Music – A Umtalsverður Tól Fyrir einhverfu Therapy


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) er hægt að meðhöndla með ýmsum aðferðum meðferð og meðferð. Þó má ekki varanleg lækning við þessum sjúkdómi, skilvirka og viðeigandi meðferð á fyrstu stigum getur raunverulega hjálpað einhverfum einstaklingum leiða tiltölulega betri og merkingarbæru lífi.

Þó eru ýmsir hefðbundnar meðferðir notuð til meðferðar á einhverfu , það er í raun ekkert sem getur unnið á alla jafnt. Þar sem mismunandi einhverf einstaklingar hafa sín eigin getu og fötlun, það er mjög mikilvægt að meðhöndla þá í samræmi við einstaklingsbundnar þarfir þeirra. Sumir af the sameiginlegur meðferðum einhverfu eru:

  •   Talþjálfun

  •   Iðjuþjálfun

  •   Sensory sameining meðferð

  •   Hegðunarvandamál þjálfun

  •   Og fleira.

Burtséð frá þessu, sá sem skilið að minnast er meðferð tónlist. Music hefur vald til að hafa áhrif alla óháð aldri, kyni og vitsmunalegum hæfileikum. Þó að það getur verið gagnlegt fyrir þá með slökun tilfinningaleg vandamál eins streitu, kvíða, háþrýstingi, osfrv, það getur verið sérstaklega gagnleg í meðferð barna með sérþarfir til að þróa í þeim vitsmunalegum, félagslegum og hegðunarvanda færni.

It hefur fundist í ýmsum rannsóknum og rannsóknir sem meðferð tónlist geta á áhrifaríkan hátt bæta félagslega hegðun og þróa betri samskiptafærni á börnum og unglingum með ASD. Tónlist getur einnig í raun hjálpað til við að bæta fókus og athygli, vellíðan kvíða og þróa samhæfingu líkama. Á tímum þegar ekkert annað er hægt vekja athygli einhverf einstaklinga, þeir hafa fundist til að bregðast sjálfkrafa og ákefð á tónlist, gera tónlist dýrmætur læknandi tól.

Leyfðu okkur að ræða sumir af the lifnaðarhættir tónlist getur verið í raun notað fyrir einhverfu meðferð:

þróa félagslega færni : Samkvæmt ýmsum sjúkraþjálfara, eru einhverf börn finna til að hafa samskipti miklu meira jákvætt og fúslega á tónlist meðferð fundur en á fundum sem fela ekki í tónlist. Gaman-fullt og andríkur fundur tónlist samanstendur af ýmsum verkefnum eins og tónlist-gerð, færa við hrynjandi tónlistar, spila hljóðfæri, liggur og deila hljóðfæri og mörg fleiri hjálpa börnum að læra félagsfærni og samskipti meira af sjálfu sér. Þetta hjálpar þeim gífurlega í að átta sig á þeirra sjálf-virði og falinn möguleika þeirra

Bætir Hegðun :. Einhverf einstaklingar mæta meðferð tónlist fundur reglulega eru talin sýna merkilega framför í hegðun þeirra. . Music hefur vald til að bæta getu til að einbeita sér, og töluvert vellíðan hegðunarvandamál eins og ofvirkni, eirðarleysi, árásargirni og disorderliness

bæta samskipti Hæfileikar : Meirihluti barna með einhverfu eiga erfitt með samskipti við aðra. Þó að margir af þeim eru ekki munnleg, sumir þeirra eru ófær um að fylgja munnlegum fyrirmælum og skilja líkama tungumál. Music meðferð gerir notkun ýmissa skapandi starfsemi eins söng, dans, leiklist, etc til að búa til tengingu milli hljóða og aðgerðir með því að sameina tónlist með aðgerð, þannig að hjálpa þeim að tengjast orðunum í lögunum. Þetta hjálpar gífurlega í að þróa í þeim getu til að skilja munnlegum fyrirmælum betra

Býr Fun-Fylltur Environment :. The bestur hluti af meðferð tónlist er að það skapar gaman-fullt og yndisleg umhverfi fyrir einhverf einstaklinga. Námsferli virðist ekki vera vinna fyrir þá. Þeir geta lært ákefð og af sjálfu sér á meðan having gaman. Þetta hjálpar þeim að læra betur og með góðum árangri.


