Methods for parents of children with autism – understanding your child’s needs for routine


It is important for parents of children with autism to try to understand how the brain child of his works. This is often easier said than done, of course. The more you understand why your child acts the way they do, though, the more you can find ways to help them. The more you understand, the better your relationship will be.

Need for Routine

One of the most important things to understand about someone with autism is their need for routine. To an uneducated person, it may seem as if they are simply trying to get their way, or even to try to win another, but the habit is certainly an important part of the lives of people with autism.

Why you ask, do autistic people like routine so much?

world autistic person is filled with a lot of uncertainty and fear. They never know what is going to happen next. Autistic person has so many different needs that they have to fill. They become anxious and worried about a lot- it’s too much, I will have what I like to eat, I will encounter bullies, I will have enough time to compete the task, the lights too bright. So it is important for them to work, to have a kind of habit, so they do not constantly be in a state of panic and fear, wonder if their needs are going to be met in every situation.

Weak Central Coherence

A psychological explanation of the need for life is called “weak central coherence.” People with autism often difficult to generalize to other specific events and general events. For example, if someone with autism do well with tasks at once, in one specific way, one could not generalize to other, similar situations.

Therefore, they will not believe that they can also see these other conditions. The upshot of this is that it is constantly changing various parameters that keep a person with autism in the anxiety state -. And habits, and know what to expect, reduce anxiety significantly

Why can not my child see the big movie?

As parents of children with autism probably already know, people with autism get so focused on the details of something they can not see it globally. In other words, they can not see the big picture. Simply put, they lack the perspective

Because information is so overwhelmingly obvious that, people with autism can get very upset, when the details are changed -. Even information no one else had even noticed. They cling to their routines in an effort to try to preserve their peace of mind, and keep mood and anxiety levels of the stable.

Parents are both providing a safe place for the child to grow up, but also know when it is time to push them out of their comfort zone a little. For parents of autistic children, this is a difficult line to walk, but it can be done.


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