Treatments for autism


The term “autism” covers a wide spectrum of conditions attached to it refers to a neurological condition that affects development talent. People with this disorder usually show difficulty communicating and interacting with others as well as to display uncommon behavior patterns, interests or activities. This wide spectrum of circumstances make treatments for autism very challenging.

This spectrum of symptoms can be quite a lot individual. In extreme cases, an autistic person may appear to be locked in his own world and even show aggressive behavior. But in most ordinary cases autistic person can adapt and function well in their social environment.

Treatment for autism has the best results if it is started early. This means getting a diagnosis as soon as the child shows unusual or delays in the growth trend of the age, such as the inability to connect with others while at the same time show the advanced options for something like mathematics and music.

Treatments autistic person can be multi-discipline includes aspects of diet, physical therapy, counseling, working with language and some drug. Possibly because each patient is unique, different results and so is some debate about what kind of treatment offers the best results. For example, some may opt for Applied Behavioral Analysis which involves employing trained person to work on a one-to-one basis with an autistic person for up to 40 hours a week and can be expensive. On the other hand, it’s Intensive Behavioral Intervention that can work one-on-one basis or in small groups. Before pursuing any particular method, and it is recommended that parents or carers research carefully placed the results of the various treatments. The Autism Society of America encourages parents to trust their instincts and continue thinking especially in the most severe cases of autism. The decisions they make can affect the development of autistic children and can dramatically affect their lives as an adult in the future. Therefore, parents or caregivers should carefully and thoroughly consider all treatment options available before deciding on one.

In search of treatment that will help someone with autism, it is important to remember that no idea will cover all the bases. A parent or primary caregiver comes to know through observation what are the strengths and weaknesses of the child. These observations can then be used in conjunction with some treatment to create a treatment program that is unique and specific to the needs of the child. Whatever decisions are, it needs strong determination to stay focused, sustained and stable. This may also mean that cultivate patience as the results may be the first.

Along with all educational and behavioral programs, there is also the option of some medicines that while no direct treatment of autism can help to reduce certain symptoms associated with the condition. Likewise, some families had good results in making the adjustment to their diet and adding certain vitamins and mineral supplements.

Since it is a recognized fact that there is currently no known cure for autism, parents or caregivers of research and gather as much information about autism and can enable them to make informed decisions about treatments for autism .


Autism – Unexpected discoveries and Metaphysics behind the


Article Discover the site and print magazine publisher revealed that traditional views autism as a genetic disorder originating in the brain are changing. New discoveries show that autism is a potential neuro-inflammatory disease is also associated with the immune system and “gut”.

Autism, as you may have heard, is increasing at an alarming rate. So are many other problems, including those that nobody knows about until commercial products for medicines to control these disorders is shown on television. Is it a coincidence that we are held so many diseases and ailments? No. As we continue to pollute our bodies (and the planet) with increasingly toxic food, air, water, politics, cultural habits, etc, I hardly great mystery behind our exploding health crisis. In the piece I posted a few years distortions Disorder our country – disruption of multiple side effects – I touched on the need for us to begin to deal with larger health care (including emotional and mental health issues) that surely underly crises Our

Interestingly, the new discoveries in autism can open these doors. From the physical point of view, the pieces of the autism puzzle could open the eyes of the health sector to link seemingly unrelated ailments and possibly (fingers crossed) take the world down a new path and approach to medicine. The link between “gut” and autism in terms of Energy Medicine is very interesting and show a bit of information. The subtle or spiritual anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract is involved with processing emotion. Meta Physically speaking, in a society whose members have been largely liberated from one of the spiritual and emotional level, and where attention is often focused on the negative and destructive (which often makes people want to release), it is not surprising that the condition as autism and would appear to be increasing at this particular point

Look at this summary of the behavioral characteristics of autism disorder from Cambridge Center behavioral studies website.

  1. significant problems with social interaction – not paying attention to the other; do not play with other children; not repay
  2. significant difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication – grabs it is wanted or ways to get what is wanted; copies or Parrots words (echolalia); if have words, not talk
  3. significant problems in game development – uses only a portion of the toys; lines or stack items; no imaginative play
  4. very restricted, repetitive and stereotyped behavior patterns and interests. Can talk constantly about one item and repeating the same questions; may turn and stare at things; may flap finger or a piece of string; mouth or hit themselves
  5. highly resistant not move practice

If you read this compilation with spiritual sight, you will not see in it a description of how our society behaves? I certainly do.


