Autism activities for children


With your own world. This would probably describe what autism is all about. It is very common neurological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Social interaction is reduced as well as communication. Research shows that parents usually discover this disorder in the first two years of life. It is important to understand how to deal with autistic children for them to have normalcy in their daily lives. Autism activities for children truly help parents and guardians to address this concern. Here are some suggestions:

1. like . Autistic children are great mimickers! This is because they enjoy repetition. Try to write down the different animals with their corresponding sounds then let the child say it with you. Also try other movements sound like the trains and ships. You can also go into teaching them actions like brushing teeth, fixing hair, etc! Simple everyday routine you can inject fun in your game.

2. Singing . Because autistic children are apt to do just about any sound, might as well teach them simple songs. This will enable them to make sensible sounds than just shouting. Fun common tones are ideal because it is relaxing. Singing was a good way to release anxiety child.

3. Art and Board . Try to teach your child to make simple work of art. This will help to extend the attention span and help in calming process. Easy board games are also proposed to facilitate spiritual development. This also gives the child a sense of fulfillment if he is able to finish and win it! It is important not to give them a tough match as it might irritate them. Try to give them because they simply puzzles or those basic building blocks.

4 Sports . This is one of the autism activities for children that can safely increase social interaction and his confidence. Select sports organized and not necessarily too much sensory stimulation. You will see that some autistic children can very well into the sport. It is important to guide and supervise them at first because autistic children have difficulty adapting to change and develop social interaction.

5. Safety . This is probably the most important among all the autism activities for children. Children who suffer from the disorder require more attention from their parents when it comes to safety and security. In his daily life Dos and Don’ts of going around the house. Make simple rules that would prevent common accidents. Constant acting out and consolidation will instill in your child how to be safe.

Although not all autistic children grow to live a normal life, some actually do. At least learn the normal routines that can help them communicate and be independent. Help them in their childhood will reduce or eliminate the negative effects of autism. The key is to teach them in their early years. Autism activities for children are dealing instruments both parents and children can benefit from.


Positive and negative aspects of people on autism research autism


Historically, psychological studies have been done without the active participation of people who research potential. Dyslexic people not involved in the study of dyslexia and autistic people do not participate in research that could potentially affect their lives, but this is starting to change.

This is particularly evident in research on dyslexia. More and more research to study Learning difficulties are now being addressed by people who have learning difficulties. The same thing happens with autism.

This may have both positive and negative effects. One of the positive consequences would be, an investigation actually carried out by people who have first-hand experience with the disorder, and therefore leave it on a much deeper level, than someone who just knows about autism or dyslexia from books. This is very useful, since both disorders seem to have different patterns of experience. Autistic people often have different sensory experience, when compared with “normal” people. They are often very sensitive to touch, and certain music can be truly experienced by those who bad. If someone knows the situation at a deeper level is to conduct research, this could lead to more accurate analysis of it, and then better.

Then again, we have to take into account, that there is no such thing as objective research. Every psychologist is “with” his own believes, ethics and values, and one of the attitudes of people in the autistic community is that autism is not a disease, but just a different way of thinking, which should be approved, do not change to fit the norm. They do not need to change the world, but the world should change to meet them.

How could this be problematic? Well let’s say that the investigation was little to suggest that people with autism tend to be something that is classified as “bad”. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, “aggression”, if the study was directed by someone with autism, he could intentionally lead research in a direction that would release the result. In addition, the fact that people with autism different experience. Experience one person with autism may vary significantly when compared to the experience of another person with autism. This happens because autism is not “exist or not” disease. One can be more or less autistic, and in modern times people are very autism spectrum are now the exception and not the rule. Most of those with autism it mildly or light and vary considerably in their experience, so it could be if someone with autism would lead an effort he would treat his own experience with autism archetypical and that of all people with autistic spectrum disorder.

