Checklist for autism symptoms


To put it simply, autism is now one of the most damaging types of neurological diseases known to medicine and science. It can lead to serious damage in three areas mature individual, especially behavior, communication and social development interaction. The disorder is usually diagnosed in the early stages of a child’s life, even as early as infancy. If you suspect that your child or loved one is suffering with the disorder, you should have a doctor examine them and run some tests to confirm this.

A checklist of autism symptoms

Any parent who is suspicious of their child or loved one’s behavior should keep track of any signs or symptoms suggestive of the disease is present. The following is an autism symptoms checklist that will help you and your doctor decide whether a child or loved one is truly afflicted with the disorder

o autistic individuals have difficulty expressing sympathy or understanding the other person is in need or concern with them indicating that they struggle with definite skills

o avoid eyes or difficulty interacting socially with other

o deficiencies or inappropriateness of using non-verbal and verbal communication skills

o hyperactivity or hypo-activity, which indicates extreme behavior patterns that includes avoiding contact, be very active, too passive, experience difficulty in the pasture or calming down, and show little or no response to stimuli

or not responding to hear names their being called

o poor imitation skills such as mimicking key gestures or facial expressions

o meet behavioral or environmental changes especially when it comes to allowing others to interfere with specific practices, such as the participate in multiple, stereotype activities and behaviors characteristic of autism

o inability to understand the presence of danger and respond to it because they are not aware of potentially harmful situations

or not to take engage in certain activities or behaviors that could potentially lead to the harming themselves like banging their head against something like cribs or their wall or scratching itself excessively

This checklist should help you determine whether you should having a baby or a loved one are examined and assessed for autism. After all, you do not want to suffer any longer if it seems that this is the case.

Help children, adolescents or adults with autism

There are now publicly funded programs available in every state for children, teenagers and adults to experience delays in their development which includes individuals who suffer with autism. You will probably need re pediatrician or physician to the institutions or organizations that provide funding for this. These programs usually provide behavioral, occupational, physical and speech therapy. In addition, special education classes available.

Finally, it should be noted that mounting evidence shows that individuals with autism can have a positive impact on diet and nutrition changes by taking certain minerals, nutritional supplements and vitamins. In addition, there are some supplements given to calm the man down, the most recommended ones being magnesium and vitamin B. Foods eliminated from the diet of a person are chocolate, sugar or flour.


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