something. Correct name of the journal that published the study in the Journal reserpine Nervous and Mental Disease doctor was Dr. Lehman and others. Again, this study in 1957 used reserpine close between 3 and 7 mg in people with autism and found that this helped with socialization, communication, eyes and reduce self-stimulatory signals behavior. So if you want to look at this study again the doctor was Dr. Lehman and investigation in 1957 was published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

So now I’d like to talk a little bit about how reserpine works. It is particularly enzymes to be aware of what is called monoamine oxidase A, or MAO-A for short. Now enzyme MAO-A is found inside cells and is important in helping the metabolism of three neurotransmitters, nor epinephrine, serotonin and histamine. And reserpine action MAO-A agonist. There seem to be many people out there who have been commenting that Respetar-A will inhibit MAO-A activity or that it will drain the MAO-A. But it is the role of MAO-A inhibitor and neither Respetar-A nor its active reserpine are MAO-A inhibitors. Some medicines more depression are MAO-A inhibitors, and reserpine is not a MAO-A inhibitor. What reserpine does is it increases metabolism, enzyme, MAO-A.

And what happens is that serotonin is converted into something called active aldehyde form her. The active aldehyde form, which is known as 5-hydroxyindole acetaldehyde, can then complicated by the synaptic receptors which then manifests as a physiological effect on the postsynaptic neuron. But over time, to do that you can cause serotonin depletion if you are using high doses of reserpine. You may also see this with Respetar-A use if you are not replenishing serotonin and keep protein levels adequate.


Checklist for autism symptoms


To put it simply, autism is now one of the most damaging types of neurological diseases known to medicine and science. It can lead to serious damage in three areas mature individual, especially behavior, communication and social development interaction. The disorder is usually diagnosed in the early stages of a child’s life, even as early as infancy. If you suspect that your child or loved one is suffering with the disorder, you should have a doctor examine them and run some tests to confirm this.

A checklist of autism symptoms

Any parent who is suspicious of their child or loved one’s behavior should keep track of any signs or symptoms suggestive of the disease is present. The following is an autism symptoms checklist that will help you and your doctor decide whether a child or loved one is truly afflicted with the disorder

o autistic individuals have difficulty expressing sympathy or understanding the other person is in need or concern with them indicating that they struggle with definite skills

o avoid eyes or difficulty interacting socially with other

o deficiencies or inappropriateness of using non-verbal and verbal communication skills

o hyperactivity or hypo-activity, which indicates extreme behavior patterns that includes avoiding contact, be very active, too passive, experience difficulty in the pasture or calming down, and show little or no response to stimuli

or not responding to hear names their being called

o poor imitation skills such as mimicking key gestures or facial expressions

o meet behavioral or environmental changes especially when it comes to allowing others to interfere with specific practices, such as the participate in multiple, stereotype activities and behaviors characteristic of autism

o inability to understand the presence of danger and respond to it because they are not aware of potentially harmful situations

or not to take engage in certain activities or behaviors that could potentially lead to the harming themselves like banging their head against something like cribs or their wall or scratching itself excessively

This checklist should help you determine whether you should having a baby or a loved one are examined and assessed for autism. After all, you do not want to suffer any longer if it seems that this is the case.

Help children, adolescents or adults with autism

There are now publicly funded programs available in every state for children, teenagers and adults to experience delays in their development which includes individuals who suffer with autism. You will probably need re pediatrician or physician to the institutions or organizations that provide funding for this. These programs usually provide behavioral, occupational, physical and speech therapy. In addition, special education classes available.

Finally, it should be noted that mounting evidence shows that individuals with autism can have a positive impact on diet and nutrition changes by taking certain minerals, nutritional supplements and vitamins. In addition, there are some supplements given to calm the man down, the most recommended ones being magnesium and vitamin B. Foods eliminated from the diet of a person are chocolate, sugar or flour.


How Music Therapy Helps in treating autism


Musical therapy is gaining recognition in the field of treatments for autism. Individuals on the autism spectrum get music therapy will often have a better overall survival temperament and learning abilities. I recently saw a young boy who loved the Beatles. Hear their music has helped with his behavior and want to communicate. Other people have responded in a similar way to other types of music. Music makes connections with the non-verbal part of our brain that makes it the perfect treatment for diseases that a person has trouble communicating. This is why it is a perfect fit for autism.

Music therapy has been used in conjunction with help to learn skills. It has been shown classical music often playing in the background to help with mental processing, mathematics and complex problems, but more importantly in autism music generally does not threatening medium for people while playing games that help to improve social behavior skills. For example, by encouraging eye contact while singing or using instruments that need to be tightly to the face of music therapy can help autistic individuals break social barriers. In short, the music is fun and engaging.

The main thing that has been shown on music therapy to help with the language development and communication skills. Music has the ability to connect the verbal and non-verbal functions in the brain. This is important in autism and speech difficulties are so important. Initially, certain individuals may only be able to hum, grunt or do not have the word noise while others will babble phrases of the verses. The little boy who was a Beatles fan learned to pronounce the famous line “We all live in a Yellow Submarine …” Autistic individuals often gain the ability to put sentences and phrases together in attempts to communicate with other people. No matter how skilled the individual is with speech, they can participate in musical therapy by clapping in rhythm to the song, humming along, or doing simple echoing sound. It does not matter just to get them involved in music can make a powerful transformation.

Individuals on the autism spectrum are generally considered to be good at music. Some people have perfect pitch, while others can play a particular instrument very well. Even if they show no genius musical ability with common standards you can find it especially man has talent in music over other talents of his or her. Musical therapist can use music as a way to connect this type of learning with other forms of learning skills such as communicating feelings or improve memory. Trained professionals can use music to teach children and others how to communicate in words high, which makes it easier for patients to learn.