Of course, this is only speculation, and possibly a surplus of people with autism in research affecting their lives seem to outweigh the negatives, it would allow us to integrate both “inside” knowledge of autism with scientific objectivity, without sacrificing neither. As someone with autism might naturally fill his first-hand knowledge of the dry objectivity or scientific research.


From the eyes of autistic children


Have you ever taken the time to consider and evaluate what the world could look like when looking through the eyes of autistic children? You even understand what autism is? This is a nerve disease state where the impulses going to the brain are not interpreted correctly. There are different levels of autism, from one extreme of being barely noticeable and where it has almost no effect on the daily lives of poor people to the extreme to be so serious that the poor man can not sufficiently active in the world today, except in supervision or assistance. The very mild form of autism is sometimes known as Asperger syndrome, but it is not technically correct, as there are some differences between Asperger syndrome and autistic spectrum disorder real.

The reported number of diagnosed cases of autism is rising rapidly in recent years and the reason is unknown. Some theorize that it’s because we are more aware of autism community and are now looking at it, but others say it is natural that the number of cases to rise as the population of the population increases. It is mostly seen in children, and recent studies have indicated that up to 1 in every 160 children are affected by autism to some degree.

The autistic child lives in his own world or her. They have significant difficulty with verbal communication. They have significant problems with social interaction, even with their peer group and even by their own parents. The autistic children need to have a routine, or rather, has to be routine, and differs from the everyday life can cause anything from discomfort to severe shocks. The child will also intently focused on the object for a long time, even an inanimate object, with great concentration, almost to exclude everything else.

To give you a taste of the life of autistic children, I would invite you to read the article that was written as if it were the author of autistic children look at a day in the world of this kid with his eyes. It brings a new vision of how we as a society view of autism, as well as shedding light on how life is viewed with autistic children and how people who love to your child can help by understanding. Take time to understand how autistic children the world.


Autism Treatment – Leaky Gut, Part 3 of 3


I’m going to talk a bit more about the concept of leaky gut. I have already discussed the breakdown of tight junctions, or spaces between the cells in the gastrointestinal tract. As they begin to open, they allow food protein and other metabolic toxins produced by the yeast and bacteria. Also somewhat away from our food and water can also be accepted in our bloodstream with leaky gut.

treatment for leaky gut is not just one specific thing. However, some supplements proven effective to help leaky gut as well as general support for the integrity and health of the digestive system. One such supplement that helps it Probiotic. Probiotics such as acidophilus, bifidobacter and Saccharomyces boulardii, a type of yeast that helps fight any yeast in the digestive system.

Dietary intervention can be important in the management of leaky gut treatment. Diets like casein free, gluten-free diet, the specific carbohydrate diet and low oxalate diet all tend to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract that helps leaky gut. This reduction of inflammation allows the intestinal mucosa to heal and renew. Over time, helps create an environment in the gut less supportive for problematic bacteria and yeast. We know that people who suffer from genetic gluten, called celiac disease, can be entered from the surface of the digestive system. Over time, can also lead to leaky gut. However, the gluten free diet is followed, we see healing and regeneration of the mucous lining of the inflammatory process is reduced.

Other factors that have been proven useful in therapy, glutamine, cayenne and turmeric. Glutamine is a short amino acid. Cayenne is the herb that increases blood flow to the digestive system and increases the production of secretory IgA, both effective aids to treat leaky gut. Improved secretory IgA also improve immune responses against opportunistic yeast and bacteria as well. Another product is called turmeric, which is the active ingredient known as curcumin, is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. It not only aids in inflammation of the digestive system, but also through the body as well.

so the main things to focus on when trying to treat leaky gut are reducing inflammation with special supplements, control yeast, dietary interventions to reduce foods that are causing inflammation as well. And while there is no single treatment for all, many of these things can be very effective for the treatment.


What is Asperger syndrome and how does it affect adults?


