Color: The Best Treatment For Autism



Autism is undoubtedly one of the most painful problems ever to face the family. The birth of a child is usually gleeful and most expectant of moments – unless the child fails to develop normally behaviors that will hang him or her to the world. In autism, there is no social smile, no need to cuddle or be held, seemed to be a reluctance in human relations, and failure to recognize caregivers. It seems as if the child is in the world of their own, so lackluster that you wonder if it has been born deaf.

Children with autism show a serious and persistent developmental delay starting shortly after birth and remain profoundly disabling all life. The child is uninterested in social relations, indifferent to human warmth and affection, and rarely notice the other children. He is unable to form peer relationships, rarely engages in play with children, and prefers solitary games involving other people only to the extent that they serve as a tool or aid. Older individuals with autism may be more interested in social interaction, but they lack human understanding and have difficulty respecting the boundaries of others.

person with autism is ultra-sensitive and rigid to surrounding changes and will require that the target continuously for just the exact same routine day after day for an entire lifetime. He eats only a few select foods cooked and served in a particular way at a particular time on a particular dish. He will be uneasy if any difference comes from the usual pattern.

Do not presume that the child may have autism if any of the normal developmental skills like smiling, walking, talking or communicating with friends take a little longer than usual. Most children will pick up and eventually do just fine. It is also not uncommon for normal children become temporarily fixated on one or two things, like eating from the same bowl. Furthermore, some children just do not inherently very affectionate and cuddly. This does not mean that they have autism. Autism describes a marked delays in developmental milestones in combination with high behavioral oddities and lack of communication skills. Social interaction in autism is so impaired that the child lacked significant interest or pleasure in relationships. Repetitive behavior patterns coming back for a lifetime, almost to exclude everything else.

Unfortunately, there are no treatments available that will definitely bring a child with autism from his shell. Treatments tend to focus on reducing harmful behavior and education promote learning and language development so that the child can operate to the best of his ability. Because of the wide individual differences in autism, special education opportunities should be tailored to each child’s strengths and weaknesses. A predictable schedule increases a child’s sense control. Got more information about Autism


Swing Therapy for Autistic Children


Most of us have no problem to combine all our senses. For autistic children (and adults), however, it is strong challenges. The processing of stimuli from the senses of sight, smell, sound, touch, taste, balance and body is overwhelming. Those who suffer from autism often pull to avoid over stimulation, or try to solve the input from the senses with self-developed soothing arrangements and repetitive behaviors.

A significant amount of occupational therapy for autism focuses on sensory integration through specially designed programs. Some of the greatest tools for sensory integration therapy for autism type diseases are various types of fluctuations. People with various autism spectrum disorders like autism, PDD, ADHD, Asperger, proprioceptive impairment and tactile defensiveness will benefit from using volatility as part of their treatment.

In addition, children and adults with Sensory Processing Disorders (also known as Sensory Integration Disorders), especially those with proprioceptive or vestibular dysfunction, should definitely have swings or hammocks treated as a crucial element of their treatment.

The benefits of the hammock can be twofold. Children who find the smooth, swaying motion soothing, will relax and unwind while using it. However, children who have vestibular disturbance will feel uneasy in the hammock and may initially object use. For them, Hammock treatment is more about getting back and learn to live with vestibular stimuli balance.

Motion swing restores balance in the vestibular system, provides proprioceptive input (deep pressure) and generally helps children autistic-spectrum feel more “balanced”. The soothing movement swing soothes, relaxes and increases concentration. Children who have difficulty concentrating on tasks such as reading or math, might find it easier to concentrate on sitting in a hammock chair, their bodies involved in soothing motion.

Setting up a swing in the home is easy and does not require a large investment. A hammock, hammock chair, hanging bag or treatment platform swing are relatively inexpensive, easy to find and do not take up much space. Making the platform swing from a hammock is easy to do-it-yourself projects, with instructions available in our blog. Put one in the room, game room or family room for child retreat or corner treatment for autistic children.


