Cure autism? – Is there a cure for autism


Unfortunately, there is no “cure” for autism, a neurological disorder that causes mental retardation and usually appears in children by age 3. What it can be, however, is an effective treatment for a child with autism, especially when autism is caught early.

Each child with autism is different and have different needs. Therefore there is no one-size-fits-all treatment.

Many parents use a carefully structured behavioral-based treatment program, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), specially designed for their child, starting with what the child does and does not know how to do. These behavior-based plans are clear instructions for the child to follow and prompting to do it as well as immediate praise and rewards so that the desired behavior is reinforced. Stopping temper tantrums, learning to sit still, and reduce repetitive behaviors are among the objectives of this type of treatment because, without reaching these photographs, a child with autism find it almost impossible to learn anything else.

A child with autism should receive at least 25 hours a week on this type of intensive therapy.

medicines to treat other symptoms, such as seizures and hyperactivity, can also be right.

treatment behavior, also recognizes that a child with autism needs to learn is how to communicate. Without communication, it is difficult to teach them other skills they need to learn.

Children usually learn language skills by watching and imitating. They hear their parents talking. They learn that certain sounds are associated with certain things, like “Mom”, “Dada”, and “bottle”. One of the characteristics of autism, however, is the inability to watch and imitate.

Talking a lot to a child with autism is simply not effective. Short, simple, and clearly audible instructions needed, such as “Stop” or “Look at me”. Studies have also shown that most children with autism learn language better by using visual cues, such as images, maps, and even point, so these methods are used to help your child learn. A classroom-based program called TEACCH uses visual cues to get students with autism focus.

Social skills also need to be learned, as follow instructions and do not interrupt. Some children with autism also need basic living education. The intensive behavioral child receives helps reinforce these behaviors and improve, often significantly, the child’s ability to function and about a quarter of children with autism can eventually be tested on normal IQ and learn to work in public schools. Unfortunately, another 25 percent never learn language skills.

Many parents also seek out alternative treatments for their child with autism, such as dietary or controversial treatment called chelation therapy. Without further research, however, it is difficult to say how effective these are in the treatment of autism.


Aspergers and Autism Spectrum – Understanding þráhyggjuhegðun asd your child


If you are a parent or caregiver of a child diagnosed with autism, then you are probably aware that Aspergers / Autism Spectrum people often have obsessive tendencies. They can become completely fixated on their passion, whatever that may be. This obsessive behavior can be very intense and many parents will be concerned that their child’s preoccupation with the object of his or her passion is impeding the ability to function in everyday life. In some cases it may wreak havoc in your family.

As a parent ASD child, you must rely on their instincts to decide where the line is to be drawn. You may decide that you need to stop indulging the child in his or her obsession – or at least strictly control it. Only you can truly assess the degree of obsession has become unhealthy or simply unmanageable. Before you take action, however, it may help to understand what is happening to your child and what this obsession means for him or her.

The Autism Spectrum Mind

mind Aspergers / Autism Spectrum child is unique and powerful. As a collective whole, our society tends to focus on “disability” aspects of autism disorder because we are acutely aware of what is not working for these children. Those areas are under operation are highlighted and brought to the forefront because we want to help our children learn to function in “neuro typical” home.

This is unfortunate because, in fact, there are probably things a child can do what most others can not – or at least not very well! It is almost certainly part of the capacity information of the child currently outperforms other parts. And this part most likely function of the average age of the child. It could already be highly developed, or at least can be with the right support. Maybe you already know this.

That’s where the magic is for your child! If you can help your child to focus on and expand this portion of his or her – turn it from raw talent into a real strength – it will target child happy and possible independence. We all need to “purpose” in life to feel fulfilled – a reason for being here. Well, this is the purpose of the child!