Asperger syndrome is a development disorder associated with autistic spectrum, but at a much higher level of activity. Unlike those with autism, those with Asperger’s syndrome generally learn the same way average people to do, to learn to speak at a young age and eventually attend school in the same classes and the same age their peers. Like autism, however, those with Asperger syndrome may have trouble understanding social or communication skills. This often leads to the view that “weird” by those around them who are not aware of the disorder.

Asperger syndrome is usually diagnosed at a young age, but because those who have it are at a higher functioning end of the autism scale, it can go undiagnosed well into adulthood. This has been especially common in the past when the disorder was not well known and understood as it has become in recent years. Similar to autism, there is no cure and the exact cause of the disorder is unknown, however, it is possible to control the symptoms, including clumsiness, obsessive routines, and sensitivity to environmental changes. This is done through behavioral therapy, resulting in many adults with Asperger syndrome appear mainly “normal” except for the lack of social skills.

Lack of social skills does not mean that all adults with Asperger appear rude, but they have difficulty understanding social cues. For example, it is not uncommon for people with Asperger syndrome to share a deep passion for something, whether it’s horses or molecules. They may want to talk about this passion constantly, despite listener growing visibly annoyed. This is because they do not understand a sigh or watch watch means that the listener is indifferent.

Because of this fierce, many adults with Asperger syndrome end up leading to jobs that include their interest. It is not uncommon for adults with Asperger becoming CEO or other high ranking position, because unlike other workers, they spend their time socializing with others, but learn as much as humanly possible about their passion.

What is Asperger syndrome diagnosis criteria?

The Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale, also known as the ASDS is a tool used to screen for children who might meet the criteria for Asperger syndrome. This is a rapid standardized test takes only about 15 minutes. It is appropriate for children aged five to 18 years. Autism experts Brenda Smith Myles, Stacy Jones-Bock, and Richard L. Simpson ASDS first published in 2000.

The assessment is standardized and uses percentiles to give AS quotient. This rating the likelihood that a child or teenager has Asperger’s syndrome. The test takes behavior across several domains, including cognitive, maladaptive, social, sensory, motor and language. Behaviour addressed are the behavior usually observed in children with Asperger’s, as well as behaviors that are seen in children without autistic disorder. The test contains 50 questions, all of which are answered with a yes or no on whether the behavior occurs.

The Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale has appropriate administrative level B. It means that people who give ASDS will have a degree from an accredited four-year college. This part must be completed in psychology, counseling or speech and language pathology. The person must also have completed courses in test interpretation, psychometric, educational statistics, or measurement theory or authorization to suggest appropriate training in ethics and skills required to use psychological tests.

Defendant for ASDS can be one of the few people who are very familiar with the child refuses to try. Parents and siblings are often the primary respondents. Service providers of the child, such as speech and language pathologists, therapists and teachers can also act as respondents.

The Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale can not be used in isolation to provide diagnosis of Asperger. The ASDS is a screening tool to promote the chances of a person Asperger. The AS Quotient can be used to indicate whether a professional should further assess your child to get a public official diagnosis.

One concern with ASDS is that it has not been shown to reliably distinguish between Asperger syndrome and other subtypes of autism. Since the symptoms of Asperger’s also similar characteristics PDD-NOS and Autistic Disorder, a qualified team of autism experts will make a further assessment. This can help determine which subset of Autism Spectrum Disorder each.

A benefit of the ASDS is that it not only provides in its AS quotient, but it also gives points for each domain on the exam. Individual results in cognitive, language, social, maladaptive and psychomotor disturbances undirkvarðar can assist professional to determine specific areas of deficit and difficulty child. These levels may be particularly useful in the treatment plans and determine areas for further testing.

Results ADSD have other non-clinical purposes. They can also be used to draft goals for IEP or school intervention program child. The test can also be given annually as a way to measure growth and progress in different domains in person when diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.

What types of tests Asperger are available for adults?

