What is the difference apraxia and autism?


apraxia and autism are two completely different neurological disorders that can occur in a child independently, or together in the same child. While the symptoms of autism can affect and reduce many different systems, behavior and thought patterns, apraxia occurs when a child struggles to organize and implement a voluntary exercise.

In terms of gross motor skills, apraxia can affect a child’s ability to stand up, sit in a chair or catch balls and fine motor skills, a child may not be able to zip up jacket, button a shirt, write print or even point of the object.

Children with apraxia may also struggle to produce sound patterns to make words, or even coordinate the various methods of speech to make the individual speech sounds like the difference between “g” and “B” sound or buzz that ” m “sound. Even when the music is built, a child with apraxia may not be able to emulate the same sound.

However, though these may also go to autism, there are important differences between the two conditions. For example, when a child has only apraxia there is only motor activity and not social and emotional skills that are affected, as is often not the case with autism.

apraxia and autism can be difficult to tell one another when the child is exhibiting symptoms of verbal apraxia (officially known as oral-motor apraxia). The reason for this is that children with either condition can be very aware of their struggle to communicate with words, and that they can choose to avoid having to talk about staying away from social situations. However, in the case of verbal apraxia, if you play with your child and does not require a speech from him or her, you may find that they start to play an active and engaged in another game.

child usually experienced relief from being able to socialize and interact with others without having to talk, which is frustrating for them and can create a fear of failure. Often with these kids, when they get to choose the type of play and allowed to leave without talking, relief and comfort they feel can make them more accessible to accept the slow introduction of new sound and picture, which may finally arrive simple words in their favorite games and play. Motivation to vocalize or verbalize should be gentle both apraxia and autism, and should be gradual, tailored to speed rather than a plan.

In both motor apraxia and autism, show children social communication problems, but in the case of motor apraxia, this is usually because they are not always able to perform physical activity that allows them access to others. However, motor apraxia will not usually make the child want to avoid social interaction altogether, so as not to make eye contact, or particularly to move away from other people.

It is easy to see why there is so much confusion between apraxia and autism. Especially considering children with these conditions can also both exhibition shows signs of activity to perception. However, there are differences between the two and it is important to talk to your doctor or specialist if you are not sure. Your doctor will be able to determine the conditions under which the child may have, or if they are present.


Autism Treatment – Clostridia & Regression


There is an issue with the regression that comes up often in my work. Oftentimes, this regression will be in accordance with the use of antibacterial or antifungal by, and rather than improving, you see regression. Antifungals can be prescriptions as nystatin, Diflucan or Nizoral or herbal products as oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, etc. If you see a worsening of behavior along the lines of irritability, aggression, self-injury or withdrawal, you may be seeing signs of an underlying bacterial problem .

common bacteria that many children on the autism deal with is called Clostridia. There are many species of Clostridia bacteria, a type called Clostridia dificil and can actually cause a form of inflammatory bowel disease. When we talk about these negative behavioral changes and regression, we are not talking about this type. Although this model can produce some toxic substances that could contribute to this negative behavior, but we are actually talking about a broad family Clostridia rather special form.

Great Plains Labs has two testing called organic acid testing and Microbial Organic Acid Test that look special yeast and Clostridia bacteria signals. HPHPA is Clostridia signs and metabolic toxins that are picked up on the tests. There metabolic poison appears to interfere with the brain, which then can manifest in some of the behavioral issues that we see with the kids on the spectrum.

Yeasts and Clostridia survive in competition with each other in the gastrointestinal tract. So that is why we often see a regression using antifungal. If you do not treat them both at the same time, when one is lower then the other can blossom. So if you are treating yeast overgrowth without also treating Clostridia overgrowth, Clostridia may deteriorate because it has less competition from yeast that is dying. You can also have increased Clostridia by the use of antibiotics that can kill off beneficial bacteria in the gut that makes more growth opportunity for Clostridia. If you see a regression in your child after a course of antibiotics or antifungal agents, it may be wise to look into whether Clostridia overgrowth is the cause.