Obsession your child’s autism

At first glance, the current obsession child seems likely to be quite useless in the “real world.” In other words, it may well seem like an obsession child does not benefit from him / her or someone else

But here’s what you need to understand :. If your child is obsessed with something, it is because the thing sparks high activity of the brain of the child somehow. That is why your child is so passionate about it! The child’s brain is learn something from the obsession and strengthen inherent abilities.

This can be very difficult to assess at first, so I will give you a simple example. I will use Pokemon as my example because many ASD children love Pokemon and share this passion – my two sons with. (It is not surprising that the man who created the Pokemon is Aspie!)

For my eldest, it is my belief that the registration and classification elements Pokemon shot up his mind – separation, sorting and preparation of different types, talent, power and so on of different monsters Pokemon. My oldest is now in its third year of chemistry degree I understand now that his mind works this way. He has almost superhuman desire to “shop” in this way. This gives him a distinct advantage in certain areas in the study of chemistry. (Because “contact test” that had been done on my son when he was pretty young, I knew that the categories and pattern recognition were very highly developed part of the capacity of his profile, but I never made the link.)

For My youngest, the appeal was entirely different. It was a fantasy, the heroism, the feeling of power to pursue his mind. My youngest Aspie has a very rich inner, imaginary world. Stories like Pokemon fuel fire this fantasy. Now, aged 10, he is showing extraordinary talent for writing creative fantasy stories.

For other children autism, it can be visual appeal or visual spatial (video game) element Pokemon that fascinates them. Most ASD children would be hard pressed to tell you exactly what it is about the game of their brain craves, because they do not understand it themselves. All they know is that they love it and feel like they need it

trying to figure out how obsession Aspergers / Autism Spectrum child is good for him or her is not particularly fruitful -. Or what high-functioning part of the brain being fed. There is much more to be sure that your child is passionate about his or her thing for a reason and that she / he is practicing robust talent and turning it into a strength.

What does this all mean?

In truth, ASD people feel they need to win and learn it, whatever “it” is. Your child wants a sense of success and achievement attached master passion. S / he is driven to understand the deepest level, to own it completely.

teenager will almost certainly grow what childish obsession is now Driving you mad. S / he will overcome it and move on. My eldest Aspie had a violent passion for video games. He played more than most parents would consider healthy. Then a miracle, almost overnight, he took the same burning passion and focused learning -. In the study of chemistry and languages, in particular, which both call this “cataloging” aspect of his mind

The point is this: limit obsession autism child, if you will. You must listen to your instincts to determine where the boundaries are. Delivery, however, that a child’s brain craves something from the concerns and s / he is to achieve much more than you can possibly imagine by indulging in it, regardless of how frivolous it may seem to you.

It is true that ASD people can be very obsessive. This is nothing new. What is new, however, is what is happening behind the scenes for the child inside the astonishing brain. Indulge busy to what degree you can tolerate. Feed that passion. Let the mind Aspergers / Autism Spectrum your child swallow it wants to learn from obsessive and have faith that he / she will go far bigger things.


There are 5 different types of Autism Disorders


Autism is a complex developmental disability with many different levels of severity. Technically, it is a diagnosis of Autism. People refer, however, pervasive developmental disorder on the autism or autism (ASD). Autism are developmental brain that cause impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. Autism is just one of five different types of autism disorders

Below are the definitions and characteristics of five different autism

Classic autism: ..

Autism is the second-leading childhood disorder and is considered the most serious of different types of autism disorders. People with autism develop language Classic late, or not at all. People affected with classic autism have trouble talking to other people or profound lack of affection or emotional contact with others, intense desire of like a routine, muteness or abnormal speech, a large amount of Visio-spatial skills, the main difficulty learning in other areas . Symptoms of autism typically occur within the first three years of childhood and continue throughout life. Autism is a spectrum disorder because of the severity of impairment in all these areas is different in every person

Asperger Syndrome :.