Children, Autism, and violence: Inception of monstrous behavior


Parents violence and autistic children have patience of steel. The monstrous behavior of their children – verbal threats, physical violence, often loss of temper, and extreme impulsivity – desolate lives and enforce them to experience serious injuries and unforeseen consequences

Numerous studies tell us numerous roots. violent behavior of children. According to research by Dr. Rebecca J. Scharf, University of Virginia, “Short nighttime sleep may raise monstrous behavior in children.” In addition, the Journal of Pediatrics uncovered, “Aggressive behavior of children are related to soft drink intake.” Moreover, a study Case Western Reserve University shows that children who witness violence between their parents usually embrace violent behavior.

psychologist, Dr. Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, tells us, “Planned violence is not a feature of the autistic child.” Anything and everything can immediately trigger feelings of severe outbursts inside him and force him to perform pernicious actions. Therefore, it is important to realize that the violent acts sometimes autistic children are not under their own control. Their eyes and ears liquidate stop listening, they just act without thinking anything. Several studies show that the limited verbal skills is the cause of violent behavior also. Because, limited verbal skills forces autistic children show physical aggression instead of using words.

It is probably not possible to cure autism in the near future. But now we have the full ability to diagnose and treat violent behavior. Autism itself is not dangerous. However, when violence merge with autism, the situation becomes dangerous. All we need to do is to understand the violent behavior of autism and cut the roots of the real problem. The right support and the right treatment can improve the quality of life of the child and offer heavenly happiness in the home. Therefore, I have put together 12 strategies that can help you to turn violent, autistic children calm and cooperative

1 -. Not the children hear, the words are like a second language to them. Word ruffle their hearts and puzzle their minds. The more you interrogate them with leading questions, the more you turn irritable inside them and scare them to express their feelings through violent behavior

2 -. Children with ASD make indirect requests, and that lead to all kinds of problems. Parents often feel the real desire of the child from the wrong context, and that thing leads to more distressful situation. If your child is asking questions about Christmas repeatedly, in the middle of the June, is not that he wants to know about Christmas. He may want you to bring a Christmas tree now

3 -. In autistic children with antisocial personality, the risk of violence is highest. Guys with antisocial personality are more likely to abuse than those who have anxiety disorders. Furthermore, it is a fact that alarmed indicate that guys with antisocial personality are also at risk of dying from suicide. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective in helping kids to change their thinking patterns of violence

4 -. Dr. Thomas N. Robinson, a professor of pediatrics at Stanford, tells us, “Exposing children to less aggression in television will have a positive impact on behavior.” Also, Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis, lead author of the study and professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington, said: “The take-home message for parents is, it is not just about turning off the TV, it is about to change the channel.” These circumstances show watching educational television for children can actually improve behavior

5 – Just change the information. do not change the whole picture. Information is the main culprit either water down or promote aggressive mode of kid. So, focus change information rather than changing the whole image to manage your child’s behavior

6 -. Autistic children learn best through doing, and behavioral nature can be changed by introducing new, positive activities in their lives

seven -. Feelings of being worthless can also intensify violent behavior in children with autism (ASD). If children with ASD are not good at social skills, it does not mean that they do not understand exactly what is happening around them. The amazing treatment community and lack of love makes it difficult for these children to overcome the core emotions low self-esteem. As a result, their struggle with a sense of compromising turns them into evil, violent creature

8 -. Violence can also be a way of seeking attention. Give him a comprehensive, positive feedback and often, accurate communication with him as much as you can, if you ignore the stable core child’s feelings, or do not understand the indirect his message. This will gradually stop him seek negative attention with violence, and he will begin to learn the proper ways to express their feelings

9 -. Autistic children also use violence to have a sense of control over their environment – when they are not dealing with the immediate changes and a flood of sensory information. We already know that most of these kids are born without a filter system. Their minds digest every bit of information in the forefront detail and not easy to allow them to experience the unpredictable changes. So, it is better to keep their lives as much predictable as you can, because unpredictable change can offer monstrous behavior then

10 -. Some non-verbal autistic children comfortable expressing their feelings through written words and drawings. It is very possible for you also teach your child in this way to express feelings. This will not only facilitate the environment at home but also help you understand exactly their emotions. In addition, this method will help you to turn violent situations in a healthy, playful game

11 -. If your kid is violence, it is a 90% probability of the existence of negativity in his practice is responsible for his behavior. To solve this problem, all you have to do is to make his routine as happy as you can, because satisfied practices develop happy children

12 -. Reward good behavior, the awards encourage him to act more positively in the future. Just get him to do something good, give him praise, hug him, kiss him, and let him do his favorite activities. Rewarding system keeps child motivated and forcing him emotionally and psychologically to change bad behavior and adopt good

Remember every child has little natural self-control. do not expect your child to take a mature step or understand the situation automatically. Almost every child sometimes works vigorously to achieve his needs. Just use the above methods and act of love; you have the ability to teach him how to show emotions appropriately.