As previously stated, Asperger syndrome is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by significant impairments in social interaction and stereotyped patterns of behavior. What distinguishes Asperger syndrome from other disorders is a lack of any significant delay in language or cognitive abilities. Asperger syndrome is not as easy to identify, and other diseases of the Autism Spectrum, so it is very common for a person with Asperger get a diagnosis as an adult, even if the problems began in childhood. There are several tests and evaluation designed to determine whether an adult has Asperger syndrome or any of the autism.

The ADI (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised) is an interview-based assessment used to ask questions about the parent, or if the parent is not available, some other person who knew as a child. The questions are designed to determine whether adults had problems with social interaction as a child, and to exclude other types of autism. The ADI is effective, but it is limited because the parent can no longer be available, and it takes about three hours to vote.

The AQ (Autism Spectrum Quotient) is much shorter screening tool used to identify adults who may have Asperger’s syndrome or autism. This device contains 50 questions related to the areas of social skills, attention switching, attention to detail, communication and imagination. Materials responds to each question with “definitely agree,” “slightly agree,” “slightly disagree” and “definitely disagree.” The answers to these questions reveal the extent to which the subject has features typical of people with autism or Asperger syndrome.

Another Asperger screening device EQ (Empathy Quotient), 15 items questionnaire used to determine how an individual can not understand the feelings and thoughts of others. While this is a very short evaluation that focuses on only one area of ​​development, it has a very strong correlation with the presence of Asperger syndrome.


Creative Autism Therapy – Mother Inspired Therapy Treatment


Throughout the years we have had Many wonderful Therapists to treat my daughter’s DEVELOPMENTAL Delays and autism. Yet, something I found That was more helpful than Any of the Therapists was the Interaction I gave the army. Do not get me wrong, therapy is wonderful … especially When you have the right one. But They are not with your child daily; They do not feed your child, Clothe your child or truly know your child more than you as a parent.

There have been some “therapies” I invented with my own daughter to help the army though military struggles of communication , language and understanding the world around army. Although it was never instructed by a professionally trained therapist, I honestly believe “our” therapy was more Powerful than the hour sessions she received during the week.

Talk though the animals :

My daughter has always connected with animals. To this day, she cares more about the animals at someone’s house then the person we are going to see. When she would not talk directly to me (age 3-4), we could talk though the host animals. Eventually she learned That Communicating with people was not so bad! Not to mention, it gave me a median as a parent to enter Into military world to bring the army out Into “mine”

Step 1: I would give the army a stuffed animal dog and I would have a cat. I would pretend the cat and dog were talking. Slowly she began to talk as the dog to the cat. Yet, if I removed the animals she would not talk. It was only when i had the cat / dog (or Any Other animal combination) she would Communicate.

Step 2: Once she built confidence with the basics of communication, I removed the dog from the army and I still think the cat stuffed animal. At first she did not want to talk to the cat but eventually learned That talking to the cat was also OK too. To have an army of talking about more topics, we would have animal Parties where I pret ended I was Many animals. We would have Parties where some animals got along, some did not. Some animals did not want to play, and some animals did not want to talk. She slowly learned how to engage in the world of social communication. It was interesting as she would have full conversations, show emotions, and thoughts during These animal Parties. What I also found interesting was Periodically, she would engage in conversation directly with me and gave directions or ask questions about the animal party.

Step 3: Then I removed all of the animals. At first she only wanted to have conversations about animals but slowly we Started to talk about other things. Similar to the party animal, I guided the army in conversation until she could Communicate. Our first “real” conversation about military day at school was age 5. It took about 2 years of daily Interaction though animals but eventually she learned how to Communicate with people!

Give me a picture

At age 4, I knew my daughter had a talent for art. I remember the day she Decided one night to start drawing a picture. She worked on the picture for hours and hours on end. I thought it was a little bit strange for a 4 year old to be so engrossed with her picture until I saw. She drew a storyboard of dots called the Dottie village adventure … That Although They were just dots … the expression and emotion of the pictures around it told me art was another way for her to show me the army world.