A Person with Asperger’s syndrome can show a variety of symptoms, and the disorder can range from mild to severe. Children show deficiencies in social skills and difficulty with transitions or changes. They cling compulsively to rituals and all the changes in their lives may upset them. They have great difficulty reading body language and determining proper body space. Some children with Asperger’s syndrome has decreased sensitivity to pain and increased sensitivity to bright lights and noise. With this type of autism disorder they also have average or above-average intelligence

Childhood disintegrative disorder :.

Childhood disintegrative disorder takes a serious regression in communication skills, social behavior and all developmental motor skills. In the beginning, these children seem perfectly normal. They begin to subside aged 2-4 years. At the time these children risk something, lose potty-training skills, stop playing losing motor and stop making friends

Rett Syndrome :.

Rett syndrome is a neurological disorder and a disorder that mostly occurs in women and is marked by poor head growth. Loss of muscle tone is usually the first symptom. Other early symptoms may include problems crawling or walking and diminished eye contact. They stop using their hands to do things, and often develop stereotyped hand movements such as wringing, clapping, or patting hands. The inability to perform motor functions is perhaps the most severely disabling feature of Rett syndrome, interfere with every body movement, including eye gaze and speech. Infants with Rett syndrome seem to grow and develop normally at first, but then stops developing and even lose skills and abilities

pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise :.

This tends to describe people who have many or all of the different types of autism disorders. Children with PDDNOS either not fully meet the criteria for symptoms to identify any of the four specific types of tracking and / or do not have the degree of impairment described in any of the above four special types.


Aspergers and Autism Spectrum – Understanding þráhyggjuhegðun asd your child


If you are a parent or caregiver of a child diagnosed with autism, then you are probably aware that Aspergers / Autism Spectrum people often have obsessive tendencies. They can become completely fixated on their passion, whatever that may be. This obsessive behavior can be very intense and many parents will be concerned that their child’s preoccupation with the object of his or her passion is impeding the ability to function in everyday life. In some cases it may wreak havoc in your family.

As a parent ASD child, you must rely on their instincts to decide where the line is to be drawn. You may decide that you need to stop indulging the child in his or her obsession – or at least strictly control it. Only you can truly assess the degree of obsession has become unhealthy or simply unmanageable. Before you take action, however, it may help to understand what is happening to your child and what this obsession means for him or her.

The Autism Spectrum Mind

mind Aspergers / Autism Spectrum child is unique and powerful. As a collective whole, our society tends to focus on “disability” aspects of autism disorder because we are acutely aware of what is not working for these children. Those areas are under operation are highlighted and brought to the forefront because we want to help our children learn to function in “neuro typical” home.

This is unfortunate because, in fact, there are probably things a child can do what most others can not – or at least not very well! It is almost certainly part of the capacity information of the child currently outperforms other parts. And this part most likely function of the average age of the child. It could already be highly developed, or at least can be with the right support. Maybe you already know this.

That’s where the magic is for your child! If you can help your child to focus on and expand this portion of his or her – turn it from raw talent into a real strength – it will target child happy and possible independence. We all need to “purpose” in life to feel fulfilled – a reason for being here. Well, this is the purpose of the child!

Obsession your child’s autism

At first glance, the current obsession child seems likely to be quite useless in the “real world.” In other words, it may well seem like an obsession child does not benefit from him / her or someone else

But here’s what you need to understand :. If your child is obsessed with something, it is because the thing sparks high activity of the brain of the child somehow. That is why your child is so passionate about it! The child’s brain is learn something from the obsession and strengthen inherent abilities.

This can be very difficult to assess at first, so I will give you a simple example. I will use Pokemon as my example because many ASD children love Pokemon and share this passion – my two sons with. (It is not surprising that the man who created the Pokemon is Aspie!)

For my eldest, it is my belief that the registration and classification elements Pokemon shot up his mind – separation, sorting and preparation of different types, talent, power and so on of different monsters Pokemon. My oldest is now in its third year of chemistry degree I understand now that his mind works this way. He has almost superhuman desire to “shop” in this way. This gives him a distinct advantage in certain areas in the study of chemistry. (Because “contact test” that had been done on my son when he was pretty young, I knew that the categories and pattern recognition were very highly developed part of the capacity of his profile, but I never made the link.)