Take autism test before its too late


During the youthful period generally individuals increase aptitude to appreciate how people around them reflect. Tracking your eyes from near birth and completely have the ability to predict outside of brain performance by age 4 are some of the normal children develop. Since the mind is modular and weakness often counterbalances our strength and it is very normal for autistic people to be scientifically reliable and extremely fragile at the municipality.

As one continues to interpret from start to finish in the books on the development of the mind and autism as the famous title Mind Wide Open, Steven Berlin Johnson is discussed at the highest level of eye tests and how some can hastily leave attitude in addition to just fleeting look at the eyes. Non-autistic individuals have amygdale their light up when they try to shape what attitude an additional set of eyes show. If one begins with a preliminary response that they are just the general term. Instant guess and the inspection almost indefinitely shows the way to the wrong answers.

Autistic do not have these similar features surrounded by amygdale and are forced to use Neo cortex to reduce prototypes recognition in others – to understand what the different translated. The difficulty is that this is really an achievement provides false consequences for others. When talking about autism testing, what you’re going to get the quotient, which measures through a series of tests, which debilitative strength autism in mind. This is called autism quotient. Psychologist around the world have conducted tests on the well-known colleges and what they actually use measuring autism disorder level in any newly created autism spectrum ratio also named as AQ, the way to measure just how severe autistic symptoms in adults.

The normal score for this would usually between 15-17 and this would count you as usual. People with autism would usually get a score of 32 or even higher. While the test is there and is effective, it does not make a diagnosis, and it is not necessary available. The thing about autism is that you need to be able to spot it early and when you can do this, you will be able to enter the child into treatment that will address this disorder and put him or her on the road to recovery . Most psychologists and child experts recommend that if you find something abusive speech with your child, or if you find that he or she is too isolated and unable to perform in some social situations, what you need to do is put it through autism test and put the child in the care of psychologists as early as possible. Take autism test before its too late, especially when you have a strong suspicion that your child has autism or other developmental disorders.


The benefits of animal therapy for autism


For those of us who have had pets in our lives, it is no great surprise to learn that interaction with animals can have a therapeutic and healing benefits. Many animals calm, comfort and calm, just a quiet presence. And animals are now used as a form of treatment of autism.

A New Mexico Highlands University School of Social Work graduate student named Jennifer Baron lead the research to learn about the advantages and benefits of animal-assisted therapy on children with autism when used as a therapeutic tool.

The study, entitled “Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy on child with autism” ran for 15 weeks between July and November 2006. It was designed to aim discover whether there is any evidence that therapies based on animal -aðstoð could improve social skills autistic child.

Results of the study were interesting. For example, before leaving animal assisted therapy with eight Australian Cattle Dog named Henry, a participant Zachary, who was five years old, experienced dramatic struggle in order to communicate. Zachary was prone to throwing tantrums and covering his ears and eyes when he was frustrated with his lack of ability to understand. Participation in new business was stressful for him. He could not understand how to play with others and had never uttered a complete sentence.

However, when Zachary met and connected with Henry, he went through a real transformation. Self-insurance level is much higher and it is ready to experience new activities with obvious curiosity. Furthermore, Zachary is better able to understand what is happening around him, including the needs of others. Moreover, halfway through treatment research, Zachary completed the first of his sentence.

In the case of Zachary, a whole new world of experience and understanding was opened by treatment of animal-assisted. Within mental hospital clinical reports have been many reports of children with autism who have built a strong relationship with individual animals, such as pet dogs or cats. When autistic children playing with animals, any violent tendencies they may have will usually disappear. They take quite maternal symptoms, take special care of the animal, including feeding, cleaning up after them and interact with them.

blood pressure autistic children will also usually dropped when experiencing expensive treatment. Furthermore, symptoms such as insomnia and headache can be eased by this treatment.

The animal companions can help reduce the lonely feelings in autistic children, promote basic healthy character development within them, including personality traits such as being respectful, trust, promote, committed, confident and responsible. Autistic children can learn decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and both language and social skills through interaction with animals.

