Parents of children with autism – Autistic Children Need Schedule and understanding parents


There must be a tremendous shock when parents realize that they are the parents of autistic children – that is, they do not have normal children, but children require a lot of time and attention, through no fault of their own, for many, many years. Autism is a development disorder, and is one of a group of developmental disabilities known as autism (ASD), which is impaired person is the ability to communicate with others.

However, some cases, an autistic person has an outstanding skill, such as incredible rote memory or musical ability, and in this case they are often referred to as autistic savant. These extraordinary skills show themselves especially in music, mathematics, or drawing, and can be quite amazing. This is a rare case, however. There are some common beliefs that people with autism never express their feelings, they never smile or laugh, they never make eye contact, they never speak, and they never show affection, but this is not true, they are myths. It may be true for some, but certainly not all by any means. Studies have shown that autism is the result of some kind of genetic disposition, but it is way to complicated to discuss here. But it means that there is no easy cure for autism at present. However, there are ways to improve the lives of autistic children and their families.

Parents of autistic children will discover that their child copes better with life when their life is orderly and runs on a tight schedule. When it is routine, autistic child learns to expect certain things at certain times, and it creates order in their lives, but change this program can be very upsetting for them. It should be fairly easy to keep on a regular basis – meals at regular times, bath time at the regular time, and so on. Unfortunately, autism is a lifelong disorder, and it is not going to go away. The challenges of everyday life will change in focus as the child gets older, but they will always be there. This means that parents of autistic children can expect to have them live at home much longer than the normal child, and even as adults, autism will still be causing problems for them.


Autism: How can I help my child



The number of children diagnosed with autism increases annually. Autism, also known as autism (ASD), and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), is a disorder of varying severity that affects a person’s development, especially in the field of social communication. While scientists are not sure what causes ASD it seems likely that both genetics and environment play a role.

The amount of material is available with statistics citing alarming increase in diagnosed cases of autism in the community. The fact is that when the family, school and community entrusted the care of a child with autism, rewards increase exponentially. It is our job as teachers, family and community members to help each child learn the skills needed to communicate effectively with others. Family members and primary caregivers are often the first to recognize that a child is in trouble with interpersonal relationships.

symptoms of ASD and PDD may become evident during infancy and pre-school years. A very young child will often show difficulties or total lack of early language skills. With one year of age, the child can not begun to babble or point at things. With two years, the child can not use one or two word phrases. Often the child will have limited social interests and skills. He or she can not smile, can avoid eye contact, can become involved in repetitive actions, and may have very specific preferences and dislikes.

school age children often struggle with form and maintain friendships. The child is often difficult to initiate and participate in conversations. Other problems include the use of imaginative and play. Language patterns can be repeated and unusual. Often there is a fixation with special parts. Behavior and practices can last an unusually high.

Older children and adolescents with autism struggle often with peers and adults social relationships due to the inability to learn the necessary social skills through typical developmental stages. Because of the difficulties involved in gaining social skills as a natural development. Children with autism need help to learn appropriate social skills. Social skills that come naturally many children are not easily reached by most people with ASD and PDD. Children with autism need support in learning how to be sensitive to the feelings of others and feelings. They need to learn the needs and feelings of others different from their own

Social expectations also have to learn everything from one :. One communication, participation group, to learn how to relate to society as a whole.


Autism – the signs and symptoms to watch to see if you child may be autistic


An Autism Doctor helps you find the signs and symptoms of children with autism

Autism as a diagnosis is established with a set of specific behaviors. In addition, there are characteristic deficit language and social interaction problems. The important thing to realize is that no two autistic individuals are exactly the same – this is especially true with children. Every child and adult is an individual with their own individual wants and desires. Biomedical treatments for autism as a change in diet, adjuvant and others can help with many of these nuclear-related autism

Every person with autism diagnosis has their own personality that can come in a variety of ways. For example, one child can be affectionate, while another seems aloof. It’s the same behavior – one child can have easy beginning tantrums or aggression, the second child is calm and not aggressive. Various treatments can help these individuals as behavioral and biomedical treatments for autism.