Therefore When she struggled with emotions and telling me how she felt, I would ask the army to draw me a picture. I would always know from military art, Although she could not say the words, this was how she was feeling. We would also use visual storyboards to show cause and effect to explain social Situations. Quickly I learned she was very visual and showing me pictures (or me showing pictures army) was another way of communication for her.

What’s the weather?

One summer When she was having major behavior problems (hit and bit someone), I asked the army to imagine in “pictures” what it felt like Before she did that. She told me there was lighting in her brain. So Instead of Focusing on the words of emotions, we Developed a code she could tell the teachers in case she was having an emotion she did not know how to explain. For instance:

  • Lightning – anger

  • Darkness – sadness

  • Sunshine – happiness

  • Foggy / cloudy – confusion

Of course I had to inform the army of teachers in case she gave the weather report They knew what she means. Little to my knowledge – her artist imagination took it one step further and informed teachers, “I see clouds and I think it’s going to rain and have a few lighting storms, so I shouldnt better sit down When she recognized she was beginning to be angry and frustrated.

The angry bug

Actually with Both my children, I Explained to themself anger is just Because we all have an angry bug. It lives with us and is with us all the time. Howeverwhole, if we do not take care of it, our angry bug can fly around, hurt others and hurt Ourselves. It can hurt eachother by “hitting” or by “saying mean words” as it takes control of our body / Minds. Our job is to make sure When our angry bug shows up … we stop, slow down, take a deep breath and try to control our angry bug Before it controls us. I try to rein force our jobs are still to control our angry bug though breathing, walking away or telling someone Their angry bug is loose and might hurt someone so hop away. I also Remind Them sometimes talking to our angry bug and telling it to calm down also is helpful. To rein force this principle I had the kids make a little angry bug creature. So They could envision this little mean bug When anger strikes.

The purpose of this imaginary game is to get children to recognize anger does not define WHO we are, but it is an emotion That happens. This emotion comes and goes …. but is apart of everyone and not something to be ashamed of. For my daughter – it was perfect as it incorporated military connection with art and animals. For my son of 3 (at the time), this helped Him imagine an emotion That everythin toddler faces. Of course, When mom gets angry … it comes back to haunt me … The kids say to me, “Mom, your angry bug is out … go take care of it”

In CONCLUSION, I have a strong belief That creativity and knowingness your kids (disabled or not) is the core of Any therapy program. Therapists Can only guide you but it’s the parent’s involvement That Can really make a difference. Hope you enjoyed These creative and differentially therapy Tactics.


Treatments for autism


The term “autism” covers a wide spectrum of conditions attached to it refers to a neurological condition that affects development talent. People with this disorder usually show difficulty communicating and interacting with others as well as to display uncommon behavior patterns, interests or activities. This wide spectrum of circumstances make treatments for autism very challenging.

This spectrum of symptoms can be quite a lot individual. In extreme cases, an autistic person may appear to be locked in his own world and even show aggressive behavior. But in most ordinary cases autistic person can adapt and function well in their social environment.

Treatment for autism has the best results if it is started early. This means getting a diagnosis as soon as the child shows unusual or delays in the growth trend of the age, such as the inability to connect with others while at the same time show the advanced options for something like mathematics and music.

Treatments autistic person can be multi-discipline includes aspects of diet, physical therapy, counseling, working with language and some drug. Possibly because each patient is unique, different results and so is some debate about what kind of treatment offers the best results. For example, some may opt for Applied Behavioral Analysis which involves employing trained person to work on a one-to-one basis with an autistic person for up to 40 hours a week and can be expensive. On the other hand, it’s Intensive Behavioral Intervention that can work one-on-one basis or in small groups. Before pursuing any particular method, and it is recommended that parents or carers research carefully placed the results of the various treatments. The Autism Society of America encourages parents to trust their instincts and continue thinking especially in the most severe cases of autism. The decisions they make can affect the development of autistic children and can dramatically affect their lives as an adult in the future. Therefore, parents or caregivers should carefully and thoroughly consider all treatment options available before deciding on one.