Teaching Autistic children


Any article with the title, “Teaching children with autism,” is going to be a very long! Even if I shorten the title, “Teaching Children,” you would expect quite a long read. The point is, with or without autism teaching child follows the same parameters. All children learn what we teach them and this is true both in and out of the classroom. Unfortunately, many parents (and I should hasten to add) teachers do not always recognize when this learning process is going on! I pride myself on building close relationships with the parents of the children in my class, but my door says, “Director of Autism” look of disbelief on their faces when I try to convince them that the fact that their child will only eat chocolate biscuits is not due of autism but they have taught him that every time he has a tantrum, this is what he gets. The challenging behavior when hopefully a parent decides to diet chocolate biscuits for 5 years is not healthy, is nothing compared to the challenging behavior will occur when he is 15 years old! Carrying out that the child is in full control is heart breaking.

The good news is that addressing challenging behavior early is the first step towards teaching the child with autism. Before learning in the classroom can start your child needs to be ready to learn. By this I mean that certain behavior to be present. Simple things like sitting, attention, keep your clothes on, handling toys or equipment appropriate etc are prerequisites to “teach” the educational environment. I work with children who have no language, no social skills or rampant and are autistic with learning difficulties. Challenging behavior in all shapes and forms, but we approach them all the same way. We work on, “First do this!” then “You can do it!”. It starts from the first day when we know something that the child wants them to take it away! Yes, I know how it sounds, and I’ve tried to think of a better way to write it, but I want it to be no misunderstanding as “Honesty is the best policy,” it is as it is! Believe me, for my children sometimes find what they want outside perception of their world can be difficult so to find this “encouraging” an important first step in the process to teach a child with autism.

process and the implementation of sound simple and it is with one condition … “You must be in line!” For example, if we want a child to sit on a chair to make a puzzle, or look at a book, or eat with a spoon, let them understand that when they have completed the tasks they will be able to play with “spinner their” “twiddley” or bounce on the trampoline (what is motivating them) Now the length of time that we expect them to go may be short, 1-2 minutes even, but graduation is the child know that they will get what they want when we get what we want. I make to get them to “understand” the system depends on the child. For some it may be an issue for others it may be gestures while the other will be a sign (but that’s another article!)

For many, this behavioral approach seems stiff and my soul without borders the world for the child with autism become increasingly narrow and limited. Teach a child with autism is not only in the classroom training and understanding staff. A child with autism needs to experience life like a child without autism does. To do this they need behavioral goals that do not come to them through the development of peer pressure, the desire to please, skills or follow role models. Because my students are non-verbal and does not understand the language that I need to take them out of the bus to the store if I want them to understand the “money exchange” of even the most rudimentary level. However, once outside the school, the wider community is less understanding of the behavior that they come under the umbrella of “bad behavior”.

As you can see, my article on “teaching children with autism,” is not long. My focus has been to find a way to start it, and as we all know, every journey begins with the first step!


Activities for autistic children


Q. Please can you offer activity-based suggestions and PE / games options for autistic children that they can do at home or at school. Looking at two age groups here 7-10 and 11-16

A .. Parents, teachers and other caregivers often so focused on educating and providing structure in the lives of children with autism that they forget that, above all, he or she is a child. Like other children his own age her autistic child wants to have fun. While some activities may not be suitable for those suffering from autism, there are a number of fun games to play with autistic children, many of which can get them involved with others or help them further develop motor or social skills than just focusing on having a good time.

Autistic children in the elementary school age range can benefit greatly from the track. Even children who do not verbally communicate with words can learn to hum along or play simple instruments, such as tambourines or whistles. Using sounds that are repetitive and with educational lyrics autistic children learn school lessons but also gives them an outlet for some of the sensory stimulation they need, such as yelling. Play follow the leader with the tools to help children focus their attention and improve socialization skills.

depends on how mature the child is, he or she may also not only be able to participate in regular childhood games, but greatly benefit from them as well. These activities, including tag and other games, you can learn more easily than you think. Stick with games in which the autistic child is not forced to have close physical contact with other children, it may be hurtful for autistic individuals. Also, remember to play to the strengths your child what he or she wants to learn. If he or she has a problem with yelling inappropriately, for example, encourage him or her to take part in a game of hide and seek may help curb this behavior.

Autistic children often want to be included in games with not autistic peers, and so this could help with the learning process. At home, focus on games that involve closer contact with trusted family members. For example, make it a game to get across the room without touching the floor. Perhaps the only way in some cases to go. Remember that every child is different developmentally, so stay in tune with how challenging the activities should be.

As the child matures, he or she may want to be involved with organized sports. This should be encouraged, but choose your sport carefully. Golf, baseball, and other sports that do not involve strong personal sensory stimulation may be better for your child than something like tackle football. However, be open to all possibilities. Be sure that the coach understands your child’s disability and is willing to work with him or her.

