Autism (ASD)


Autism is the most common neurological disorder affecting children; and also is one of the most common developmental disabilities affect US and Canadian children. ASD is changing the way the brain processes information affecting all areas of personal development

autism is a neurological disorder resulting in developmental disabilities. this affects relations between individuals, social understanding and behavior among the interests and activities. Autism is usually around the first three years of life of the child and boys are more prone to autism than girls.

No person with ASD responds or behaves exactly the same way as others with the same diagnosis, each individual is quite unique. There are actually five different disorders described with the diagnostic category, pervasive developmental disorders [PDD].

1. Childhood disintegrative disorder [CDD]:

This is a rare condition that affects 0.2 10,000, symptoms are severe loss in social behavior, language and play. These symptoms usually after at least three years of normal developmental period. This disease results in serious defects in cognitive ability.

2. Rett Syndrome:

This is of a rare condition that affects 1 in 10,000 and affects girls included. Back significant regression after a period of normal development. Severe language and mental motor skills and poor cognitive abilities.

3. Autistic Disorder [AD]:

This diagnosis more frequently and affect 20 to 10,000 cognitive impairment, deficits in verbal and non-verbal communication and social understanding, unusual behavior and limiting activities.

4. pervasive developmental disorder – not specified when [PDD.NOS]:

This condition is often used in 15 of the 10,000 people diagnosed; this is also called typical Autism. This situation is severe and prolonged impairment that can be found in some relationship or restrictive activities and interests.

5. Asperger Disorder – also called Asperger syndrome, and Asperger’s syndrome, AS

This is a common and detected 5 10,000. This condition can be mild to severe, together with social meaning, communication, repetitive, restricted interests and activities for cognitive and language development is delayed, however, there are failures in communication

early signs of autism :. (12 to 24 months) – children can only show some of these symptoms –

– can appear deaf because they respond unevenly or not at all sound

– “Failure to form” (ie the child is indifferent to the presence of parents)

– Is not that the point and Look

– Chronic gastrointestinal

– Self restricted / selected diet

– recurrences

– Responding to vaccines

– Difficulties reassuring the transitions (tantrums)

– often begins to develop language, they lose it or do not acquire language.

– Insomnia / wake up at night.

– Limited imaginative play

– Not interested in playing with other children

Many paediatricians and other doctors are not experienced in diagnosing autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and doctors fear that the analysis because they were trained to believe that ASD is incurable. Do not take the doctor’s advice if he or she proposes “wait and see” approach or promises that your child will “catch up”. If your child has a normal development and the equal, you should seek help immediately. As the child’s brain develops it is pliable and there is a window of opportunity for recovery at an early age, however, does decrease as the child gets older

See the following links .:


Autistic Clients and value Touch Therapy


diagnoses in the development of autism is increasing at an amazing rate, prompting many to wonder what progress has been made to find a cure. Since the cause of the disorder is still a bit of a mystery, this has proven very difficult for the medical community. Signs and symptoms of autism can vary from person to person, and may even change over time. Affecting millions of people across the United States, autism reduces communication and behavior associated with social interaction. Because symptoms typically first appear in young children, massage therapists can take this opportunity to help another part of the community in need of a therapeutic relationship.

Working with autistic clients can be difficult for a therapist who is ill-prepared. Because the disease can affect each person differently, each treatment should be custom-made for each customer; what works for one person may not help another. Try different techniques and technology is the only way to determine which treatment plan will be effective for autistic clients. The primary goal should be to increase the relaxation to be able to continue with a deeper massage strokes.

Studies have shown that massage therapy is significantly reduced severity of symptoms of autism, but many people with autism are unresponsive to traditional methods, which means that massage therapists should be creative when developing a treatment strategy. Regular meetings of massage therapy can increase attention span, relieve anxiety associated with social conditions, and may even have a positive effect on one of the most common autism symptoms -. Aversion to touch

It is important for massage therapists to realize the impact they can have on the life of an autistic child’s development. Learn more about this disease and what you can do to help normalize the behavior of autistic children.


Medical Treatments autism


What are the best treatments for autism? Regardless of which ones are selected, the overall objectives are:

A) make autistic person functionally independent and B) to improve the quality of his or her life. There are several types of Western treatments for autism. Here are some of the most common ones, along with some of their benefits and drawbacks:

1. Gluten-Free, Casein-Free at (investment) Diet

Certain types of diets (ie gluten-free and casein-free diet) often used to treat patients with autism. Objectives investment diet is to eliminate the proteins gluten and casein from autistic people

Features :.