In search of treatment that will help someone with autism, it is important to remember that no idea will cover all the bases. A parent or primary caregiver comes to know through observation what are the strengths and weaknesses of the child. These observations can then be used in conjunction with some treatment to create a treatment program that is unique and specific to the needs of the child. Whatever decisions are, it needs strong determination to stay focused, sustained and stable. This may also mean that cultivate patience as the results may be the first.

Along with all educational and behavioral programs, there is also the option of some medicines that while no direct treatment of autism can help to reduce certain symptoms associated with the condition. Likewise, some families had good results in making the adjustment to their diet and adding certain vitamins and mineral supplements.

Since it is a recognized fact that there is currently no known cure for autism, parents or caregivers of research and gather as much information about autism and can enable them to make informed decisions about treatments for autism .


Is toddler Intelligence Autistic?


Autism, High functioning Autism, Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental Non Specific (PDDNOS) What autism spectrum diagnosis child get?

I understand that this is a very anxious time for you. You find out your child has autism, the disorder that until recently you may never have heard of. I also know that like many other parents when he was much younger, you felt something was wrong, but no one would listen to you. They said you were over-anxious or new parent and told to wait and see. Well you asked, and that’s how it came out!

There is no blood test for autism, not the MRI scan. Diagnosis is through observation and interview parent with DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).

A diagnosis of autism disorder is given when an individual displays 6 or more of 12 symptoms listed in the three main areas

  • social interaction
  • communication
  • stereotypical behavior

When children display similar behaviors but do not fully meet certain criteria for autism, they may receive a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder-NOS (PDD not otherwise specified).

Back in 2003 Ned bachelder father of an autistic son wrote:

“I’m not going to argue to have autistic children is a wonderful, life-affirming experience that every day is a new beginning, it makes me feel more alive. On the whole, it is wearying, grinding, frustrating experience. It means constantly reconsider, (usually) lower expectations and planning for the worst. “

I hope it does not have to be like this much longer. Autism is diagnosed until now, thanks to increased public awareness of parents like Ned and amazing charities set up to fight for the cause. It may be comforting for you though have become part of the statistics, 1 in 110 children have autism. Especially when researchers appear closer to finding a cure.

Now that you have your analysis, you have the answer to your question “what’s wrong with my child.” If not now, then very soon you will probably asking “What can I do about it?” It has been shown

Early intervention to be effective. Every child with autism is different, but often show a delay in gross and fine motor skills, attention, speech and language, and self-help skills. Parents inform awkward gait, difficulty mastering the stairs, and even fear and hatred of cutlery that your child continues to finger feed preschool years.

Many children on the autistic spectrum problems with chewing and swallowing, are picky eaters and diet due to limited food preferences. They may have a great need for oral stimulation, chewing and opening things long after their peers.

Early intervention is not to break the bank There are some simple things you can do now with your child at home to contribute to the success for the gross and fine motor skills, reduce ‘Stimming’ behavior and encourage communication .


Coping with autism meltdowns and Behaviours


What is Autism Related Meltdown?

child with autism can be very prone to meltdowns in private and exotic locations. Melt Downs can be described as a tantrum or a fit of rage because the child may be confused or stressed because of the loaded sensory input or exotic place and situation.

Autistic or ASD meltdown can be difficult to manage and can be very setbacks both ASD child / person and carers. It can also set ASD child / person and caregivers at risk of physical injury only response to the situation, event or even emotional currents.

To add to the drama of a meltdown in public places is always the audience and concerned individuals. It is only human nature to worry if a child / person is working in a way that can be perceived as if the person is in danger or in trouble. It would be a sad world if this was not the case, as recent events in China, where a child was hit by a vehicle and ignored on the street by passers by.