Aspergers and Autism Spectrum – Understanding þráhyggjuhegðun asd your child


If you are a parent or caregiver of a child diagnosed with autism, then you are probably aware that Aspergers / Autism Spectrum people often have obsessive tendencies. They can become completely fixated on their passion, whatever that may be. This obsessive behavior can be very intense and many parents will be concerned that their child’s preoccupation with the object of his or her passion is impeding the ability to function in everyday life. In some cases it may wreak havoc in your family.

As a parent ASD child, you must rely on their instincts to decide where the line is to be drawn. You may decide that you need to stop indulging the child in his or her obsession – or at least strictly control it. Only you can truly assess the degree of obsession has become unhealthy or simply unmanageable. Before you take action, however, it may help to understand what is happening to your child and what this obsession means for him or her.

The Autism Spectrum Mind

mind Aspergers / Autism Spectrum child is unique and powerful. As a collective whole, our society tends to focus on “disability” aspects of autism disorder because we are acutely aware of what is not working for these children. Those areas are under operation are highlighted and brought to the forefront because we want to help our children learn to function in “neuro typical” home.

This is unfortunate because, in fact, there are probably things a child can do what most others can not – or at least not very well! It is almost certainly part of the capacity information of the child currently outperforms other parts. And this part most likely function of the average age of the child. It could already be highly developed, or at least can be with the right support. Maybe you already know this.

That’s where the magic is for your child! If you can help your child to focus on and expand this portion of his or her – turn it from raw talent into a real strength – it will target child happy and possible independence. We all need to “purpose” in life to feel fulfilled – a reason for being here. Well, this is the purpose of the child!

Obsession your child’s autism

At first glance, the current obsession child seems likely to be quite useless in the “real world.” In other words, it may well seem like an obsession child does not benefit from him / her or someone else

But here’s what you need to understand :. If your child is obsessed with something, it is because the thing sparks high activity of the brain of the child somehow. That is why your child is so passionate about it! The child’s brain is learn something from the obsession and strengthen inherent abilities.

This can be very difficult to assess at first, so I will give you a simple example. I will use Pokemon as my example because many ASD children love Pokemon and share this passion – my two sons with. (It is not surprising that the man who created the Pokemon is Aspie!)

For my eldest, it is my belief that the registration and classification elements Pokemon shot up his mind – separation, sorting and preparation of different types, talent, power and so on of different monsters Pokemon. My oldest is now in its third year of chemistry degree I understand now that his mind works this way. He has almost superhuman desire to “shop” in this way. This gives him a distinct advantage in certain areas in the study of chemistry. (Because “contact test” that had been done on my son when he was pretty young, I knew that the categories and pattern recognition were very highly developed part of the capacity of his profile, but I never made the link.)

For My youngest, the appeal was entirely different. It was a fantasy, the heroism, the feeling of power to pursue his mind. My youngest Aspie has a very rich inner, imaginary world. Stories like Pokemon fuel fire this fantasy. Now, aged 10, he is showing extraordinary talent for writing creative fantasy stories.

For other children autism, it can be visual appeal or visual spatial (video game) element Pokemon that fascinates them. Most ASD children would be hard pressed to tell you exactly what it is about the game of their brain craves, because they do not understand it themselves. All they know is that they love it and feel like they need it

trying to figure out how obsession Aspergers / Autism Spectrum child is good for him or her is not particularly fruitful -. Or what high-functioning part of the brain being fed. There is much more to be sure that your child is passionate about his or her thing for a reason and that she / he is practicing robust talent and turning it into a strength.

What does this all mean?

In truth, ASD people feel they need to win and learn it, whatever “it” is. Your child wants a sense of success and achievement attached master passion. S / he is driven to understand the deepest level, to own it completely.

teenager will almost certainly grow what childish obsession is now Driving you mad. S / he will overcome it and move on. My eldest Aspie had a violent passion for video games. He played more than most parents would consider healthy. Then a miracle, almost overnight, he took the same burning passion and focused learning -. In the study of chemistry and languages, in particular, which both call this “cataloging” aspect of his mind

The point is this: limit obsession autism child, if you will. You must listen to your instincts to determine where the boundaries are. Delivery, however, that a child’s brain craves something from the concerns and s / he is to achieve much more than you can possibly imagine by indulging in it, regardless of how frivolous it may seem to you.

