Parents of children with autism – Autistic Children Need Schedule and understanding parents


There must be a tremendous shock when parents realize that they are the parents of autistic children – that is, they do not have normal children, but children require a lot of time and attention, through no fault of their own, for many, many years. Autism is a development disorder, and is one of a group of developmental disabilities known as autism (ASD), which is impaired person is the ability to communicate with others.

However, some cases, an autistic person has an outstanding skill, such as incredible rote memory or musical ability, and in this case they are often referred to as autistic savant. These extraordinary skills show themselves especially in music, mathematics, or drawing, and can be quite amazing. This is a rare case, however. There are some common beliefs that people with autism never express their feelings, they never smile or laugh, they never make eye contact, they never speak, and they never show affection, but this is not true, they are myths. It may be true for some, but certainly not all by any means. Studies have shown that autism is the result of some kind of genetic disposition, but it is way to complicated to discuss here. But it means that there is no easy cure for autism at present. However, there are ways to improve the lives of autistic children and their families.

Parents of autistic children will discover that their child copes better with life when their life is orderly and runs on a tight schedule. When it is routine, autistic child learns to expect certain things at certain times, and it creates order in their lives, but change this program can be very upsetting for them. It should be fairly easy to keep on a regular basis – meals at regular times, bath time at the regular time, and so on. Unfortunately, autism is a lifelong disorder, and it is not going to go away. The challenges of everyday life will change in focus as the child gets older, but they will always be there. This means that parents of autistic children can expect to have them live at home much longer than the normal child, and even as adults, autism will still be causing problems for them.


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