This type of therapy can be beneficial overall, as well as in times of more research, such as puberty -. when your child will go through many changes and many questions and will be needed more stress


Autism Society of America – improve the lives of people with autism Disorders


Bernard Rimland Ph.D., founded autism Society of America (ASA) in 1965. Over the last 40 plus years as society has evolved from a handful of parents trying to make a difference in a leading source of information, research and reference on autism. The Autism Society of America is listed as the largest and oldest grassroots organization in the autism community. These institutions boast 200 chapters nationwide and continue to grow each year. The organization is dedicated to increasing awareness and providing support for families and professionals involved in day-to-day operations.

Affiliate Autism Society of America is beneficial in many ways. Support helps to assist in raising public awareness and helps to ensure funding for government-funded research. Support helps provide comfort to those in need and helps you become part of a network of individuals who share the common goal. Support will also provide access to the Autism Advocate, a quarterly and valuable resource.

Literally thousands of people support this organization. Strength in numbers in the combined voices are loud and will help raise the voice of autism.

You do not have to join or be a member to provide support. Donations are accepted and will help members support the establishment of education, awareness, research and providing assistance to those who need it most. Donations can be made online or by check. Tribute donations are also available and can honor the memory or someone you love. Vehicle donations are also accepted. Workplace contributions are also welcome. The ASA is a participant in the Combined Federal Campaign, United Way and Independent Charities of America.

The Autism Society of America website also has a beautiful store full of merchandise and clothing to wear and show and show their support. Support is much needed and appreciated.


10 Great Activities For Autistic Children


Sometimes Trying to come up with activities for autistic kids That Will be fun, educational and not cost a lot Can be a struggle. So it’s reassuring to know that there are a number of Possibilities out there, it’s just a matter of finding some That Will appeal to your child’s personal tastes. The following are examples of popular activities for autistic children between the ages of 7 and 11.

Indoor Activities

– Singing – autistic children gain a number of benefits from singing. Children Who Are non-verbal Can hum, make sounds, or play musical instruments SUCH AS whistles, tambourines, drums, kazoo, or small keyboards. Repeating sounds, making up new tunes, or Even learning educational lyrics Can Be Very Useful for helping kids to Learn and may also Provide Them some much-needed sensory stimulation – the joint They would get from Yelling, only more pleasing to the parental ear! Mimi Cking one another’s notes and tunes Can Be an Important social experience That encourages Interaction. Experiment with Different sounds and Different types of music to find the ones your child enjoys and RESPOND best to.

– Funny Sounds – making and mimi cking funny sounds Can be a laughter-filled social learning experience for autistic kids and their parents. Children enjoy the sensory outlet and repetition element of this game. You Can try writing down a number of differentially animals or items on Different pieces of paper and Which ever you Choose You have to make the Appropriate noise.

– Castles – building castles out of just about Can anything be a great deal of fun. The type of building “blocks” Depends on the motor skills of the child. It can range from plastic or wooden alphabet blocks to large “Lego” or “Duplo” style blocks, or Even playing cards if they’re manually dexterous.

– Safe Emergencies – These games are educational based but Can also be fun to. They involve enacting the right procedures for what to do in an emergency event. This includes what to do in case of fire and other urgent Situations. The Important part of þessi games is to build a calm routine around a theme.

– Simple Board Games – Begin with simple or basic board games and increase the Difficulty level as your child gets older and learns how to work with the rules of the games. Many board games are enjoyable activities for autistic kids Because They are relatively predictable and Provide a routine. They also encouragements Taking tower, but make sure losing is never a big deal, it’s just an outcome. Otherwise They may associate negative emotions with the game and refuse to play.

Outdoor Activities

– Simple Childhood Games – think back to your childhood and the games you used to play. For Many children there’s no reason why They can not take part in basic childhood games. As long as They are not too complex Socially, Many autistic children Can have a lot of fun playing games SUCH AS tag or follow the leader. Keep in mind That the best activities for autistic children do not requires themself to keep close or extended physical contact with other people. You may want to make sure That you stick to games That focus on your child’s unique skills to add comfort and confidence to the playing.