It is true that ASD people can be very obsessive. This is nothing new. What is new, however, is what is happening behind the scenes for the child inside the astonishing brain. Indulge busy to what degree you can tolerate. Feed that passion. Let the mind Aspergers / Autism Spectrum your child swallow it wants to learn from obsessive and have faith that he / she will go far bigger things.


Autism – Treatment of autistic children


Autism seems to be leading intellectual challenge disorder now. But, just what is autism?

Autism, usually raising its head in children, is described as a developmental disorder is impaired communication, emotional category and of rigidity. There are two types of autism – regressive and not regressive . Autism, develop children from 18 months-of-age, is known as autism when children start to lose language and other development. Non-regressive autism occurs from birth.

How do I know my child autistic disorder?

When children are born with Down syndrome, it is harder to track autism in that it is attributed to the syndrome child a non-Downs. Social and emotional development trends are delayed in autistic children. If tracking autism in a Down syndrome child is near impossible for you, look for the following

autistic loneliness -. In general, children with Down syndrome are loveable and enjoy being hugged or love to embrace. However, a child with autism usually prefers to be by himself. Autistic children look people objects rather than people

unchanging practices -. Even a slight change can cause a child with autism to go berserk. Same Ness gender knowledge for them

Lack of eye contact – .. Autistic children do not make eye contact, but instead they often look ‘through’ people

Repeated motion -. It has been observed that autistic children can sit for a long time while the wave object and staring at it

How can I, as a parent, seen a child with autism

Autistic children usually show intense emotion. Mrs Pillay is the mother of 5-year-old son, Somesh, has been diagnosed with mild autism. “Even though it is just mild autism, he is very sensitive and cries over nothing at times. He is in a normal day, but when these factors occur, it has to be separated until he calms down. Sometimes he stared into oblivion hours, “explains Mrs Pillay of Somesh.

state Somesh for mild autism is nothing out of the ordinary. Working with an occupational therapist is probably best for both Ms. Pillay and her son. Autistic children seizures, ranging from mild to severe, sometimes. When a child is seizure, never move unless he is a danger of falling down the stairs, etc. Try to gently turn the child on his side and loosen clothing around the neck.

If the holiday celebration is coming up, plan it wisely. Toys and make no difference to a child with autism. Mrs Webber remembers her daughter, Christina now 16, back in the old days when everyone would be busy rip open all the packages on Christmas morning. Christina, then 5, would sit and stare, with an emphasis on decoration hanging from a tree. “She never touched the gifts and even when we unwrapped gifts for her, she would just ignore us, gifts, and just about everything else in the room,” recalls Mrs. Webber with tears. Rather than toys, shower the child with love and attention, which according to most therapists are so many autistic children lack today.

What happens if autism is not treated?

If left untreated, social skills of children with autism and speech skills will not develop effectively. The number of children recover from autism without any help is very low.

What treatments are available for autistic children?

There is no cure for autism, but there are many treatments available for autism. However, the treatment that your child may vary from person to person. Below are those that are not only popular but have seen good effect as well

behavior changes -. Highly structured and skill-oriented activities based on the patient’s needs and interests are carried out by a psychiatrist and extensive caregivers

Communication Therapy – .. Autistic patients who can not communicate verbally communicate treatment is used to start language development

diet changes -. Sometimes changing diet, digestion can be improved and food tolerances or allergies to eliminate and the behavioral problems (because of these tolerances or allergies), can reduce

An autistic child can be as different or similar as a normal child, by the way you look at him and treat him. At the end of the day is your child and always will be. No amount of denial or leave him for a long time in special education schools will change. It is time for every parent to make a difference and embrace the child for who he is rather than what he is.


Children, Autism, and violence: Inception of monstrous behavior


Parents violence and autistic children have patience of steel. The monstrous behavior of their children – verbal threats, physical violence, often loss of temper, and extreme impulsivity – desolate lives and enforce them to experience serious injuries and unforeseen consequences

Numerous studies tell us numerous roots. violent behavior of children. According to research by Dr. Rebecca J. Scharf, University of Virginia, “Short nighttime sleep may raise monstrous behavior in children.” In addition, the Journal of Pediatrics uncovered, “Aggressive behavior of children are related to soft drink intake.” Moreover, a study Case Western Reserve University shows that children who witness violence between their parents usually embrace violent behavior.

psychologist, Dr. Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, tells us, “Planned violence is not a feature of the autistic child.” Anything and everything can immediately trigger feelings of severe outbursts inside him and force him to perform pernicious actions. Therefore, it is important to realize that the violent acts sometimes autistic children are not under their own control. Their eyes and ears liquidate stop listening, they just act without thinking anything. Several studies show that the limited verbal skills is the cause of violent behavior also. Because, limited verbal skills forces autistic children show physical aggression instead of using words.