Some clinical studies have indicated that the investment board can be quite useful in the treatment of various symptoms related to autism. However, it should be emphasized that the results are inconclusive at best

Cons :.

There is conflicting evidence that there is a link between autism and digestive disorders. In fact, clinical studies on the issue are quite contradictory. It should also be noted that such diets tend to cause new problems.

2. Supplements

Various types of supplements can be used to treat people with autism. For example, some research suggests that a combination of vitamin B6 and magnesium may be beneficial in fact certain symptoms of autism. However, studies conducted have been limited. Vitamin C could even beneficial for treating autism. However, clinical studies provided limited evidence that even high doses of vitamin C can lead to unwanted side effects. Omega-3 fatty acids are a popular treatment for autism patients, although clinical studies have not confirmed their performance to treat the disease

Features :.

majority of dietary supplements to treat autism somewhat milder side effects. This is certainly a significant benefit of prescription drugs, which often cause moderate-to-severe side effects because they contain powerful ingredients

Cons :.

Minimal studies on dietary supplements, to determine how effective they are in the treatment of autism.

3. Prescription drugs

Doctors prescribe several kinds of drugs to treat the symptoms of autism. In fact, more than half of all children in the United States are diagnosed with autism are prescribed certain types of drugs. The most common types are:

antidepressants, to treat as depression and anxiety disordersantipsychotics: narcotic drug used to treat psychosisstimulants: Drugs to provide improvements in the physical and / or psychological advantages people

Clinical studies show that certain prescription drugs seem to be effective in successfully treating certain types of autism symptoms, such as irritability, tantrums and aggression. In fact, the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a special drug to treat certain symptoms of autism. Other drugs prescription seem to be quite effective in treating autism, but the FDA has not approved it to treat the disease especially

Cons :.

Various possible problems may be caused by the use of prescription drugs to treat autism. One is that different people will react differently to various prescriptions, so it is important that doctors closely monitor how their patients respond to various drugs. Another possible problem is the Autism patient receives a dose that is higher than it should be. Another possible drawback of prescription drugs is a human-made materials they contain, which can cause a number of undesirable side effects.


Common Autism Treatments Reviewed


Autism is a developmental disability that affects both children and adults. Symptoms of autism are usually diagnosed within the first three years of life of the child. These symptoms may be more pronounced in some than others and will often affect both social and communication skills of the individual. When diagnosed with autism, a person can benefit from many different treatment programs and educational programs available.


Although there is no specific medicine to cure the symptoms, professionals, as well as parents have found that some drugs that are often used for other disorders will help to reduce some of the symptoms of autism.

For example, serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been used to help treat depression, obsessive- compulsive disorder, and anxiety. Through research, it is found that there are elevated serotonin in as many as one-third of those diagnosed with autism. Drugs such as Anafranil, Lenox, and Prozac may be able to reverse some of the symptoms of having high levels of serotonin, such as repetitive behaviors, irritability, and aggression. Some researchers found that autistic children may be more eye contact and can become more responsive to others when taking these medications.

your baby’s doctor may recommend other drugs, such as Ritalin to treat the symptoms of the child. The point to treat the symptoms of autism with drugs is the side effects of certain medicines. As with any medication taken, you want to inform your child’s doctor about any side effects you may notice. It should also be noted that because children with autism is higher sensitivity to drugs, dosage should be adjusted accordingly.


Many parents of autistic children, and experts believe that child adjust your diet and adding vitamins will help to treat the symptoms associated with autism. Studies have shown that taking increased amounts of Vitamin C will help reduce the severity of symptoms, while others have shown that vitamin B and magnesium helps with behavioral problems, improve their eye contact, and improve the ability of autistic children to pay attention. Experts believe that due to malabsorption problems in those with autism, nutritional deficiencies can affect the severity of symptoms.

Before the child vitamin program, your baby’s doctor should make food nutrition. This will help them to find out what your child is missing in vitamins and minerals to help to determine what they need and how it can help them.


Individuals who have been diagnosed with autism sometimes may have sensitivity to certain foods, as well. Some of these can also contribute to certain behavior. There are times when certain materials are taken from the child’s diet, it will relieve this behavior. One example of this is the gluten. Scientists have found that if autistic children find it hard to break down the peptides of foods containing gluten and casein, in diary products, wheat, oats and rye, this can cause upset of the biochemical and neurological processes in the brain. By removing these foods from your diet, it can reduce some of autistic symptoms.