I remember when Isybee was just 3 or 4 years old, one of the first games that we had in a busy shopping center, environmental, light, noise and the crowd was too much for her to handle and she had a meltdown. For pedestrians it had seemed as if we were trying to hurt her or kidnap her, people were trying to catch and looked upset and worried, we felt like we had to try to explain that our daughter was autistic, however, the time your focus is on calming the child. Some even went as far as commenting on what we were terrible parents. We ignored them, although it still affects you.

Responding to an awkward situation

So how do you go about dealing with this type of situation? Everyone would have their own way to deal with such an event, and you need to quickly learn to not let another perception bother you. You could try and avoid outings, gatherings or where there may be opportunities ASD child meltdown, but at some stage you will have no choice and at some stage you have to accustom the child with autism to everyday life situations as possible to change their behavior by making them feel comfortable and understand what is happening around them.

One clever way we found to his audience and concerned citizens when meltdown or perceived disruptive behavior occurs by Miss leave a child with autism, is to hand out autism Awareness map gives a brief explanation of the why the child is in this situation. It can be a very effective way to communicate without having to go into verbal explanations and allow you to focus and deal with the task at hand – soothing baby

print your own Autism Awareness Cards

We made a Autism Awareness card templates that you can print out the card style and size cards. This can be printed out directly from the home Ink Jet or Laser printer IJ39 cards format that fits most word processor software format. Printing papers are available at every Office outlet. This template will print 10 business cards on the style sheet. See link below.


Autism Treatment – Heavy, porphyrin Testing and Treating Autism


In this video we’ll talk about something called porphyrin analysis. Research was done to identify what are called porphyrins was done for many years. These porphyrins are chemical reactions in our cells and they produce something known as Heme. Heme is utilized by our red blood cells in order to form hemoglobin which then carries oxygen. Heme also aids in detoxification as part of our lives. Heme is also affected by removing something called beta amyloid from the brain. Beta amyloid can accumulate in the brain when there has been exposure to mercury, especially in certain neurological disorders. As you can see, Heme is a vital ingredient for our body and porphyrin is important metabolic processes in place in our cells.

It was determined by further studies porphyrin metabolism can affect through heavy metal exposure. We know serious genetic disorders can lead to porphyrin problems, and many of them can even be life-threatening. Disturbances of porphyrin degradation can also occur from exposure to chemicals as well. But the connection to heavy metals is strong. We know that heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, mercury and arsenic can all interfere with this porphyrin metabolism. That is why the porphyrin analysis can be valuable as the one I use the most is from Great Plains Laboratory, offer other labs this as well. And so we will check if one or more of these porphyrin banner is raised. If they are up then we have good evidence that we have toxicity at the cellular level of heavy metal exposure. One example is copoporphyrin signal or CP, if it is raised we do not know how much metal is in the body. But what it does suggest is that there is some cytotoxic due to heavy metal.

As I mentioned back in the video, as a part of the above heavy metal test I do, I usually both a hair analysis as well as porphyrin analysis. So what this does give me an idea of ​​what hair analysis shows, whether there are elevated markers for very specific metals. I can see if it is the case with mineral transport or if there are various patterns on the fundamentals section indicate heavy metal toxicity. And then I use data from the porphyrin analysis in the context as well. If porphyrin analysis also re-raised, then we have a strong indication of heavy metal toxicity.

Then come to a decision about whether to treat heavy metals or not. Even if the tests come back normal, that does not really indicate that the child has had heavy metal exposure. At that point, the discussion with your doctor about whether to implement heavy metal detoxification treatment plan for your child would be necessary as the actual decision to do so is a clinical one. And in fact, we want to determine whether it makes clinical sense to start a heavy metal detox program. And many times it is and when we do implement a treatment plan that we see positive changes over time. Improvements can be in the form of reduced sensory issues, better attention, focus, less infections, better immune function, etc. I consider hair analysis and porphyrin test as a good screening methods. And next we’re going to discuss another way to assess heavy metal exposure through a test in blood.


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