Autism Treatment – Aggressive Behavior, Constipation, & autointoxication – Part 1


The question arises, why some children with autism exhibit aggressive behavior when they become constipated? Why do some of them become very agitated and irritable, often times they will lose focus, eyes and attention? But constipation is a concern for many individuals, including neuro typical children without loss of focus and attention. So, why does it happen so often in children with autism?

Pain response could be one explanation for the aggression associated with constipation. Often times constipation is associated with pain of inability to expel feces and that can leave a child very irritable. And in many cases the child can do without verbal and unable to express this pain in any other way. So, self injurious behavior, head banging and irritability can be common signs of pain from constipation.

autointoxication is another plausible cause for aggression with constipation in children with autism. Autointoxication is a process that toxins will be reabsorbed into the body instead of being out. Gut is a tube that runs through the center of the body and is a very big way we absorb nutrients into our bodies. Even though the gut our way to absorb nutrients, it can also serve as a seat toxicity well as also a vehicle for toxin elimination. Constipation blocks the body’s ability to rid itself of these toxins and they can be absorbed into the bloodstream where is pumped back through our bodies.

Certain toxins from pathogens like yeast and bacteria are known to cause imbalance chemistry. So when you add these chemicals to mix, they can cause all kinds of problems, including behavioral problems, the child is susceptible to neuro-chemical imbalances. Venous system, called Portal Venal system, is responsible for the return of blood back to the liver after it has been removed from the gastrointestinal tract. However, with constipation issues, especially the colon, the toxins would be incorporated into the normal bowel movements are absorbed. Those toxins go back to the liver and then they are sent back into the blood to circulate over and over, which can cause chemical imbalances.


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