Autism: Overview


autism is a term used to describe several developmental disabilities. Such conditions include autism, Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder. The latter is used to describe abnormal cases of autism and is considered to be the most common autism. Symptoms of these conditions tend to surface during the first two years of life and are usually diagnosed around three to four years.

Autism is the best known disorder of the autistic spectrum. The predominant symptoms of autism are extreme difficulties with social interaction and communication, both verbal and non-verbal. Children with autism also may engage in repetitive behavior such as flapping hands or head rolling. Severity of the symptoms being very, and with proper treatment and medication child living with high-functioning type of autism can seamlessly integrate society.

Asperger syndrome is also characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication, though it is usually no delay in the acquisition of language skills. People with Asperger often large vocabulary at a young age and may be above average intelligence. However, it is often difficult for them to make friends and maintain relationships, as they are often considered to have a lack of empathy, or even be downright rude. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be very helpful in teaching someone afflicted with Asperger syndrome how to function properly in social situations.

Childhood disintergrative disease has different symptoms that usually do not begin to appear until after the age of three. After developing normal child in question quickly equalized, losing language, social function and motor skills. This disease is rare and is considered low functioning autistic spectrum disorder.

Rett Syndrome is also known as “Cerebro trophic hyperammonamea”. It affects mostly women and symptoms can be very severe. Physical characteristics such as small hands and feet are often present, and about half the people who suffer from Rett syndrome can not walk. People with Rett syndrome usually have no verbal skills and also suffer from other problems such as gastrointestinal diseases.

pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified, or PDD-NOS, is a term used for situations where the subject shows the difficulty in social development and communication, but do not meet enough criteria to justify an analysis of one of the other disorders autism. People who are classified in this way generally experience milder symptoms than the other diseases, with the exception of Asperger syndrome. Characteristics of Asperger overlap to a large extent the PDD-NOS, the key difference is that in cases of Asperger syndrome is usually not a matter of delay.

five administration autism have varying degrees of severity and prognosis. They can also be difficult to diagnose because of the huge commorbity with other conditions such as learning disabilities or epilepsy.

Regardless of the situation right treatment and medication is vital to ensure that anyone suffering from this disease gets to the highest quality of life possible.


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