It is probably not possible to cure autism in the near future. But now we have the full ability to diagnose and treat violent behavior. Autism itself is not dangerous. However, when violence merge with autism, the situation becomes dangerous. All we need to do is to understand the violent behavior of autism and cut the roots of the real problem. The right support and the right treatment can improve the quality of life of the child and offer heavenly happiness in the home. Therefore, I have put together 12 strategies that can help you to turn violent, autistic children calm and cooperative

1 -. Not the children hear, the words are like a second language to them. Word ruffle their hearts and puzzle their minds. The more you interrogate them with leading questions, the more you turn irritable inside them and scare them to express their feelings through violent behavior

2 -. Children with ASD make indirect requests, and that lead to all kinds of problems. Parents often feel the real desire of the child from the wrong context, and that thing leads to more distressful situation. If your child is asking questions about Christmas repeatedly, in the middle of the June, is not that he wants to know about Christmas. He may want you to bring a Christmas tree now

3 -. In autistic children with antisocial personality, the risk of violence is highest. Guys with antisocial personality are more likely to abuse than those who have anxiety disorders. Furthermore, it is a fact that alarmed indicate that guys with antisocial personality are also at risk of dying from suicide. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective in helping kids to change their thinking patterns of violence

4 -. Dr. Thomas N. Robinson, a professor of pediatrics at Stanford, tells us, “Exposing children to less aggression in television will have a positive impact on behavior.” Also, Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis, lead author of the study and professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington, said: “The take-home message for parents is, it is not just about turning off the TV, it is about to change the channel.” These circumstances show watching educational television for children can actually improve behavior

5 – Just change the information. do not change the whole picture. Information is the main culprit either water down or promote aggressive mode of kid. So, focus change information rather than changing the whole image to manage your child’s behavior

6 -. Autistic children learn best through doing, and behavioral nature can be changed by introducing new, positive activities in their lives

seven -. Feelings of being worthless can also intensify violent behavior in children with autism (ASD). If children with ASD are not good at social skills, it does not mean that they do not understand exactly what is happening around them. The amazing treatment community and lack of love makes it difficult for these children to overcome the core emotions low self-esteem. As a result, their struggle with a sense of compromising turns them into evil, violent creature

8 -. Violence can also be a way of seeking attention. Give him a comprehensive, positive feedback and often, accurate communication with him as much as you can, if you ignore the stable core child’s feelings, or do not understand the indirect his message. This will gradually stop him seek negative attention with violence, and he will begin to learn the proper ways to express their feelings

9 -. Autistic children also use violence to have a sense of control over their environment – when they are not dealing with the immediate changes and a flood of sensory information. We already know that most of these kids are born without a filter system. Their minds digest every bit of information in the forefront detail and not easy to allow them to experience the unpredictable changes. So, it is better to keep their lives as much predictable as you can, because unpredictable change can offer monstrous behavior then

10 -. Some non-verbal autistic children comfortable expressing their feelings through written words and drawings. It is very possible for you also teach your child in this way to express feelings. This will not only facilitate the environment at home but also help you understand exactly their emotions. In addition, this method will help you to turn violent situations in a healthy, playful game

11 -. If your kid is violence, it is a 90% probability of the existence of negativity in his practice is responsible for his behavior. To solve this problem, all you have to do is to make his routine as happy as you can, because satisfied practices develop happy children

12 -. Reward good behavior, the awards encourage him to act more positively in the future. Just get him to do something good, give him praise, hug him, kiss him, and let him do his favorite activities. Rewarding system keeps child motivated and forcing him emotionally and psychologically to change bad behavior and adopt good

Remember every child has little natural self-control. do not expect your child to take a mature step or understand the situation automatically. Almost every child sometimes works vigorously to achieve his needs. Just use the above methods and act of love; you have the ability to teach him how to show emotions appropriately.


Autism – 3 types of Disorder


Autism is a developmental disability that strikes 1 in 110 children in the United States. This disability presents a challenge for parents and caregivers as it affects behavior, communication and social skills. Autism affects each person differently and autistic symptoms may include mild to severe

There are three different types of autism :.