– Organized Sports – Many children enjoy Taking part in organized Any sports like other children Their age. Aim for sports That Allow Them to take part without too much sensory stimulation and That does not requires lots of equipment. Golf and baseball are good activities for autistic kids, whereas sports SUCH AS tackle football may not suit.

– Water Balloons – autistic children Can Oftel benefit from various sensory stimulators and water balloons Can fit the bill. Tossing about themself, or holding and squishing Them Can be lots of fun. This also encourages children to play with others When it comes to games SUCH AS “hot potato” – Tossing the water filled balloon to one another Pretending it’s a hot potato.

– Skipping Rocks – if you are fortunate enough to live near water and your child is Responsible around water, skipping rocks Can be a great way to have fun and use arm muscles, encouraging the development of motor skills. If you have a swimming pool That is large enough, You Can try skipping plastic floating disc Instead.

– I Spy – Whether Trying to pass the time in the car or sitting in the yard , this game is a great way to Learn colors Socially interactives with others.

These activities for autistic children are a great way to have fun, Learn Important lessons, and developping basic social skills without spending the earth.


Aspergers and Autism Spectrum – Understanding þráhyggjuhegðun asd your child


If you are a parent or caregiver of a child diagnosed with autism, then you are probably aware that Aspergers / Autism Spectrum people often have obsessive tendencies. They can become completely fixated on their passion, whatever that may be. This obsessive behavior can be very intense and many parents will be concerned that their child’s preoccupation with the object of his or her passion is impeding the ability to function in everyday life. In some cases it may wreak havoc in your family.

As a parent ASD child, you must rely on their instincts to decide where the line is to be drawn. You may decide that you need to stop indulging the child in his or her obsession – or at least strictly control it. Only you can truly assess the degree of obsession has become unhealthy or simply unmanageable. Before you take action, however, it may help to understand what is happening to your child and what this obsession means for him or her.

The Autism Spectrum Mind

mind Aspergers / Autism Spectrum child is unique and powerful. As a collective whole, our society tends to focus on “disability” aspects of autism disorder because we are acutely aware of what is not working for these children. Those areas are under operation are highlighted and brought to the forefront because we want to help our children learn to function in “neuro typical” home.

This is unfortunate because, in fact, there are probably things a child can do what most others can not – or at least not very well! It is almost certainly part of the capacity information of the child currently outperforms other parts. And this part most likely function of the average age of the child. It could already be highly developed, or at least can be with the right support. Maybe you already know this.

That’s where the magic is for your child! If you can help your child to focus on and expand this portion of his or her – turn it from raw talent into a real strength – it will target child happy and possible independence. We all need to “purpose” in life to feel fulfilled – a reason for being here. Well, this is the purpose of the child!

Obsession your child’s autism

At first glance, the current obsession child seems likely to be quite useless in the “real world.” In other words, it may well seem like an obsession child does not benefit from him / her or someone else

But here’s what you need to understand :. If your child is obsessed with something, it is because the thing sparks high activity of the brain of the child somehow. That is why your child is so passionate about it! The child’s brain is learn something from the obsession and strengthen inherent abilities.

This can be very difficult to assess at first, so I will give you a simple example. I will use Pokemon as my example because many ASD children love Pokemon and share this passion – my two sons with. (It is not surprising that the man who created the Pokemon is Aspie!)

For my eldest, it is my belief that the registration and classification elements Pokemon shot up his mind – separation, sorting and preparation of different types, talent, power and so on of different monsters Pokemon. My oldest is now in its third year of chemistry degree I understand now that his mind works this way. He has almost superhuman desire to “shop” in this way. This gives him a distinct advantage in certain areas in the study of chemistry. (Because “contact test” that had been done on my son when he was pretty young, I knew that the categories and pattern recognition were very highly developed part of the capacity of his profile, but I never made the link.)

For My youngest, the appeal was entirely different. It was a fantasy, the heroism, the feeling of power to pursue his mind. My youngest Aspie has a very rich inner, imaginary world. Stories like Pokemon fuel fire this fantasy. Now, aged 10, he is showing extraordinary talent for writing creative fantasy stories.