At this later stage of development, also continue encouraging learning activities. Sensory games work well to further teach these children, and as they mature emphasize the importance of appropriate behavior as you are playing these games. Using things like water balloons in games your child already enjoys is often as fun for children with autism. See also autistic individual has trouble seeing things from another’s perspective. Therefore, they may be less likely to enjoy games in which something must be kept secret from another person (like go-fish).

Overall, you and your child need to grow together. Remember that although he or she has many special needs, sometimes a child needs to simply be a child as well. Encourage play along with work, and realize that games and activities for autistic children can take two main factors, socialization skills for life and learning to enjoy playing with their peers.


Best Games For Autistic Children


Here are some good games console for kids with autism, Including free site games, board games, video games, etc. As you know, children WHO Suffer from autism have specific interests, at least one. Find out what it is and start from there.

1. The Wii. This game is all about movement. Auistic children make the joint movements as his person, it’s helpful for controlling his character. Plus, it’s simple, for there are very few buttons. Many kids with autism love it. It’s an fantastic invention.

2. Free site games


This website adapts to children from 3 to 6 years old. It can read stories and Teach sounds and letters.

autism teaching tools

There are some color bingo and sound matching games on this site page.

3. Computer games, such as Mysteries, puzzle games, or strategy games (Such as Age of Empires or Age of Mythology). They are fun and not as graphic as some video games.

4. Board games. Candy Land is a good one. IT Help children to Learn counting and tower Taking. The game “Sorry” Can Help kids with rules and number identification. Scrabble and simple Charades Can help with social skills, too.

5. Games for a group of students: “Around the world”. One student stands in back of another (Who Is Seated at his desk). You say (let’s say you are doing verbal opposites), “BIG”, and the two children WHO are “it” have to come up with the verbal opposite. First one who says it moves on to the next seat. Loser has to take the winner’s seat. Reward anyone WHO Makes it all the way around, or after howeverwhole Many correct answers works for your group.

6. Go fish. This game works on language, memory and attention. And it’s fun to play.

7. Try the Old Fashion tetris. Buy Nintendo DS at an electronic store and ask the saler for games That would not trigger a tantrum, games That are calmer.

8. Video game. Vice City and GUN are Rated M, Which is? The second Highest video game rating. Basically, it’s not a good idea for autistic kids to play video games with too much violence.

Good Luck!


Autism Treatment – Essential Fatty Acid deficiency and autism


A supplement group is very common for use in children with autism are essential fatty acids. Supplements can come in the form of cod liver oil or just ordinary fish oil and essential fatty acids have become a very important treatment for many children with autism because they serve to replenish the depleted fatty acids. And when I’m looking at a child, one prominent sign that could mean the addition is necessary is very hard, thick ear wax.

When a child has a thick, hard ear wax, which may give some indication of the destruction of essential fatty acids. Now most like diagnostic test for fatty position would take place so that we could asses the exact form of essential fatty need supplementation. It would enable us to determine whether the EPA was depleted or DHA or perhaps omega 6 oils lacking. Without thorough testing, you do not know for sure. There are labs that perform the tests necessary fatty Great Plains has test and other labs. And to determine the exact deficiency testing is necessary. We can make certain guesses about what may be missing in childhood, but it can not be right. But if you take your child to go to a doctor or a pediatrician and they have noticed that the baby is very hard, thick ear wax, your child is probably some kind of essential fatty acid deficiency.

A basic supplement program includes addition of some form of fish oil containing EPA and DHA in it. It can be a very good way to improve. And oil is usually very easy to give many children find it beneficial. Children with autism have the benefit of cold liver oil for a couple of reasons. They get the benefit of essential fatty acids of the Annex, but they can also benefit from natural vitamin cod liver oil as well. The average dose of cod liver oil is 1 to 2 teaspoons a day, many children find it very useful. Cod can also help with vision Stimming some children with autism. When supplemented with cod liver oil, some children do not look side as much as they used to visual Stimming is reduced as well. So thick and hard ear wax can be, from the medical side, indicate a lack of essential fatty acids. The addition would be appropriate in many cases.


Autism Treatment for children? – What is Sensory Integration Therapy


There are many different types of autism treatment for children, but one we’ll focus on here is sensory integration therapy.