Autistic Disorder – This is a type of autism that most people think of when they hear the word autism. Characteristics of this type of autism are usually severe and may be associated with mental retardation

Asperger syndrome -. Characteristics of this type of autism are usually milder. They usually have social challenges and unusual interests, and behavior. They usually do not have communication problems or mental retardation

pervasive developmental disorder -. People who have any symptoms of autism but not all usually covered by this analysis. People in this category usually have mild symptoms.

symptoms of autism begin under 3 years of age symptoms start can vary and the child can actually develop normally at the age of 24 months. . Symptoms may improve with age, but will last all life person

Some signs to look for are:

-Not responding to their name by age 12 months

-not point to objects by age 14 months

-Avoiding eyes

-Rocking, flapping hands or rotate

There is important to diagnose autism early so intervention can begin. There is no cure for autism than previously taught better result. An experienced professional can diagnose a child age 2 treatments to help your child to walk, talk and interact with others started early have a better result.

The cause of autism is unknown. Genetics seems to be one factor involved. Children who have a parent or sibling with autism are at high risk. Prescription drugs such as thalidomide and valproic acid also appear to increase the risk. It is not true that poor parents have something to do with it.

Autism affects all races, genders and socioeconomic groups, but it appears to strike boys 4 times more than girls. There seems to be an unexplained increase in analysis in recent years. It could be due to better diagnostic techniques, a wider definition of what autism or a combination of both. If you are concerned that your child is autistic, offering most of the state of evaluation through the first intervention programs.


What are some Mild Autism Treatments?


symptoms of mild autism are much less severe than those associated with the more severe form of this condition. Unfortunately, this will often result in many children being diagnosed for several years, and the treatment process is delayed. In many cases, children who have mild autism, if they perform a series of different therapies and treatments that they can recover.

Individuals with mild form of autism often develop very well and have normal speech capabilities. Regular treatment at a young age can have incredible results, and can help to heal the child all the signs of autism. Treatments will generally fall into two categories, and will need to be tailored to the needs of each child

Every autism case is unique. The child must be assessed before treatment. Both educational and medical treatments can be successful, depending on the child and how mild autism symptoms. Although drugs are specified for some types of autism, many people prefer to use other methods and treatments. Speech therapy, physical therapy and animal assisted therapy, are all very popular.

speech therapy is one of the most common treatments and many children with mild autism will perform this. Children with mild autism often develop their speech differently, and the necessary communication of them may be lacking. By spending the time to re-educate your child and encourage them to speak proper is essential. If your child is struggling to communicate properly, other methods such as image exchange can be used.

Animal assisted therapy is becoming a very effective form of treatment for mild autism sufferers and can be very effective with children. Everyday life needed by animals can help children come to terms and deal with their autism. The daily interaction with animals can have remarkable healing and therapeutic effect. Feelings of loneliness and stress disappears as unique bond formed between the child and the animal.

Massage therapy has been found to help people with developmental and mild form of autism. Regular massage treatments can help relieve stress, increase attention span and help the general aversion to being touched. Many children with mild autism will not know how to show affection, and will be confused about appropriate touching and hugging. The massage and touch therapy can help to relax and follow them.

Music therapy is controlled experience that can help with autism in many different ways, and help positive changes to achieve. The proposed meetings should be developed to suit the child many different things can be achieved. Music is a very powerful tool and can be used in several different forms. This may include singing, playing instruments, listening to music and moving to the sounds.

Sensory integration is particularly useful especially for children who have difficulty dealing with their environment. Many children with autism will not adapt to the environment they are in, which can cause disruptive behavior. By teaching children more about their senses and how to deal with emotions that they are experiencing, they develop much better. By including several different methods that you can take positive steps to cure mild autism.


Types of assessment tools for children with autism


autism not diagnosed using biological tests as diseases; Instead a child is evaluated on the basis of objective and subjective comments. This includes looking at the developmental history of the child’s ability to process information, speech, language and behavior. Rating scales are useful because they describe clearly the behavior pattern of the child at the time of evaluation. This gives a baseline that can help measure the progress of children over the years. Autism assessment tools are commonly used by occupational therapists. However, there are several assessment tools available that can be tested by teachers and other health professionals. There are many different types of assessments that each one has a different focus.

The Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental Tests

The Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental Tests (mpsm) evaluates visual-spatial skills in children from one and a half years to six years. The test is also without words. Children with autism often have problems with visual-spatial skills and verbal expression. This test is useful to test children who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally.

The Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (2 ed.)

The Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (2nd ed.) (TONI-II) is also a non-verbal test that evaluates the ability for children to think and problem solve. The assessment is used from the age of five years and up. It takes 10-15 minutes to give the exam, and from this you can assess intelligence and reasoning skills of the child. This test can also be used for people with hearing impairments due to speech and hearing is not required.