For other children autism, it can be visual appeal or visual spatial (video game) element Pokemon that fascinates them. Most ASD children would be hard pressed to tell you exactly what it is about the game of their brain craves, because they do not understand it themselves. All they know is that they love it and feel like they need it

trying to figure out how obsession Aspergers / Autism Spectrum child is good for him or her is not particularly fruitful -. Or what high-functioning part of the brain being fed. There is much more to be sure that your child is passionate about his or her thing for a reason and that she / he is practicing robust talent and turning it into a strength.

What does this all mean?

In truth, ASD people feel they need to win and learn it, whatever “it” is. Your child wants a sense of success and achievement attached master passion. S / he is driven to understand the deepest level, to own it completely.

teenager will almost certainly grow what childish obsession is now Driving you mad. S / he will overcome it and move on. My eldest Aspie had a violent passion for video games. He played more than most parents would consider healthy. Then a miracle, almost overnight, he took the same burning passion and focused learning -. In the study of chemistry and languages, in particular, which both call this “cataloging” aspect of his mind

The point is this: limit obsession autism child, if you will. You must listen to your instincts to determine where the boundaries are. Delivery, however, that a child’s brain craves something from the concerns and s / he is to achieve much more than you can possibly imagine by indulging in it, regardless of how frivolous it may seem to you.

It is true that ASD people can be very obsessive. This is nothing new. What is new, however, is what is happening behind the scenes for the child inside the astonishing brain. Indulge busy to what degree you can tolerate. Feed that passion. Let the mind Aspergers / Autism Spectrum your child swallow it wants to learn from obsessive and have faith that he / she will go far bigger things.


Understanding the needs of autistic children


Although most children are naturally social and need interaction with others to grow and develop, sometimes a child can not behave in this way and may appear pull, show peculiar behavior, face problems in communication and show a total lack of social awareness and interested in others. Such abnormal behavior patterns characteristic developmental disorder known as autism.

The autistic child stays usually aloof and unable to answer the second. Autistic children can not even make eye contact and can also participate in odd behaviors such as flapping hands, rocking their heads or show a compulsive need to maintain order. It is not uncommon for children influence autism do not speak at all. Those who do not speak may do so in rhyme or repeat what they hear (echolalia) or can use a strange language of its own.

The exact cause of autism is still unknown, but studies point to problems with the structure or central nervous system.

Some autistic children are exceptionally bright and do well in school, but they may have problems adjusting to the school system. Other children suffering from autism can not perform as well as autism is often associated with mental retardation as well. But it has to be noted that autism and retardation are very distinct, since it is not unusual for an autistic child who is unusually bright.

Teaching autistic children to function in normal society can be frustrating at times since the child needs constant attention and the whole process can be very intense. Here are some ways you can help the autistic child overcome this problem and develop into well-rounded person

* It is important to ensure an autistic child does not feel left out and is part of the family. At the same time it is important to make sure that your child the center of all attention as this will do more harm than good, because outside the home, such as in school, they will not be able to be the center of attention.

* The autistic children need to live in and to certain routine that he / she can count on every day. In the absence of a set routine, autistic children may react with bizarre behavior.

* It has been observed that autistic children do not learn well from experience. In fact, every event that transpires may seem completely new to the autistic children, even if the same event took place yesterday. This is why it is important to use the same group of words, every time you reward or reprimand the child as this helps them to remember events better.

* If you are going to make any changes around the house or around the autistic child’s environment, describe what you are going to do with them before you act. This is because autistic children usually take much longer to adjust and sudden changes can confuse them.

* Looking for the best education for your child’s needs. Nurseries intervention programs offer special classes for autistic children who are not old enough to go to school yet.

Apart from the above way, remember that consistent in everything you say and do is important to unlock the potential within the autistic child. At the same time, it is equally important to take time out for yourself so that you do not feel overwhelmed by the task at hand. As long as you are peaceful with yourself, a little love, some patience and unfailing loyalty is all you need to see a little through all their troubles.