Kids with autism have many sensory issues, but there is help available. Occupational therapists are able to use different methods of sensory integration therapy to try to address some of these problems.

Auditory Integration Therapy Helps Kids with autism

If the kid is very sensitive to sounds and noise, therapists can do something called auditory integration therapy. The kid listens to different tones and frequencies music, using headphones. These notes are prepared especially for your kid. The brain needs to adapt to hear these tones, so in this way, this process can actually, over time, change the way the brain processes auditory information. Therefore, this can make your child less sensitive to auditory stimuli.

Wilbarger Deep Pressure technique

Many kids are sensitive to touch, and often have trouble feeling the clothes, or have similar problems stark. These children can do well with a technology called Wilbarger Deep Pressure technique. Skin your kid is brushed with a special brush, in a very particular way. This stimulates receptors and nerves in the body and brain and in time help you withstand the sense of touch more. Please note that this should only be done by a professional who is trained in this technique.

There are also other methods of autism treatment for children who would fall under the category of sensory integration therapy.

Some kids are Under the arrow while others Over stimulate

Keep in mind that some guys are under receptive to sensory stimuli and having to do activities such as balance, spinning, running, rolling the ball to get a “to go” and start “feeling fine.”

Other guys are, however, sensitive to the detection information, and also to prevent it as much as possible. But it is the same that is the case, the activity, often called “sensory diet” that can help change the way the brain processes your kid sensory information. Activities that look like play, made with a competent therapist can actually change the way your brain your kid does.

Sensory Diet

There are many other items, often referred to as a “sensory diet,” which can help kids with sensory issues. Simply put, some guys under receptive sensory information, and need to participate in activities like spinning, balancing, running, rolling the ball and then get to go and start “feeling fine.” Others are too sensitive to this information and it is an activity that can help re-engineer the brain so that they can process it better. Often something that looks like a play can really be changing the way a child’s brain works.

Sensory integration treatment is important autism treatment for children.


Autism Social Skills


The problem seen in autism, and perhaps one that is most associated with traditional knowledge to make this series the problem of autism would link with social skills. As has already been suggested by scientists, the interested experts in the field, the easiest way autism is reflected by the subjects with the disorder to disassociate themselves with peer groups and even society as a whole. This traditional relations with the community, friends, peer groups, and even in extreme situations family problems social skills.

Indeed, with regard to social skills subtype of autism, it is perhaps the most essential focus of scientists because it is the root of the problem – at least in the external sense – of these people leave a better life and future. Social skills of individuals with autism can vary from case to case, but at least one thing in common that binds all these cases, the disorder is that it is somewhat difficult process for the interaction of these individuals with the community.

solution of medical experts studying the disorder is that a person would autism is linked to social skills therapist, be a problem and suggest that the male significant problem of autism is that there is difficulty in communicating, then it leads ultimately to people with specialized training may be able to help with the interaction of autistic individuals so that they may be able to be better integrated into society and have a better future for themselves.

industry for social skills therapist has been around for quite some time now because of the internal needs of individuals with autism to cope with the problems. Some schools that accept students with autism have already integrated into their department teachers social skills therapist and is also an important addition to education even for schools that are not specialized needs of autistic individuals. Such social skills therapist may be social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech and language specialists and even neuropsychologists and social scientists.

However, a warning for the parents, who would try to contact these social skilled therapists is that there is no official certification for them, and methods vary from one person to another course major contracts which follow under traditional training methods. For example, the teachers who have been trained to social skills therapy and integrated skills and have been employed in the elementary school level can facilitate group activities – games and conversations – with a focus on autism and their interaction with their peers. These activities are also dying in some schools and facilities in nonconventional places such as dining areas and playgrounds -. Or even garden

Individuals and families who are able to provide sometimes even higher a socially skilled therapists to ensure that such a development is not only available in the universities have also in the home so that it can be better adapted to environment for such an autistic individuals to learn basic communication methods. However, as we have already noted, the employment of such persons are expensive.


Autistic children – they need special foods in their diet



Are you aware that a major concern for parents of children with autism is their diet? There is no data on many fronts whether certain groups of food should be eliminated to improve the child’s behavior. To say this, not the kids get all the vitamins and nutrients needed for all around good health? It is known that 50% of children with autism have gastrointestinal problems that include, Crohn’s disease or colitis. So now, the child’s diet to monitor their behavior

Some conflicting reports questioning. was to improve in those with autism, from the elimination of gluten in their diet or improved toilet habits came on good behavior.