Autism and Challenge Packing School Lunches


When children have only 20 minutes to eat lunch, food in their bags not only be healthy but also easy to eat. Compounding this problem, most moms who have children with autism also have in mind the texture, flavor and color of the checklist of things that can be added to the provision. Taking into account this down to keep track of all the ingredients that go into food can make this task seem insurmountable. If you find yourself in this situation a sense of surprise that you are not alone. There are solutions, however, and to find what works best for you and your child, and it may be time to re-visit some of the basics.

If at all possible avoid glycemic foods that raise blood sugar (glucose rapidly when eaten on an empty stomach. This includes soft drinks, sugar, sweets, juices, candy and refined grains like pretzels, crackers, bagels and chips. If it is possible to control the elements are consumed it is best to have a child waiting to eat this last negative effects are reduced on a full stomach.

Things that should be included are the things that have protein and fiber. Protein choices include eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, poultry, fish and meat. Keep in mind that protein serving size usually corresponds to palm-size consumer. For a child, this is usually 1 to 2 ounce range. Along with fiber rich foods (especially If your child does not eat many vegetables) is also a great idea. You can find a lot of fiber in these items, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds and grains. Pure guar gum is also a great way to sneak in fiber and it is possible to improve any investment recipe and also completely mixed with water and juice. Add at least one food that your child finds a favorite is a good way to appease a child but also they eat things that might not be so high on their list.

Something else that can be done is to emulate what fast food chains realized a long time ago … children love their food to bring trinkets and awards. With the addition of a note or a small prize (this can be as simple as a sticker, or a hair clip) for a meal that you will cause the child to look forward to meal time and nurture positive thoughts about eating lunch.

lunch child is not the time to try new recipes. Leave it at home with the family. Only what the child is already familiar with (even if it is not a favorite).

Try to bring 3 to 5 staple food that your child likes (or tolerate) that work well for school lunches. Consider making a menu with your child and send it on the fridge for all to see and explore. Is your child in meal preparation as much as possible, spreading jelly or count out the carrot sticks are great ways for your child to start taking responsibility for what they eat.

To finish it all you want to pack a small non-toxic hand sanitizer to lunch or put wet slightly soapy paper towel in baggy along with the dry one for the child to be able to wash up on their own after lunch .

* happy lunch made! And do not forget to visit the recipe section to find out more information about gluten, casein and get some easy lunch suggestions. *


Day Schedule Strips to teach and soothe autistic children


Schedule and Day cards are a great way to get autistic children to understand what’s going on day to day. It teaches them language and can change their behavior by understanding what is happening.

We found with our daughter and other autistic children as one of the main causes of the meltdown is when they are confused about what is happening. This often happens when the routine is changed and they do not know about it or understand why.

By communicating with autistic children, by some means, in good time, maybe the day before, of the expected date on which they will be unusually quiet even if it is a big change from the routine.

One way to find a relationship to the child is through pictures. Most autistic children are very visual communication. They see the world in pictures, mainly because they can not process sounds and written words.

Compics, PECS and Boardmaker were developed for communication with individuals with reduced or no language at all. They can be used for communication and ultimately for teaching language step by step.

day schedule strips are just one example of using pictures to communicate, but for us it was a big step towards teaching and communicating with our daughter about what to expect in the coming day and all amendments Her routine.

With this knowledge it was like she was a completely different child, willingly what was on the agenda, and adopt a new and challenging experience. However, if the schedule had to be changed then it was a problem to tackle.

time, however, we found if things change we would use the same procedure, only without as much advance warning, but it was just as effective in preparing her for a change.

How to make Schedule Day Strips

The strips can be made up of laminated cardboard or plastic with a Velcro strip along the front. The images are used for the strip are made up of either Compic, PECS or Boardmaker style pictures that have Velcro pad followed them behind. Streamer is made long enough to fit a sufficient number of images for the days events.

It is important to make the strips and pictures large enough to catch the attention of the child and make it easy for them to see and read. The pictures should have a word with them, even if they can not read as this will help to teach them words associated with the pictures.

How to use Schedule Day Strips

For each day plan can be presented in a series of events from left to right. The child can see what day it is, for example F Friday and what they will be doing during the day. This can slowly evolve in time, the child learns to read or recognize words, cards with words or short phrases only, describing the days events.

Now we have gone Isy use the calendar to which it refers to throughout the day to see the day her plan is. It’s great to see her looking and reading her diary and know exactly what is in store for her that day and the next day, such as the planned future events.

It is important to know when to progress from images with words to sentences and not done too early or too late. If done correctly, they will transition easily and smoothly by.