Autism – Diverse Disorders


autism is basically a wide range of behavioral and developmental disorders, resulting from the combination of certain features. The autism will range from low functioning autism to high functioning autism normal behavior and to possibly hyper socialization.

autism constitutes a compelling disorder, which basically means that it interferes with the normal development of the child’s skills, such as communication and speech. Autism spectrum disorders are not specific developmental disorders such as dyslexia. It is important to note that many people who have this disorder usually end up living in poverty.

affected areas of skills

This disease is considered to be both psychological and developmental disorders that affects many areas of activity. These areas will include language, coordination, self-help skills, communication and scholastic achievements. With some people, the symptoms can be immediately noticeable, but in others; symptoms may not be noticeable at all when first meeting a person.

Surprisingly, many people diagnosed with autism lead a very normal life. In fact, many people with this disorder can lead a very normal life and are not noticed until later in their adolescence or well into adulthood their lives. These are typically identified by a series of psychiatric tests.

Not Really Disabled After All

It is important to let people know that people who had been diagnosed with autism are not “disabled”. What makes them different is that all other thought process them. There are many different degrees of severity that no 2 people are really like.

Individuals with autism and can have a little challenge interacting with other normal children, as well as development to keep up scholastically. In all depends on the severity. Some people with this disorder can not read as well or leave as fast Ward to as well on tests as other children. These same individuals may also challenge try to socialize with good results. The reason for this is because their brains process and store information differently than normal children.

Education is the key to understanding

As parents and caregivers the best we can do is educate ourselves about the various levels of autism spectrum disorders. Other people in the person’s life, such as teachers, siblings and friends should also be active in the learning process, too. Some individuals have shown that with hard work and treatment, they are able to “fit” and socialize normally with the outside world. By doing the best we can to learn all we can about this disorder, we will be better positioned to deal with those who have it. Indeed, it is taking a lot of patience and practice and guidelines dealing with people with autism. The good news is that some of these people with autism can go on to live a normal and productive lives and contribute to society.


5 Signs Of Autism – Toddlers


For parents, it is important to recognize as soon as possible early signs of autism. Toddlers are children who have reached the age of 12 to 18 months or the period they have started to operate. It is at this stage that the symptoms of autism in toddlers begin to appear. Since the symptoms of autism vary in each toddler, it is important to be careful in identifying such signs. Up until now, there are still no standardized criteria in the diagnosis of autism. This is the reason why parents who suspect their child to be autistic should regularly talk to their pediatricians

Here are some of the symptoms autism- toddlers :.

Slow Development – Each child develops differently from others and this is only natural. Some child talks or walks earlier than others. But for children with autism, their development is unusually slow. What is more apparent is communication skills. Compared to other children, they produce only limited words, gestures, or sounds they use to communicate with. Their facial expressions and body posture is also different

Social Gaze -. This is one of the most important symptoms of autism. Toddlers generally make eye contact with parents if called or play. But autistic children have unusual gaze and do not tend to make eye contact. Some experts say that this behavior is due to their lack of interest in the environment

Repeated behavior -. Some young children who have autism are attached habits. They have a special way of doing things. Some also show flapping, head-banging or rocking their bodies constantly, even while in the cradle

Obsession -. There have been reports that some children who have autism are attention to the 3 to 4 food items. They only eat the same food over and over again. Other children also play just one toy and reject the other. They become obsessed and will be attached to it for a very long time. They even focus on details or a specific part of the object, like a wheel, rather than a toy car as a whole. They also like to arrange things or toys in a straight line.

This is the most common of all signs of autism. Toddlers become obsessed over a specific object. The reason behind this obsession is the difficulty of adapting to changes. Autistic children prefer to be doing the same things all the time rather than trying out new things

Social Interaction -. Autistic children tend to have a lack of common interests with their parents and other young children. They destroyed making friends with the same age. They do not understand how different feel. This is why autism is often likened to “living in a different world” than others.

Another reason for this lack of communication could be hearing impediments. Reports show that autistic children have hearing difficulties. This is one aspect of development that is usually affected.

The best way to deal with this disorder is to detect signs of autism. Toddlers will begin to show signs that it is up to the parents to identify them. Early detection is the key to minimizing the negative effects of autism.


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