Autistic Spectrum Disorder


The word autism from two Greek words ‘AUT’ (meaning self) and “ism” (meaning state). It is used to define a person who is usually taken up in themselves. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have, in one form or another, inability to develop and maintain relationships.

The word “spectrum” indicates that there is considerable variation in autistic behavior from mild to severe. It is often called by experts pervasive developmental disorder. This means that it affects every aspect of a child’s everyday life

There are three components in the diagnosis of autism and a child with autism will show some or all of the following :.

1) Inability to use language to communicate with parents and other children. For example, there is a significant delay in language development or speech limited to repetition with very little evidence of understanding.

2) The child shows difficulty develop relationships with others. There will be a clear lack of awareness of others and reluctance to either make eye contact or maintain.

3) It will be difficult to pretend play and imagination. The child will prefer to be alone and play activities are often repeated

There are two types of autism widely reported. classic autism and Asperger syndrome.

Classic Autism is present when a child shows all three properties described above. The child also has a global learning in connection with the other their difficulties, have an obvious impact on all aspects of their lives. Classic autism is considered to be in severe end of the autistic spectrum.

Asperger syndrome is present when a child develops language relatively normally but after more than three shows unusual symptoms. The flow and rhythm of speech sound robotic, stilted and formal at all. Social aspects of language also present difficulties. For example, during the conversation interesting for the child, they may not recognize when others are bored or indifferent and persist with the conversation.

While these symptoms affect almost every aspect of the life of the individual, it is considered to be milder end of the autistic spectrum.


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