How to help children with autism


Having a child with autism, hearing that first diagnosis, or ask some of the early behavioral issues, for parents, can be a trying and often isolating time. Browse through the voluminous information about the causes, treatments, and treatments can also be very overwhelming, especially with no one to offer guidance.

To begin with, if you are a parent, or know someone who has concerns about unconventional behavior in their child, you should begin to receive help from a family practitioner. If the concern is noted for PDD / NOS (some of the symptoms of autism) or autism, family or parents can request that their school district provide comprehensive psychological-educational assessment that identifies the need for fine / gross motor, social -emotional, academic and speech language supports.

Evaluation can lead to many recommendations related services, namely .. and / or physical therapy practice (OT / PT), academic support, social skills, speech or language. There are a host of unique and effective techniques or treatments, to dealing with autism, although there is no cure at the moment. Educational interventions are essential for children to learn academic as well as social communication and cognitive skills, reduce disruptive behavior, and help them to apply new skills in individual cases and the environment. Applied behavior analysis, communication interventions, sensory integration, and music therapy are just some of the many different treatments and programs available to help parents work with their child with autism.

If you do not have access to local services or they are off-budget phone is another alternative. They are called autism webinars, which are online courses can participate in your computer or phone. On most webinars you can send a question to the experts live and they will actually answer your question for you. In fact, most of the questions asked by parents like you.

For all intents and purposes, a webinar is no different than in-person workshop or conference, other than the fact that you can attend a webinar from anywhere you choose, from your home or office, or coffee shop down the street . Webinars will last for approximately 2 hours and offer participants the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters. Previously recorded webinars (those in the archives), however, are not interactive, however, you can still listen to the questions, and the question and answer portion, at your convenience.

Some webinar topics that are popular are the Autism 101 Basics, IEP Strategies, ABA Therapy and how it is used in the home and school, Asperger syndrome and bullying and Classroom participation.

Autism webinars cover a tremendous amount of information that will help you navigate the social, educational, dietary, and legal waters world of autism. The first step is to search Google and Yahoo for the term Autism webinars and you will find several websites that have them.


True Facts about autism


Autism is a neurological disorder that often has a decisive impact on communication and social development of the people. Symptoms of autism often start before the child becomes three. Illness literally changes the way neurons and synapses connect and process. There are actually three different versions of autism, the autism table, each have their own issues and their severity.

first disruption of ASD is autistic. Autism causes back problems with communication and social skills. Another is Asperger’s disorder causes problems with cognitive abilities and language. The final item on the ASD spectrum is appreciated as PDD-NOS, which stands for long-term development of Disorder -. Not otherwise specified

What causes autism is still unknown. There are many speculations, but nothing has been concretely proven. There is some evidence that it is genetically based, but scientists are still not sure that it is caused by random mutations or a combination of genetic issues. There has been debate about whether environmental causes may be to blame for birth defects. In some cases of autism have been linked back to metal, pesticide or vaccine.

Boys are four times more likely to develop one of the disorders than girls are. Since 1980, the number of diagnosis has increased significantly. Part of this is due to new developments in the process of diagnosis of autism. Because this is difficult to determine whether the case actually increased or if the diagnosis has become easier.

Children with autism show symptoms like having repetitive movements, this can include things such as rocking or hand flapping. They could also be compulsive with things like rules, arranging things, or stacking. Children with autism are very resistant to change and can have meltdowns if forced to do something out of their comfort zone. They might also have a limited type of behavior pattern. This can display the become obsessed with a certain song, television show or a toy. Studies also show that 30 percent of children with autism spectrum will at some point cause injury to themselves, this can include things like pulling their own hair, hitting his head against objects, and picking at their skin.

Parents will often notice that there is something wrong with their child in its first two years. Children with autism will not develop at the same rate as other children their age. Ultimately, these children will actually cure development. Early intervention and treatment with cognitive therapy can really help kids who are dealing with autism, but there is no known cure. Some children with autism will never be able to function in society on their own. And on the other hand, some children respond to treatment so positive that they lose their diagnosis of autism.


How To Stop echolalia in autistic children


echolalia is the repetition of some kind of discussion that autistic children have heard. It can be repeated immediately or can be repeated verbatim later.

Examples of immediate echolalia was when someone asks the child, “What are you?” and the child repeats “how are you?”

This may include a complete discussion of autistic children have heard a conversation or a movie or broadcast.

It may not have meaning to them at this time but they just repeat it.

echolalia can be a little confusing when your child uses it all the time and then gets frustrated when people do not understand what they are trying to communicate.