Autism Therapy – Various Types


One of the most popular developmental disabilities is autism world. It usually affects social and communication skills of a person. There are some treatments for autism can improve the developmental growth of the patient. Many patients have actually benefited from therapeutic intervention. Among the commonly used and well known treatment RDI or Relationship Development Intervention, ABA or Applied Behavioral Analysis and DIR / Floor Time.

DIR / Floor Time

Made by Serena Wieder and Dr. Stanley Greenspan, author of Engaging Autism, this approach is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary. It focuses more on emotional child. Such an approach to autism intervention is said to be child-centered. It involves not only Floor Time professionals but parents as well. They both have to meet the developmental level of the child and agree to use the strength of his or her to be able to generate new skills. Floor Time can be included in the daily routine of the child to make the learning process more natural.

Relationship Development Intervention

This approach, which is designed by Dr Steve Guts rails, giving more attention to the quality of life. More than just teaching a person with life and social skills, this program also promotes genuine relationships and self-appreciation and creates the potential to thrive in such a dynamic world. Her website said that this intervention program is based parent because they are given the tools to successfully teach not only Dynamic Intelligence skills but also children motivation. Among Dynamic Intelligence Skills are dynamic analysis, flexible problem solving, experience sharing, episodic memory, resilience, and self-awareness.

Applied Behavior Analysis

It is believed that a systematic approach to the evaluation of behavior and apply interventions that change the behavior of the individual. Experts will not be considered a board certified Behavior Analyst without the master’s degree and without meeting some criteria. Such an approach is science-based and can do well in helping individuals to learn new skills and reduce inappropriate behavior.

Play Therapy

Initially, this treatment is to serve as a tool to provide young people with psychotherapy to help them deal with mental disorders, trauma and anxiety. In the said context play helps children respond to their feelings out and discover some coping mechanisms. Analysts who use play therapy to their patients are actually giving them something similar Floor Time Therapy. Play Project is an additional therapeutic approach utilizing play as a tool for developing skills in children with autism.

Sensory Integration Therapy

Autistic children typically find it difficult to combine their senses to be able to make sense of the environment they are in. A type of occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy puts the child in a room that is specially designed to test and stimulate all of his or her senses. The therapist works closely with patients to promote movement inside the room. This autism treatment works on four principles:

1. The patient needs to be successful in meeting the challenges presented by playful activities.

2. The autistic children get used fresh and useful technology to respond to the presented challenges.

3. A child with autism is willing to participate due to the activity is fun

4. The choice of the child is used to set the therapeutic experience in Congress.

Sensory integration treatment is created based on the assumption that the patient is either under-stimulated or excited by his or her environment. The result aims to enhance the brain’s ability to process sensory information, making him or her functions well in all their daily chores.


Coping with autism – support for families


Based on American Education 2002 report to Congress on the idea of ​​the number of students with autism in US schools has increased by 1354% in the eight-year period from 1991-1992 to 2000-2001 (as cited by Autism Society of America, 2003). This increase is almost fifty times higher than all disabilities (excluding autism), which has increased in the US 28.4%. From 1991-1992 to 2000-2001 school years, the number of students with autism that are being served under the idea has increased from 5.415 to 78.749 respectively (as cited by Autism Society of America, 2003).

According to the Center for Disease Control in 2001, autism affects an estimated 2 to 6 per 1000 persons and is the most common pervasive developmental disorders (as cited by Autism Society of America, nd). Based on these figures, it is estimated that 1.5 million Americans are believed to have some form of autism (autism Society of America, nd). Autism has been shown to affect all races, cultures, socioeconomic status and education (Autism Society of America, nd). This growth in autism not only reduces the need for more professionals to be trained to teach individuals with autism, but the need for increased training and support for families of children with autism. Parents of children with autism are dealing with a considerable amount of stress and an overwhelming amount of information on disability. Families of children with autism can benefit from support from professionals, other family members and the community, in order to manage stress effectively.

Parents of children with autism take on many roles in their children’s education. They must first recognize and pursue the diagnosis for their child. Once accurate diagnosis is made, they have to find the appropriate programs and services for their child. Parents also need to work as teachers in the home so that their children learn to generalize skills in the home that they are taught in school. In order for parents to be effective teachers, they need to have specialized knowledge, skills, and the efficacy of different treatment programs (educating children with autism, 2001). Because parents are also advocates for their child, they need to have knowledge of special education laws and is available. Due to the stress level of raising a child with autism, parents need to address skills (National Academy Press, 2001). According to research by Gallagher, (as cited by National Academy Press, 2001), but many roles a parent as teacher, advocate, loving parent, and family can be very challenging for parents.