Due to the wide range of communication and characteristics that are associated with autism, there are a wide variety of behavioral treatments for individuals with autism. Many of these behavioral treatments for children with autism are based on Applied Behavioral Analysis. This theory focuses on rewarding good behavior.

The main thing to consider in choosing a behavioral treatment program for autistic child is to understand the learning process. If your child is a visual, you may want to ensure that the program is set up to assist your child in the way he or she learns best.

These are only some of the treatments available for individuals diagnosed with autism. Because autism is unique in that the symptoms vary according to the scope and severity, you and your baby’s doctor needs to find a treatment program that works best for them. There are a lot of programs available for your child, however, one application may be wrong for one child and perfect for another. Before you start your child in any program, consult your doctor. He or she can test and evaluate the child to find out what treatment may help to relieve the autistic child’s symptoms.


Einhverfa – New virkrar meðferðar Techniques


Samkvæmt nýjustu tölum, einhverfu er ört vaxandi þroska fötlun í Bandaríkjunum í dag. Einhverfa hjá 1 í 110 börn og 1 í 70 strákar. Um 40% barna með einhverfu tala ekki á öllum. Önnur 25% -30% barna með einhverfu hafa nokkur orð á 12-18 mánaða aldur og þá missa þau. Aðrir mæla, en ekki fyrr en síðar í æsku. (1) Í 20 ár hefur verið 600% aukning í tilfellum einhverfu. Um þriðjungur til helmingur þessara einstaklinga mun ekki þróa nóg náttúrulega ræðu til að mæta daglegum samskiptum þeirra þörfum. (2)

Takk nýjustu tækni (iPad / iPod Touch) tímamót og spennandi lækninga tækni til að kenna ekki munnleg nemendum að nota talað mál hefur komið fram. VAST Autism 1 – Core (app í boði frá iTunes) sameinar bestu starfsvenjur, vídeó sitja og læsi með hljóðrænum Cues til að veita ótal stuðning við þróun orðaforða og orð samsetningar. Hvað þýðir þetta er að nemendur horfa einfaldlega vídeó af atkvæði, orð, setningu eða setningu sem talað, sjá myndræn og heyra það auditorily. Það er eins og að horfa á loka-upp mynd af einhverjum að tala við texta. Mikill tækni er einnig mjög áhrifarík í að veita sérhæfða meðferð til að hjálpa einstaklingum með ökutækjum áætlanagerð sjúkdóma, non-reiprennandi málstol, verkstol, heyrnarlausa og heyrnarskertra tala sínu máli.

Speech hefur alltaf verið erfitt fyrir einstaklinga á litróf. Meðferðir án orða nemendur geta ma verið: kennsla táknmál látbragði, mynd skipti og / eða rödd framleiðsla tæki. Að kenna verbalizations meðferðaraðilar reyna að hafa nemendur endurtaka hljóð eða orð frá fyrirmynd þeirra. Hugmyndin er að nemandi horfir á meðferðaraðila mótað miða orð eða hljóð og þá er reynt að endurskapa það. Þessi tækni er yfirleitt ekki vel vegna þess að áskorun nemenda á litróf hafa með augnsambandi eða horfa á andlit einstaklingsins. Það er erfitt að sjá hvernig articulators færa þegar hæfni til að líta á andlit er hverfult. Tækni, iPad og iPod, ásamt miklum tækni, hefur gert það mögulegt að í raun að sýna hvernig hljóð, orð og orð samsetningar eru framleidd án áskorunum augliti til auglitis samskipti. Nemendur með einhverfu mun intently horfa Mikill vídeó á tæki þeirra ókeypis frá truflun á persónuleg samskipti

Mikill Autism 1 -. Algerlega Videos eru skipulögð í stigveldi 5 flokka hefst með atkvæði og endar með setningar. Hver vídeó gefur talað miða setning sem er á undan með skrifaða orð (s). Hvert orð, setning og setning er steinsteypt og hefur merkingu sem hægt er að almenn og æft allan daginn.