An example of this would be if you asked the child what they wanted for lunch, hamburger or hotdog. Autistic children with echolalia would say hotdog as it is the last thing they had heard even if it was burgers they really wanted, they can get upset when presented with the hotdog.

echolalia is used by a child with autism as a means of word processing and storing words or complete discussion to further use.

It increases word bank and sometimes you could hear them practicing their conversations with similar tones or inflections in speech they heard it until they think they got it right.

If careful attention is paid when listening to a child with echolalia, you can find that in his speech, that there may be a link to what it is they are saying even in conversation and what the situation is that the happen.

There are ways to stop or significantly reduce echolalia.

Introducing autistic children by two teams, one that you know they will, and that you know they will not.

When offered two things with the child, put it that they will not last.

For example, if you know they will balls, but they do not like puzzles, ask them “Do you want the ball or the puzzle?”

They will begin to repeat the “puzzle”.

At any point, hand puzzle to them. They may get a little frustrated and make a grab for the ball, and at that point you would repeat the question “Do you want the ball or the puzzle?”

As you ask, extended the ball toward them when you say the ball and then extend the puzzle when you say mystery.

After a few or more of this, autistic children with echolalia usually is beginning to understand that they need to listen to what you’re saying in order to get what they want.

Obviously you’re going to start them slowly and do not wish sentences too long or complicated, and you just want that they get the idea that if they listen to your question and take the time to think about it, answer by mentioning what it is they want, they will get what they want.

Obviously success in stopping echolalia depend on autism that they have but you should definitely be able to reduce significantly in any case.

As time passes can be used in other more complex total situation and call a more appropriate total response from the autistic child with echolalia questions like how are you and what is your name.

Taken slowly but steadily, echolalia in autistic child can be reduced dramatically to the point where only an experienced person could pick it up.


Autism – Watch baby Slip Away – Part 1


“My husband George and I were delighted with the birth of our first child Robert. He was a lively, happy and lovely child. His was also healthy, thriving and seemed quite normal. Then suddenly … for about 18 months … he went away … “

Unfortunately, I’ve seen hundreds of families tell a similar story to the above. Whether they are a boy or girl, age three to 13, which is unique, with its own individual likes their football and personality. We know that biomedical autism treatment can help. However, they all have a story to tell. From all walks of life, backgrounds and nationalities, they carry the spirit and genetic and hereditary backgrounds of their parents and family of origin. What is common to many autistic children is the way autism condition overtook them. Often there is a pattern of autism – an event that likely contributed to the end of their analysis. I am going to describe to you the common pattern regressive autism that I have seen in my practice. However, do not think that if your child does not fall into this category they can not help with biomedical treatment of autism – all and every child, as well as teenagers and adults can be given biomedical treatments

. (NOTE: I will use “he” and “child” for either gender.)

harm Autism Child

This pattern of development is only an example, but many of the issues listed below are common to most regressive autism cases I’ve seen. In most cases, biomedical autism treatments are useful.

  • baby is born apparently healthy, either by C-section or vaginal delivery
  • No obvious point of delivery -. He may or may not have received hepatitis B vaccine
  • On. Age two months of the child’s first series of vaccines.
  • the first three to four months for a child diagnosed with an ear infection. Oral antibiotics are used
  • child successfully breastfeed for three to four months, then switched to the formula -. Usually soy based.
  • Other otitis media is diagnosed in around four to five months – again another round of oral antibiotics.
  • He starts eating solids for about six months. More antibiotics are given for unresolved ear.
  • Then four and six months of vaccines. However, he continues to develop normally. He is playful, seems happy and content, and eyes appeared founded.
  • Another course of antibiotics given before the first birthday due to continuous homeopathic.
  • At one year the child turned into breast milk or formula to cow milk.
  • He continues good progress developmentally, including verbalizing words “Dada” and / or “mama”.
  • ear infections and allergies become more apparent. More antibiotics are given. At this point, the child may be developing normally and nothing seems unusual. This is a common scenario with many children who develop recurrent ear infections and treatment with multiple antibiotics. Implementation biomedical treatment of autism takes account of these abominations the early use of antibiotics and dairy participation. In part two of this article we will explore more of the history of regressive autism.


What is autism and what causes autism?


