Diagnosis of autism – what steps to take


Most children with autism diagnosed at or before age three. There are times when it is obvious that there could be a problem, and other times it can go unnoticed. Children with classic autism symptoms are more obvious. However, those with higher practice forms like Asperger may not show signs that are not so easy to pick up on. No matter why type of activity that children have, there are some things that are used in the diagnosis of autism that will take in all children. Parents with concerns should see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Parents are the first step in the diagnosis, but doctors can take problems before a parent. Evidence suggests that they can see as early as age one. A child with autism will be able to speak or communicate, if they do at all. They may be the spur or the stimulate the noise and action. They can play, and they can also use repetitive movements. Some children might also be super sensitive to touch and may cry when held. Others may have tantrums that seem to come from the things that other children handle well. Sometimes the smallest change in life can trigger a tantrum. They could also ignore the other, and can not seem to keep eye contact with someone they do not know. Many people have problems with delayed motor skills, and may appear to be very clumsy.

There are some things that need to be eliminated first. A hearing test may be one of the first things that were tested and the lack of a hearing may explain some of the behaviors and signs. A child could be without words because they can not hear, and this would also explain why they do not respond to sounds and other stimuli. Genetic testing may also be done to see if there is a different explanation for many of the symptoms of developmental disorders. A child could also be tested for epilepsy.

After this type of testing is done, and everything else is out, autism is diagnosed with behavior. There is no medical test that can determine it, and it’s more of a process of elimination than anything. Your doctor will study and ask for information about the behavior related to the child and determine what type of autism as a child could have, and how high or low activity they might be. The categories will be looked at are communication, socialization and general behavior.

parent who is concerned the medical analysis of autism as soon as they can. Most children diagnosed with four years, but some can be identified earlier. An early diagnosis means that the child can start treatment at a younger age, and it can improve quality of life. This is especially true for higher practice children with Asperger. Although there is no cure for autism, there are some programs that children and parents can use to help with communication and socialization problems. While it is difficult diagnosis to accept early treatment is best.


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