Language is a major issue in people with autism. Some individuals are mildly affected and only show slight delays in language, while others have a complete loss of speech – which affect both expressive and receptive language skills. . Again, biomedical treatments for autism helped many individual issues language

Even though the severity of symptoms varies from person to person, which has some core issue is the categories below:

Language and Words Communication

* Complete lack of speech or very limited language development.

* stereotypical behavior such as echolalia. This appears to repeat something over and over again like a phrase from television or a movie.

* Difficulty starting or maintaining conversation.

* difficult to understand the sensitivity of communications such as humor or concern. Many people do not understand what is being suggested

Note :. In addition to speech therapy commonly used for these issues, biomedical treatments for autism can help with language development. I treat a child in my practice went from 30 words to over 300 words in 3 weeks with Methyl-B12 therapy.

social inclusion

* Problems with eyes, recognizing facial expression or body posturing.

* uninterested in sharing enjoyment such as playfulness with other people. Lack of humor appropriate for the age.

* uninterested in progress or the interests of others.

* Lack of interest in playing or engaging in developing friendship with others.

* Lack of awareness of pain some other, desires, or ambitions. Empathy is lacking

Note: .. Many biomedical treatments for autism such as methyl-B12 therapy and / or gluten / casein-free diet has helped many people – especially with better eyes and awareness of others

Unusual Behavior and Interests

* Abnormal play is common, especially with younger children. Many children focus on things such as toys wheel (spinning them continuously), or doors and / or rod (opening and closing them again and again). They have difficulty with imaginative play.

* Older children, adolescents and / or adults in general are busy with a certain object or substance. This can be seen as an obsession with computer games, maps, street signs, maps, etc.

* stereotypical behavior identified as rocking, hand-flapping, toe-walking. Many individuals will have excessive stems (aka STIM) behaviors such as finger-scroll, beating the knuckles on a hard surface, humming and more. Each person is unique in this regard

Note :. One biomedical treatment of autism that I have seen help, especially with vision stems, ie side glancing is cod liver oil. Also other biomedical treatments for autism Can lesson this behavior as well.

* Very rigid and need for simulating and consistent routine. This can be seen as obsessive. A common example is to drive to school or therapy sessions the same way every time.

These are examples of common things that occur to individuals on the autism spectrum. However, not all listed must take place with each person to the same extent. It is important to realize that your child may show rigid behavior and become easily frustrated with breaks in the habit, but has pretty good skills socialization and receptive language. Each person is unique and deserves individual assessment and treatment. Biomedical treatments for autism, along with speech, behavioral treatments and others are available to help.


Autism Treatment – Aggressive Behavior, Constipation, & autointoxication – Part 1


The question arises, why some children with autism exhibit aggressive behavior when they become constipated? Why do some of them become very agitated and irritable, often times they will lose focus, eyes and attention? But constipation is a concern for many individuals, including neuro typical children without loss of focus and attention. So, why does it happen so often in children with autism?

Pain response could be one explanation for the aggression associated with constipation. Often times constipation is associated with pain of inability to expel feces and that can leave a child very irritable. And in many cases the child can do without verbal and unable to express this pain in any other way. So, self injurious behavior, head banging and irritability can be common signs of pain from constipation.

autointoxication is another plausible cause for aggression with constipation in children with autism. Autointoxication is a process that toxins will be reabsorbed into the body instead of being out. Gut is a tube that runs through the center of the body and is a very big way we absorb nutrients into our bodies. Even though the gut our way to absorb nutrients, it can also serve as a seat toxicity well as also a vehicle for toxin elimination. Constipation blocks the body’s ability to rid itself of these toxins and they can be absorbed into the bloodstream where is pumped back through our bodies.