But music does not have to be reserved for treatment or classroom setting. Play music in the home and / or car as a way to introduce new sounds, instruments, and voices in the auditory world for the autistic person. Break out the Beatles albums and you never know what might emerge for a person on the spectrum. They can also find your favorite Beatles song and learning to write and communicate in ways they never have before.


Autism – Should I Label My Child



Autism – to label or not to label, that is the question. Have you been to your doctor about your child and have to feel as if you were banging your head on a brick wall? Or quite possibly you have been told that the speech delay is common in boys and perhaps mom or dad is just a little too nervous about it? If you’ve been down this path then you are certainly not alone. In Ireland, the consensus now among many in the medical profession is that it is not really an increase in the number of children with autism out there but us parents concocting symptoms to claim benefits state unjustly labeling our children.

If you have already been told by many people that the child is autistic and more importantly if you parent of the child who knows this part of you better than anyone else has instinctual inner feeling that something is not right then chances your suspicions are rarely unfounded. Recently informed member of the medical profession reiterated this fact to me, said she worried mother or father who is ignored by the doctor is doing great injustice to the child in question. So if you already have an innate belief that the child is different or has issues that need to be addressed that in most cases are valid concerns.

A concerned parent does not want their child to mark the Autistic but if their child is in fact autism then the sooner this is recognized, faced and addressed to the speed it can be acted on and a better result in the long run everyone. Any one in the field of psychology, or social care will reiterate how important Early intervention for the child on the autistic spectrum. But this is almost impossible to access if you’re still being told to wait and see, give your child a chance, you’re just being neurotic, paranoid, and the child can still talk or perform other social skills when they are ready.

The best course of action on how to proceed in the diagnosis and treatment of autism is not always easy to figure out. It is undoubtedly an emotionally fraught experience that will leave you drained and confused. However, knowledge of how to best deal with this unforeseen problems is best answered by those who are actually on the Autistic Spectrum. The general consensus among people with autism tend to be if you are autistic them feel already marked before the official diagnosis is made or official autistic title is provided to you. Many children who went through childhood with undiagnosed autism will tell you that they felt when distinctly different and were considered in school and through life as being weird, freak or rather eccentric unless they were told why they behave as they did and received the help they needed at a young age.

Experts in the field of psychology and psychiatry say that ideally Early Intervention for Autistic Children should begin in two years. This gives the child the best chance of gaining the skills needed to communicate with the outside world effectively and thus save them from a lifetime of low self-esteem, lack of confidence in themselves and a myriad of other common complications such as social anxiety issues, depression, alcoholism , drug abuse and anti social behavior. So consequently be labeled as autistic is a blessing, awakening and being given official analysis delivers the autism disorder person rather than hinder them.

Any disability is a life changing experience and an interview with a man in his fourth with ADHD and dyslexia which remained undiagnosed until recently I asked him, if you had been labeled as having ADHD and dyslexia when you were four or five, it would have destroyed you, or it would have been much relief? He said he had hugged the bearer of this news and said now I know why I’m different and I’m going to get the help I need. A signal appears only to speak with those who are not on the autistic spectrum. For those people who are autistic then they have already acquired internal marks and scars that have clearly set them apart from the public whether they have ever been given the official diagnosis or not.

embrace autism disorder child they are not less a man they are just another way to you, their mind is wired differently, yet they will always be your baby and never let pride, ignorance or bad advice stop you from helping this person from reaching their potential. We can all achieve our goals in life, no matter which way we travel to get there.


Methods for parents of children with autism – understanding your child’s needs for routine


It is important for parents of children with autism to try to understand how the brain child of his works. This is often easier said than done, of course. The more you understand why your child acts the way they do, though, the more you can find ways to help them. The more you understand, the better your relationship will be.

Need for Routine

One of the most important things to understand about someone with autism is their need for routine. To an uneducated person, it may seem as if they are simply trying to get their way, or even to try to win another, but the habit is certainly an important part of the lives of people with autism.

Why you ask, do autistic people like routine so much?

world autistic person is filled with a lot of uncertainty and fear. They never know what is going to happen next. Autistic person has so many different needs that they have to fill. They become anxious and worried about a lot- it’s too much, I will have what I like to eat, I will encounter bullies, I will have enough time to compete the task, the lights too bright. So it is important for them to work, to have a kind of habit, so they do not constantly be in a state of panic and fear, wonder if their needs are going to be met in every situation.

Weak Central Coherence

A psychological explanation of the need for life is called “weak central coherence.” People with autism often difficult to generalize to other specific events and general events. For example, if someone with autism do well with tasks at once, in one specific way, one could not generalize to other, similar situations.

Therefore, they will not believe that they can also see these other conditions. The upshot of this is that it is constantly changing various parameters that keep a person with autism in the anxiety state -. And habits, and know what to expect, reduce anxiety significantly

Why can not my child see the big movie?

As parents of children with autism probably already know, people with autism get so focused on the details of something they can not see it globally. In other words, they can not see the big picture. Simply put, they lack the perspective

Because information is so overwhelmingly obvious that, people with autism can get very upset, when the details are changed -. Even information no one else had even noticed. They cling to their routines in an effort to try to preserve their peace of mind, and keep mood and anxiety levels of the stable.

Parents are both providing a safe place for the child to grow up, but also know when it is time to push them out of their comfort zone a little. For parents of autistic children, this is a difficult line to walk, but it can be done.


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