Common Autism Treatments Reviewed


Autism is a developmental disability that affects both children and adults. Symptoms of autism are usually diagnosed within the first three years of life of the child. These symptoms may be more pronounced in some than others and will often affect both social and communication skills of the individual. When diagnosed with autism, a person can benefit from many different treatment programs and educational programs available.


Although there is no specific medicine to cure the symptoms, professionals, as well as parents have found that some drugs that are often used for other disorders will help to reduce some of the symptoms of autism.

For example, serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been used to help treat depression, obsessive- compulsive disorder, and anxiety. Through research, it is found that there are elevated serotonin in as many as one-third of those diagnosed with autism. Drugs such as Anafranil, Lenox, and Prozac may be able to reverse some of the symptoms of having high levels of serotonin, such as repetitive behaviors, irritability, and aggression. Some researchers found that autistic children may be more eye contact and can become more responsive to others when taking these medications.

your baby’s doctor may recommend other drugs, such as Ritalin to treat the symptoms of the child. The point to treat the symptoms of autism with drugs is the side effects of certain medicines. As with any medication taken, you want to inform your child’s doctor about any side effects you may notice. It should also be noted that because children with autism is higher sensitivity to drugs, dosage should be adjusted accordingly.


Many parents of autistic children, and experts believe that child adjust your diet and adding vitamins will help to treat the symptoms associated with autism. Studies have shown that taking increased amounts of Vitamin C will help reduce the severity of symptoms, while others have shown that vitamin B and magnesium helps with behavioral problems, improve their eye contact, and improve the ability of autistic children to pay attention. Experts believe that due to malabsorption problems in those with autism, nutritional deficiencies can affect the severity of symptoms.

Before the child vitamin program, your baby’s doctor should make food nutrition. This will help them to find out what your child is missing in vitamins and minerals to help to determine what they need and how it can help them.


Individuals who have been diagnosed with autism sometimes may have sensitivity to certain foods, as well. Some of these can also contribute to certain behavior. There are times when certain materials are taken from the child’s diet, it will relieve this behavior. One example of this is the gluten. Scientists have found that if autistic children find it hard to break down the peptides of foods containing gluten and casein, in diary products, wheat, oats and rye, this can cause upset of the biochemical and neurological processes in the brain. By removing these foods from your diet, it can reduce some of autistic symptoms.


Due to the wide range of communication and characteristics that are associated with autism, there are a wide variety of behavioral treatments for individuals with autism. Many of these behavioral treatments for children with autism are based on Applied Behavioral Analysis. This theory focuses on rewarding good behavior.

The main thing to consider in choosing a behavioral treatment program for autistic child is to understand the learning process. If your child is a visual, you may want to ensure that the program is set up to assist your child in the way he or she learns best.

These are only some of the treatments available for individuals diagnosed with autism. Because autism is unique in that the symptoms vary according to the scope and severity, you and your baby’s doctor needs to find a treatment program that works best for them. There are a lot of programs available for your child, however, one application may be wrong for one child and perfect for another. Before you start your child in any program, consult your doctor. He or she can test and evaluate the child to find out what treatment may help to relieve the autistic child’s symptoms.


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