Certain toxins from pathogens like yeast and bacteria are known to cause imbalance chemistry. So when you add these chemicals to mix, they can cause all kinds of problems, including behavioral problems, the child is susceptible to neuro-chemical imbalances. Venous system, called Portal Venal system, is responsible for the return of blood back to the liver after it has been removed from the gastrointestinal tract. However, with constipation issues, especially the colon, the toxins would be incorporated into the normal bowel movements are absorbed. Those toxins go back to the liver and then they are sent back into the blood to circulate over and over, which can cause chemical imbalances.


Diagnosis of autism – what steps to take


Most children with autism diagnosed at or before age three. There are times when it is obvious that there could be a problem, and other times it can go unnoticed. Children with classic autism symptoms are more obvious. However, those with higher practice forms like Asperger may not show signs that are not so easy to pick up on. No matter why type of activity that children have, there are some things that are used in the diagnosis of autism that will take in all children. Parents with concerns should see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Parents are the first step in the diagnosis, but doctors can take problems before a parent. Evidence suggests that they can see as early as age one. A child with autism will be able to speak or communicate, if they do at all. They may be the spur or the stimulate the noise and action. They can play, and they can also use repetitive movements. Some children might also be super sensitive to touch and may cry when held. Others may have tantrums that seem to come from the things that other children handle well. Sometimes the smallest change in life can trigger a tantrum. They could also ignore the other, and can not seem to keep eye contact with someone they do not know. Many people have problems with delayed motor skills, and may appear to be very clumsy.

There are some things that need to be eliminated first. A hearing test may be one of the first things that were tested and the lack of a hearing may explain some of the behaviors and signs. A child could be without words because they can not hear, and this would also explain why they do not respond to sounds and other stimuli. Genetic testing may also be done to see if there is a different explanation for many of the symptoms of developmental disorders. A child could also be tested for epilepsy.

After this type of testing is done, and everything else is out, autism is diagnosed with behavior. There is no medical test that can determine it, and it’s more of a process of elimination than anything. Your doctor will study and ask for information about the behavior related to the child and determine what type of autism as a child could have, and how high or low activity they might be. The categories will be looked at are communication, socialization and general behavior.

parent who is concerned the medical analysis of autism as soon as they can. Most children diagnosed with four years, but some can be identified earlier. An early diagnosis means that the child can start treatment at a younger age, and it can improve quality of life. This is especially true for higher practice children with Asperger. Although there is no cure for autism, there are some programs that children and parents can use to help with communication and socialization problems. While it is difficult diagnosis to accept early treatment is best.


Stem Cell Treatment for autism disorder


lack of interest, less social interests and obligations are the main risk factors signal associated with the disorder. The general mind begins autism occurs in the womb itself, however, most children will start to show symptoms for 3 years of age. These symptoms may not be responding to their name or not point out things to promote their interests, etc. rehabilitation treatment approach such as better communication, physical therapy, improvement in strength, etc. are used only for the current treatment regime. Although these methods are only a temporary solution and not a permanent choice.

Autism is a disorder of brain development. Although the typical symptoms associated with the disorder vary, they are primarily difficulties in social interaction, problems in verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive unusual behavior. There is no one cause of autism that can be identified. Scientists have identified a variety of genetic mutations and environmental factors are responsible for the same composition. The clearest evidence of autism risk takes account of events at the time of birth, such as advanced parental age at birth, certain diseases during pregnancy, deprivation of oxygen, vitamins and folic deficiency etc.

Unfortunately, none of the current treatment approach could address the root cause oxygen deprivation and other inflammatory problems, if stem cells can. According to studies and clinical trials that are taking place around the world, doctors could now possibly say that stem cells can regulate immunological obligations body and reverse the damage. Stem cells are master cells of the body, which can vary in the kind of cells as and when required. This incredibly unique ability of stem cells has been exploited by the medical science to treat a variety of degenerative including autism. This stunning cells remain dormant in organ development throughout an individual’s life. Technology has done to reduce these cells from any of the known organs, usually the bone marrow or fat tissue. These cells are made in the laboratory for enrichment and can be re-infusion back into the person’s body. The entire procedure can be completed in two different phases, first, doctors stimulate the body to be ready for further action. This will allow the secretion of growth factors and cytokines to create a microenvironment that will help the resident stem cells to multiply and begin differentiation and the other additional dose of stem cells administered to enhance the process of synthesis.