By removing gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye, and casein is found in dairy products, parents are reporting remarkable improvement in autistic children. The gluten found in grains pointed tend to irritate or exacerbate autism symptoms, as the body can not digest them completely, so undigested proteins and toxic leaching into the circulatory system.

A popular diet among many children with autism investment or gluten-free casein-free diet. There are those in family medicine who are skeptical, but some doctors and many in the community see the results and many changes in autistic children. Some better system has better eyes, longer attention spans and less aggressive behavior.

It can be difficult to wean autistic children of these foods as they are likely many a craving for them. It is proposed to eliminate the can and find a safe food favorite drink to replace it. Many autistic children are finicky eaters to begin with so it’s not always easy to find nutritious substitute for ice cream or peanut butter and jam. The safety and welfare of their children are extremely parents in mind so it is always advisable to visit your pediatrician.


A New Trend in Fundraising


Fundraising is changing

There is a new trend spreading through the hallowed halls of traditional fundraising. It is changing the foundation of how we can raise funds for just about anything or reason. It is to make it simple and uncomplicated and resolves many old road blocks.

Stepping back a few years

Before we talk about this new trend, let’s take a look at the past. In the old days we had organizations like the Red Cross and United Ways, which rely on the business, there are strong business leaders and wealthy patrons.

These business leaders knew the value of networking and never hesitated to go and meet other leaders in the community and ask them face to face, to contribute. However, as the number of nonprofit organizations grew, it took more people to help raise funds. Thus began a trend toward more “Event” style fundraisers like balls and luncheons. More events, more frequent, so that for every fundraiser looking for a gift for a specific charity, would be asked more and more to promote theirs events.

And, as the number of non-profit organization expanded, fewer were struggling to do more. If you plan always managed to “bake sale” or “craft bazaar” to raise money, you understand where statistics “10% of the people do 80% of the work comes from.

Changes will to come.

As we look forward into the new century and what is happening with fundraising, we see exciting changes. Of course, you’ll still find all the old traditional methods of fundraising, but today much more variety in the methods used to raise the funds required.

new fundraising trend today is quite different. It does not rely on any of the old ways of raising money. This new fundraising trend will involve network marketing a particular business or product to raise funds on a recurring basis, not just a one-time donation.

Before you click “Exit” button on your browser, you should read a little further. It just might be surprise and more importantly open a new financing resource for your favorite organization.

Fundraising with Networking Marketing companies

You will notice the terms often used are “direct sales”, “network marketing”, “consumer direct marketing”. Though essentially the same, MLM or multi-level marketing has a negative image and is often described as a well organized scam. Yes, there are actually some MLM programs that were scams, or pyramid schemes as they were referred to sometimes called. Yes … there are many scams and con games running, both online and off.

But … there are also many honest real businesses like Avon, Rubbermaid, Tupperware …. to name a few. They are real, honest and use this business model to market their products.

Because of these negative perceptions, many have overlooked the network marketing business as a viable alternative to raising legitimate money. And, as a viable alternative to raising legitimate money. And many will not participate in the modern legitimate network marketing company today because of these mistaken negative attitude. Do not blame a good business model for what bad people have done.

On the bright side, there are tens of thousands of people now who are successfully leveraging the huge profit potential of network marketing companies in their own financial gain. And many are beginning to focus on this same option fundraising efforts.

So, how can you sort out the scams from Real legitimate network marketing business? In the same way you decide which companies to open or what company you invest in. You look and find the right company.

How do you find the right company?

Of course, every organization has its own specific needs and requirements, but here are some of the key questions that should be considered before using these companies 😕

-How long has the company been in business

-Can you verify their business “reputation” … ie Better Business Bureau?

-What are your products or services? There have real value?

-Does the company provide marketing / sales resources?

-Does the company provide training and support?

-What value-added services company offering; and how much these services cost?

-is any “hidden costs” such as shipping and handling?

-Does the company understand and comply with your state sales and use tax?

-How responsive company will be should problems arise?

I have contacted many companies, both for fundraising and network marketing. Not just any network marketing company can adapt to fundraising. And very few fundraising companies can provide residual (a month by month) income from one sale of goods or services.


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