In 2000 Nissen Baum, Tollefson, and Reese (as cited by The National Autistic Society, ed), studied the effects of autism diagnosis on families. They found that parents actually felt relieved with an explanation of unusual behavior of the child (National Autistic Society, nd). The diagnosis alleviated concerns that they were doing something wrong (National Autistic Society, 2000). As with other parents of children with disabilities, many parents or children with autism go through a grieving process after receiving a diagnosis of autism.

Based on research, education of children with autism is a source of great stress for many families. Research conducted by Holroyd and McArthur in 1976 and by Donovan in 1988 (cited by Autism Society of America, nd) found that parents of children with autism experience greater stress than parents of children with mental retardation and Down syndrome. This stress can be the result of maladaptive and antisocial behavior of a child with autism can show (autism Society of America, nd). Individuals with autism often have difficulty expressing even basic wants or needs, parents may feel frustrated when they are unable to determine the child’s needs (autism Society of America, nd). A child with autism may show frustration through self-injurious behaviors, aggression, or tantrums that threaten the safety of others (autism Society of America, nd). Parents may feel that the stereotypic or self-inducing behavior (ie hand flapping, tapping, lining things up, perseveration per share), their child with autism are strange and disturbing activities (autism Society of America, nd). Because children with autism usually have severe deficits in social skills, such as playing appropriately with peers, parents may find themselves stressed with finding appropriate leisure activities for the child at home (autism Society of America, nd). Some children with autism have difficulty sleeping and can only eat limited food items, which causes another source of struggle for parents (autism Society of America, nd). Family dinners may be disrupted or shortened and Bedtime may be interrupted. Insomnia is common both in children with autism and parents of the child. Community reactions can also have a major impact on family stress and may cause the family to avoid community outings or family events (autism Society of America, nd). Families can not go to family get-togethers because the child has difficulty interacting with others (Autism Society of America, nd). Families are sometimes embarrassed around extended family and may have difficulty relating to others in the family.

Another stress for parents is to learn about all the methods and strategies to teach children with autism. They must learn about these methods so that they can help to determine the appropriate educational placement for their child with autism so that they can be active participants in the IEP process. There are now many treatment methods and strategies to teach children with autism. Current methods are applied behavior analysis, discrete Trial teaching, Picture Exchange Communication System, TEACCH, Floor Time, RDI, Social Stories and Sensory Integration. When procedures are determined by some of these methods tends to reduce family stress and improve the quality of family life. Because many children with autism have difficulty generalizing skills, it is extremely important that parents have the child’s skill training from school to home. Parents can also be effective teachers.

Families that are taught effective methods of behavioral therapy to manage challenging behaviors, are taught and participate in active evaluation process, are trained to facilitate functional communication (both verbal and non-verbal) have been shown to have greater success at home with baby with autism (moes & Freat, 2002). When determining behavior plans, professionals need to take into account the family’s routines when analyzing challenging behaviors (moes & Freat, 2002). Behavioral interventions are more effective and meaningful to families when their beliefs, values ​​and objectives are taken into account (moes & Free, 2002).

family learning center approach can be most beneficial to children with autism and their families (National Academy Press, 2001). Formal support may come from teachers, IEP team members, doctors, the local education agency representatives and other professionals who treat the child. Informal support may come through parent networking, parent support groups, families and neighbors. According to Bristol in 1987, “parents found a positive relationship between adequate social support, the use of active coping behaviors, and family adaptation for parents of children enrolled in the TEACCH program” (National Academy Press, 2001, p.34).

Responding to a child with autism is difficult and stressful for many families. As with the effect of socioeconomic status and ethnicity of parents, it is not yet a lot of research on the stress levels of parents based on the cognitive level and communication level of the child. Based on current research, in order to deal with the stress of having a child with autism and to experience success in learning at school and at home, parents need to learn specialized skills and teaching methods that can be implemented at home. Effective collaboration and training with professionals working with a child with autism has the ability to reduce family stress and an increase in child with communication, socialization, cognitive, adaptive skills autism and a reduction in maladaptive behaviors in the home environment. Professionals working with students with autism will include parents as advocates in the IEP process, functional food behavior and behavior intervention plans.

Experts will provide an opportunity for parents to be trained to teach the methodology used in the school. Experts will also consider themselves a source of support for families of children with autism and be knowledgeable about special education law, treatment methods and scientific research. As a teacher of young children with autism, I have witnessed first-hand the benefits conducting parent trainings and support groups, whether they are on a consolidated basis or an individual basis. Based on parent feedback, parent training and support groups are very useful for those involved, and most parents express that there is never enough time to talk with teachers and other parents – there is always a desire to learn more and more opportunities to work .


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