Up until now many people are not aware of stem cells and possibly treatment, however, the Internet and scientific literature is full of positive benefits of treating problems of Autism .


Autism – The importance of facial expressions to autistic children


Part of the problem that autistic children face in the field of communication is that they are not at the facial expressions of others. A child with autism will watch you cry, sometimes even wipe the tears away, but for the most part, will not know that you are unhappy. A large part of most communication is body language and this includes facial expressions so the fact that autistic children can not understand this increases the difficulty in communicating.

There are methods where you can actually make some autistic children to read facial expressions and thus increase their own understanding of how people around them feel.

Repetition helps children with autism learn. By going over the same thing in different settings and at different times you are rooting it in their brain for them to pull out as needed.

You can make a list of different commonly used expressions and have it on a small card with a picture next to it for them to refer to the beginning. The most common a smile, sad, angry, laugh, scared and thinking face. This helps the child with autism reference to something.

Another thing you can do is to discuss it with them in a language they can relate, for example, “When you pat your puppy, you just smile, that means you’re happy.” Child identifies good things like patting your puppy, eat ice cream and other things that he / she enjoys being happy.

Then you can start to refer it to other people so autistic child will actually start looking for the face of other people to see what phrases they are saying for example, “When you throw food on the floor, not make your mom smile? “. When you do not get a response, you might say: “When your mom not happy, it is the face of your mom look like?” And then go on to discuss with autistic children possible meaning the face of his mother meant, angry, sad, etc.

By doing this, you are reaffirming that the child with autism that he / she can have more of an idea what the person is feeling by looking at the other person’s face. It really works twofold as it also increases eye contact and increase communication skills in autistic children.

Sometimes autistic child will increase this yourself by asking people whether the expression on their faces is really what they feel is great as it shows they are learning and start reading expressions for themselves.

long term, it will lead to autistic children to be able to understand and communicate better. This will lead to fewer miscommunications and more likely that the child with autism needs to examine not only their own feelings and be sensitive to the feelings of others.


Autism and Holiday Breaks: Design Vacation Activity Program


Detailed break from routine can be invigorating for many of us. That being the case, it is often reassuring to fall back into your own patterns of everyday life. Some of those affected by autism, however, have a very tough time to adapt to changes in their schedules and their environment. The generally strengthen the holidays can spark numerous behavioral challenges and can leave you wondering what happened!

While it is not possible to recreate the individual school or program of holiday breaks and long school absences, it is possible to help add a little more structure. Rigidity, on your part, is not the goal here (it is a holiday after all!) But most people with moderate to severe autism often choose following short activity schedule when available. A short program like this will likely resemble what he / she is in school; and therefore relieve their anxiety or frustration. Unlike a school activity program, holiday program can be composed of mostly fun or relaxing ‘activities’ with some education or chores related items added as you see fit. Examples of holiday activity program might look like this:

10:00 ….

Watch TV

Play Outside



Clean up your room

Empty Laundry

Practice Piano

0:00 Lunch

Note that there are advantages when it comes to leisure and chores / educational activities. Also, sometimes there are not any alternatives, such as lunch. Making sure that this plan is followed to a tee is not the goal here. It will add some structure to their day and (very important) give you the ability to add unsuspected activities like to go to grandma . These unplanned events have the potential to strengthen routine-break anxiety flare up. When these trips / events added to the active vacation plan in advance, it can help prepare the individual for this change in his life.

Although it is a good goal to help individuals with ASD become more flexible when it comes to the following (and not after) habits, this holiday schedules can really help in the mean time. Many of us (myself included) use written or digital system to organize our days, weeks or months. The digital era now provides any number of tools to help in this area, from PDA Smart phones, laptops, etc. My eyes were opened to this issue when I first started to teach students with autism. After a relatively short month and a half of summer vacation, I was preparing for the demanding week of teaching. After all, my students probably do not have many demands placed on them all summer, and now I was asking them to complete a number of challenging activities. In total surprise, most of my students seemed to enjoy the fact that they could now continue school habits and behavior challenges were low! Again, it is important to improve the periodic changes in practices that will help create more flexibility. Remember to have fun and allow your son / daughter the ability to follow routine that will help them adapt.