Veita hið ritaða orð (s) mun koma í veg fyrir að nemandi frá merkingu mynd af froskur stökk sem “fara, “maður lá í rekkju sem” brot tíma “eða merkimiða sveifla sem” Wee. ” Ennfremur, það er veruleg rannsóknir sem benda til pörun mynd tákn með orðum getur raunverulega aukið rugl, sérstaklega þegar þeir tákna óhlutbundin hugtök, hafa margar merkingar eða þjóna fleiri en einn málfræði virka. . (3) Hæfni til að viðurkenna skriflega miða orð (s) mun aukast hagnýtur samskipti og auka kaup á lestur, skrift og talmáli

framvindu Mikill-einhverfu myndbönd er sem hér segir:

  1. atkvæði Endurtekning
  2. einasta orð Words
  3. Setningar
  4. Setningar

mikill Videos geta vera uppgefinn í fullri lengd eða aðskilin lagalista; þetta gerir meðferðaraðila til að velja einstaka miða (s) sem best þörfum nemandans síns. The verktaki eru að vinna að vaxandi á útboðinu í gegnum framtíð forrit og gegnum SpeakinMotion vefur-undirstaða pallur.

Áframhaldandi rannsóknir og fyrstu forkannanir benda til þess að nemendur eru mjög áhuga í miklum myndböndum, og mun nánast strax reyna vör hreyfingar eða snerta varirnar til að bregðast við gerðum. Eftir nokkrum stuttum vikum hafa margir nemendur sem voru í raun ekki munnleg hafin orð nálganir og orðið tilraunir fleiri fúslega. Kannski hafa bestu og mest óvænt meðferðarúrræði endurbætur verið getu nemandans að alhæfa færni. Nemendur í raun að byrja að sinna inntöku ökutækjum hreyfingum sem talar á daglegum samskiptum og halda áfram að læra ræðu í hefðbundnari, naturalistic hátt.

VAST Autism hefur verið ótrúlega árangri með eldri (18-22) án orða nemenda með einhverfu . Í tveimur einstökum tilvikum nemendur voru að reyna orð nálganir og tala nokkur einn atkvæði orð eftir eitt skipti að horfa miklum myndbönd. Einn af þeim nemendum greindist með alvarlegan skynjunar tauga heyrnarskerðingu og einhverfu. Hann var fær um að framleiða fjórar orð í lok fyrsta fundi sínum.

Orð um vídeó modeling-

A umtalsvert magn af rannsóknum hefur sýnt video sitja að vera hraður og mjög árangursrík ekki aðeins að kenna nýja hegðun, en einnig í alhæfingar og viðhalda þessum þáttum eins og heilbrigður. Video Modeling felur einstaklingur eða barn fylgjast með myndbandi af fyrirmynd að taka þátt í miða hegðun og síðan líkja þeirri hegðun (sjá auðlindir).


1. Johnson, C.P. (2004). Snemma Klínískar Einkenni barna með einhverfu. Gupta, VBed: einhverf Spectrum Disorders börn. New York:. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 85-123

2. Noens I, van Berchelaer-Onnes I, Verpoorten R, van Duijin G (2006). Verkfæri fyrir ábendinguna augmentative samskipti í fólki með einhverfu og þroskahömlun. J Vitsmunir Disabil Res. 50 (9): 621-32

3. Hatch, P. (2009). Áhrif daglegan lestur tækifæri og reynsla kennara á unglinga með í meðallagi til alvarlega þroskahömlun. Óbirt doktorsritgerð, Háskólinn í North Carolina í Chapel Hill.


Children with autism and anxiety: Glove Meet Hand


Children with autism and anxiety go together hand in hand, or hand in glove as my title suggests. If your child is dealing with autism is one of the symptoms of anxiety, plain and simple. They have problems communicating with and understanding the world around them, and this creates anxiety. Children with autism often play (sometimes hard) on what seems like fun events. This stems from the anxiety they feel from the event invading their lives.

Changes in life can be a HUGE source of anxiety in children with autism. It seems like a fun outing to a birthday party could end up in a major meltdown if not done correctly. Lets say for example that you know your child with autism will meet with birthday weekend. Early in the week, you may want to start showing them pictures of parties, cakes, children play games. If you have photos of people who will meet, show them then too. This will help prepare them for what they are going to be doing, so that relieve some of their anxiety, and set them up for success.