Autism by definition is a psychiatric disorder that usually manifests itself in the form of communication problems, concentration difficulties and social problems. Children who show autistic features will not interact and play the way a typical child would. Years autism was incredibly rare and almost never in children. Studies have shown about 1 in 110 children are diagnosed with autism today. This number was unheard of just 40 years ago

Autism is a serious disorder called autism. some less serious in the same choice are pervasive developmental disorder or PDD, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, Rett syndrome, Childhood disintegrative disorder and Asperger syndrome.

PDD and PDDNOS mentioned when a person shows signs of any of the types of autism, but they do not exactly meet the characteristics of a certain type. Rett Syndrome is much more physical type of autism where loss of muscle tone is one of the first symptoms. A lot of times a child with Rett syndrome seem normal and develop natural at first, and then completely stopped and even lose some of their ability. The same is true of Childhood disintegrative disorder, the child will begin to subside after a few years.

Asperger Syndrome and Autism Classic are two prominent problems in Autism Spectrum. More children and people have been and continue to get certified more than anyone realizes these two diseases. But autism itself off really child and also shows much more physical Asperger syndrome can go un-noticed all the way to adulthood.

Children with Asperger syndrome usually have a lot of the same social and behavioral issues autistic child but will still be able to slowly develop good speech and appropriate behavioral skills. Most of the time Asperger suffering problems with social interaction and personal space. They also seem to cling to the practice and become very upset when they can not do them. But a person with Asperger syndrome is usually above average intelligence.

Although there are no definite answer for what causes autism, there are some ongoing research and ideas about what is autism. It has been researched and argued that mercury was once used in vaccines that fight bacteria contamination, has been the cause of autism. This form of the vaccine has not been used since 1990 after the discovery of damage it can do to people.

Another suggestion for the cause of autism is simply some genetic factors together with environmental factors. Again no one has been able to determine 100% what causes autism. When the question “what is autism?” comes up, it is difficult to answer. The overall distortion combines different problem that makes it hard to figure out.

Fortunately there are a lot of people out there who are continuing to investigate what is autism. With a lot of hope and a little luck we’ll soon find out the cause of this debilitating disease. Be aware of its existence is the first step in raising awareness. Kids and people throughout the United States and around the world suffer from autism and different diseases in the autism spectrum. You may know someone who suffers from one of them already.


Biomedical Autism Treatment – Gluten Sensitivity with autistic children


An Autism Doctor Explains Impact gluten On Children With Autism-Spectrum Disorder 😕

What is Gluten

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, kamut and spelled. Flour tends to have the highest amount of gluten is the most difficult for those who are gluten sensitive.

flour grain of choice for bread, pasta and other baked goods. The amount of gluten in wheat today is much higher than it was a hundred years due to hybridization and selection for doughy texture high gluten flour provides. Gluten can literally be described as the “glue” that holds together the flour.

While whole wheat and sprouted wheat are generally healthy foods, to persons who are gluten sensitive – especially a child with autism -. These foods can be a real problem

Gluten Can wreak havoc on the digestive system

hygiene of gluten sensitivity include skin reactions (hives, psoriasis, eczema) autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, diabetes), digestive disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac, acid reflux, ulcers), neurological disorders (ataxia, autism, add / ADHD), and others.

In some children, failure to thrive or tendency to chronic infections are also seen. The main reason that gluten can have such far – reaching impact is that it promotes inflammation of the intestines and other body systems -. A common problem for autistic-children

Food allergies and gluten sensitivity

Gluten Sensitivity cause increased food allergies due to damage in the lining of the intestine.

If you look through a microscope in a biopsy of healthy gut you would see the finger like projections called villi. Wants to increase the surface area of ​​our intestines enhance our ability nutrient absorption. Along the surface of the villi are hair-like projections that secrete an enzyme needed to digest our food. The gluten sensitive child, you see a flattening of the villi of the loss of the ability to produce the enzyme. Development malabsorption, nutritional deficiencies and food allergies are the result.

Gluten sensitivity can cause behavioral problems

Food allergies increase due to inadequate breakdown and absorption of certain foods particles. This may also be the reason for the intellectual issues seen in autism – including language issues, poor attention and focus self-stimulating behavior, etc. As gluten proteins interfere with brain matter. Behavioral are also associated with gluten sensitivity and autism, such as aggression, self-injury, and tantrums.

Biomedical Autism Treatment – Gluten Elimination Trial

If you suspect that your child is gluten sensitivity, or chronic symptoms that your doctor has no explanation, do a trial elimination of gluten for 3 4 months to see how the child responds. The remedy for the problem of gluten sensitivity is quite simple -eliminate gluten in all its forms. Gluten-free grains are available and include rice, millet, buckwheat and corn.


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