Autistic children Picture


Any family dealing with autism can tell you that communication is difficult, at best. My family was really struggling until I met Sheila, the mother of a child in my son Stephen Early Intervention class. Stephen had just been diagnosed with autism, and all the lingo and therapies were totally new to me. Sheila suggested Pécs-the Picture Exchange Communication System. Immediately, I was intrigued because it’s so hard to see my other children get frustrated when they try to include Stephen in their activities. Sheila said she bought the picture playback in bookstores and shops education, but I thought I would try to have other children my make photo cards Stephen so they could finally feel involved in his treatment and education, and learn more about autism, its the process.

The idea seemed so simple I can not believe I did not think about it, use pictures to communicate with autistic children. For autistic children, making images more sense than spoken words. When we speak, there is so much to explain the tone of voice, pitch, inflection … all is lost in Stephen. I was so excited about the idea that I stopped at the office supply store on the way home and picked up a few packs of large index cards and CD-ROM full of teaching pictures. As soon as I got home, I told the whole family about PECS, and everyone had to work on the video player. First we started with only a few key cards so everyone got the hang of the system. I learned all I could about PECS, autistic children, and photos.

Sheila told me to expect results relatively soon, but I will never forget the time Stephen really caught on PECS and showed me a picture of a drink when he was thirsty. It was then that I realized that living with autistic children is a two-way street: you think you are to teach them, but mostly, they really teach you. After I was convinced that the Picture Exchange Communication System would really work for our family, I began to do even more research and speak with even more professional. Some autistic children who have experience of PECS in early childhood do some recovery verbal ability, and most will eventually be able to use much more complicated PECS to communicate when they get older.

Now use the Picture Exchange Communication System to communicate basic needs and desires; we have also recently introduced a family plan using PECS. I spoke to a special education teacher and visit the classroom where Stephen will be in first grade next year, and I was quite pleased to see that they would be using a version of PECS. His teachers were impressed with my knowledge of PECS and Stephen mastery of the basic idea to use pictures to communicate. Go to school for a full-day is going to be a huge adjustment for Stephen (and for me), but since we started using pictures to communicate, he is comfortable with it and will be able to succeed in his class; He is already on track to significantly improve his verbal communication.


Autistic Spectrum Disorder


The word autism from two Greek words ‘AUT’ (meaning self) and “ism” (meaning state). It is used to define a person who is usually taken up in themselves. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have, in one form or another, inability to develop and maintain relationships.

The word “spectrum” indicates that there is considerable variation in autistic behavior from mild to severe. It is often called by experts pervasive developmental disorder. This means that it affects every aspect of a child’s everyday life

There are three components in the diagnosis of autism and a child with autism will show some or all of the following :.

1) Inability to use language to communicate with parents and other children. For example, there is a significant delay in language development or speech limited to repetition with very little evidence of understanding.

2) The child shows difficulty develop relationships with others. There will be a clear lack of awareness of others and reluctance to either make eye contact or maintain.

3) It will be difficult to pretend play and imagination. The child will prefer to be alone and play activities are often repeated

There are two types of autism widely reported. classic autism and Asperger syndrome.

Classic Autism is present when a child shows all three properties described above. The child also has a global learning in connection with the other their difficulties, have an obvious impact on all aspects of their lives. Classic autism is considered to be in severe end of the autistic spectrum.

Asperger syndrome is present when a child develops language relatively normally but after more than three shows unusual symptoms. The flow and rhythm of speech sound robotic, stilted and formal at all. Social aspects of language also present difficulties. For example, during the conversation interesting for the child, they may not recognize when others are bored or indifferent and persist with the conversation.

While these symptoms affect almost every aspect of the life of the individual, it is considered to be milder end of the autistic spectrum.


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