If you need to do it will be perceived to be a negative change your child with autism everyday life, here is a way you can go about it. Start just to introduce them to the idea of ​​change. Tell them “tonight instead of homework you can play video games instead, but just tonight.” This will show them that change is not always a bad thing, sometimes it can be good. Next try to change that is really nothing. Maybe have them do their homework at six instead of seven, before dinner instead of after dinner. Changing that is just change. Finally, go to the “negative” changes. Change one of the designated free or play their times chore time. This gradually reduces them to the idea of ​​change, reduce anxiety on the way.

to the overall long-term anxiety sorry medicine is sometimes required. Your doctor will probably recommend children with autism selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These are drugs like Proozac or Zoloft.

Every child with autism is as different as every other child so there is no one size fits all answer. You know your child best. If you go the medication route, be sure to monitor your child closely for side effects. There are many natural methods that you can try before actually using drugs.


Accepting Autism – Why My Child has Autism



Accepting the child has any disorder or disability can be a difficult pill to swallow. After all we are fed on a constant basis what our children should or should not do such an age, and are taught to compare them to other children from the day they are born. When you find out your child has autism, you realize that in a moment, your child will never be the same. The world shifts child. And so is yours.

Learning approval of anything is difficult. As a parent with a child with autism, it can be even harder. Makar will often blame each other when the identification is determined. They point fingers and blame, which will help no one, especially the child.

The first thing you need to do is to let go of it.

It really does not matter what caused the autism, or if it was anybodies fault. What matters is that the little one has autism, and need attention, love and care of both.

Fighting the incomprehensible things that will only be harmful for all is useless.

instead dedicate yourself to your child. For autism, the fight for a cure.

Do not let negative thoughts consume you. Pursue positive both your family, your child and yourself.

The next step is to remember that the child is still a child. They are still a little bundle of joy you brought into the world. They are still a cute little baby. They are not autistic, they are child.

Realize that the signal can be good. Sometimes the name calling problems is good. Knowing your child is autistic can help you take better care of them better be more understanding parent. Having label also makes it so people know how special child.

Take satisfied you are not alone. There are thousands of children across North America and throughout the world who suffer from autism. Remember that there are others out there that cover the same can provide comfort. Reaching out to others who have been there before is still a better way to deal.

There is and will always be hope. Doctors found every day. Research is underway a day, worldwide. There is hope that better technology and even doctors can get to help autistic disorder child.

Finally, remember all children are unique, whether they have autism or otherwise. All children are just children. Stop thinking about your child and different, start thinking about your child the only child. No matter what each child will be different. Embrace their differences and be understanding of them, and life will be better for you.


Simulation With ABA therapy teaches children to learn


For most parents, the idea of ​​teaching a child to learn is ridiculous. Parents who have never had a child with autism often assume that all children are born able to learn from the world around them with ease. The truth is that ABA Therapy is an important part of the learning process for children with autism, who are born without the ability to emulate and learn from everything they see.

Many of the fundamental parts of a child developed are learned innately for most children. As they see their peers and other people to do certain things, they just learn and adopt these rules and behavior. Children with autism do not know how to simulate and thus how to conclude and learn from others’ behavior. ABA Therapy using specific methods to teach children to imitate the behavior and actions. By using a system of repetition and reinforcements, children are literally taught how to learn.

road ABA Therapy works by rewiring of the brain responsible for learning. These nerve highways are often underdeveloped or developed differently in children with autism spectrum disorders. Because of the remarkable adaptability of the human brain, however, ABA Therapy can literally change these ways, creating new neurons and ways that allow these children to learn and conclude as their peers.

Whoever coined words that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery certainly capture the feeling of the parents who have autistic children. While many parents do not even notice when their child takes up a new character trait from the outside world, these parents keep it a milestone. For these parents, imitation is a wonderful feeling, something to truly cherish.

ABA Therapy is not a cure for autism, and no known cure. What ABA is offered, however the chance for recovery. Many children with autism spectrum have used ABA Therapy to help them lead quite typical of life, almost indistinguishable from their peers. Studies show that these skills follow children well into adulthood and working life. ABA Therapy has been a popular and common treatment of autism for decades and simple principles of fault simulation has created thousands of success stories of truly teach children how to learn.

With a track record like that it is easy to see why ABA is still the most commonly recommended treatment doctors, parents and school systems alike.


Autism – The need for research


Autism rates have skyrocketed and it is important that we see the causes. Unfortunately Autism research funding ratios dropped so far behind. Autism research now needs a good shot in the arm to catch up. We are talking about $ 1 billion in research funding now, just to pick up again and then match every couple of years until we get a handle on it.

Since many similar syndromes, which may or may not be entirely related, but are probably all have been lumped together now in the same area of ​​study and now they are calling the spectrum of autism disorders, this makes targeted funding little harder. Each one must itself be further investigated and it’s time we found a direct cause or combination of causes that are classified in the spectrum of Autism Disorders.

The exact cause or causes are not known and that this should be a very important goal for scientific research, we must know what is causing it, so we can stop autism or as one group put it; DAN! “Defeat Autism Now!” More research is needed and money drastically needed for the job. One concerned father, Gary Kühren, the heroic quest and love for his son will discuss later in this book, puts it very simply:

If one in 150 children were suddenly born without a left arm them, there would be immediate public outcry and instant demand for billions of dollars in research, but since this is autism and out of the public mainstream, it goes unfunded and unseen “

A true statement indeed and perhaps this truth is what brought about the search for writing this book. One recent study and survey showed that Autism affects one in three people in some way; In other words, they have a family member, relative or close family friend who has autism, so it is to keep up the funds for autism research? Are we to wait until this crisis, many of which are now know to call epidemic reaches 1% of the population, because there will.

Although Autism research received billions of dollars it needs now, the increase means that we will see 1% of our population with some distortion in Autism Spectrum hole under 10 years. The CDC denies that it is epidemic and strict definition they are correct, however, the explosive growth of autism has been like a lightning bolt through our society and also, the budgets of most school districts. Simply ignore this problem is not going to make it go away, that’s only getting bigger every day

Autism Inspiration :.

Diet Management Program for autism


Biomedical Autism Treatment – Does it Really Work?


Doctor Reveals The Truth About The Effectiveness of Biomedical Autism Treatment

What is Biomedical Autism Treatment?

The basic, short answer is this; biomedical autism treatment is the practice of treating the underlying medical problems That Can trigger autism and other disorders. Many people with an autism-spectrum disorder (ASD) have a very real medical condition That could include genetic susceptibilities, detox gasification imbalance, immune dysfunction, Nutritional deficiencies, dietary sensitivities, Biochemical abnormal ties and others. These medical Conditions Can become Causative factors in ASD Their condition. A biomedical autism treatment approach comes from the awareness That Autism-spectrum disorders for Many Individuals is NOT just a psychological condition with no hope for improvement or recovery, like some say. It is, Instead, a medical condition That has the potential to be reversed.

Does Biomedical Autism Treatment Really Work?

Yes … with a Caveau. Like Any Other therapy, biomedical autism treatment results Can vary depending on a number of factors. These include the severity of the disorder, the cause of the disorder, how Quickly you admin ster biomedical autism treatment after your child’s diagnosis, and how well you implementable the therapies. The results, too, Will vary form child to child. Some experience a full recovery with little or no obvious signs of Their disorder. Some children RESPOND only slightly. Luckily the big dramatic results Seem to outweigh the little Advances. The only way to see how well your child Will RESPOND to biomedical autism treatment is to try. You have really have nothing to lose, and the Possibility of a greatly improved quality of life for your child.

Can It Hurt My Child?

biomedical autism treatments are Basically Putting your child’s body chemistry back to where it shouldnt be. It is a matter of finding out what your child’s body has too much or too little of, and adjusting Those levels. This is done with certainties diet, supplement and vitamin intervention. There are no experimental drugs, or voodoo medicine. These joint therapies could be given to a child without an autism-spectrum disorder, and That child could see no difference in Their behavior, howeverwhole, the child WHO is lacking Certain elements or Whose body is making or RETAINING to much of another, could experience a dramatic improvement.

Why Did not My Child’s Doctor Tell Me About Biomedical Autism Treatment?

Unfortunately, there are Many in the medical field WHO believe autism spectrum disorders are only a neuro-development disorder and stop there. Some are unwilling to look at the overwhelming results That have been seen with biomedical autism treatment, simply Because it falls outside of Their education or specialty. The sad part is, They have nothing else to offer. It’s not like They are saying “do not do that stuff, do this Instead … They just say” do not do that “, without anything else to offer. Your child could benefit greatly from biomedical autism treatments. What really do you have to lose in Trying biomedical autism treatment … maybe a few dollars if the results are minimal. But what if the results are dramatic, like so many other children experience? Does not your child Deserve Such an OPPORTUNITY at a better quality of life? I urge you to get educated in this powerfulness therapy and to take action now!


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