For My youngest, the appeal was entirely different. It was a fantasy, the heroism, the feeling of power to pursue his mind. My youngest Aspie has a very rich inner, imaginary world. Stories like Pokemon fuel fire this fantasy. Now, aged 10, he is showing extraordinary talent for writing creative fantasy stories.

For other children autism, it can be visual appeal or visual spatial (video game) element Pokemon that fascinates them. Most ASD children would be hard pressed to tell you exactly what it is about the game of their brain craves, because they do not understand it themselves. All they know is that they love it and feel like they need it

trying to figure out how obsession Aspergers / Autism Spectrum child is good for him or her is not particularly fruitful -. Or what high-functioning part of the brain being fed. There is much more to be sure that your child is passionate about his or her thing for a reason and that she / he is practicing robust talent and turning it into a strength.

What does this all mean?

In truth, ASD people feel they need to win and learn it, whatever “it” is. Your child wants a sense of success and achievement attached master passion. S / he is driven to understand the deepest level, to own it completely.

teenager will almost certainly grow what childish obsession is now Driving you mad. S / he will overcome it and move on. My eldest Aspie had a violent passion for video games. He played more than most parents would consider healthy. Then a miracle, almost overnight, he took the same burning passion and focused learning -. In the study of chemistry and languages, in particular, which both call this “cataloging” aspect of his mind

The point is this: limit obsession autism child, if you will. You must listen to your instincts to determine where the boundaries are. Delivery, however, that a child’s brain craves something from the concerns and s / he is to achieve much more than you can possibly imagine by indulging in it, regardless of how frivolous it may seem to you.

It is true that ASD people can be very obsessive. This is nothing new. What is new, however, is what is happening behind the scenes for the child inside the astonishing brain. Indulge busy to what degree you can tolerate. Feed that passion. Let the mind Aspergers / Autism Spectrum your child swallow it wants to learn from obsessive and have faith that he / she will go far bigger things.


Autism Treatment for adults


Despite decades of research has gone into understanding the different conditions found in autism spectrum, there is no known cure in existence to date. It is a bio-neurological in nature and prevents individuals of all ages, including adults, from communicating and interacting with individuals around them in their environment. Therefore, the medical community will prescribe one of the many treatments that help to reduce the effects of the disorder.

One of the most important aspects to understand about adult autism is the fact that the responsibility of the public school to the afflicted person when they reach 22 years of age. At this point, are the parents of an autistic individual facing several important challenges such as employment and living arrangements for the person. They also have to worry about finding the facilities and programs that offer supportive services that will help the autism disorder individual to achieve their goals.

Effective adult Autism treatment

This includes dealing with adults with autism and may involve the use of treatments, ranging from changing the behavior of diet and nutritional advice. Thus, the effects of the disorder can be reduced, but it is autism disorder adult to contribute and productive individual in the social environment. Here are some suggestions for autism treatment in adults

o occupational therapy can help autistic person learns how to perform daily chores and tasks including dress and follow proper hygiene

or Physiotherapy is very effective form of autism treatment for regular exercise and how it teaches the individual to manage their different body movements

or behavior change methods are very effective for decreasing and eliminating the behavior patterns that are marked as being aggressive, repetitive and undesirable

o Sensory Integration Therapy Exposed autism disorder adult to various sensory stimuli that teaches them appropriate response

o Change the diet of the individual so that foods containing casein (milk protein), gluten, oats and wheat are incorporated as these types of food are not absorbed enough of the autistic individual which in turn can affect how their careers brain

Remember that for the best results in adult Autism treatment is concerned, you want to use a combination of several methods and not just rely on a single one. As no two people are ever alike, neither are any two autistic adults they will react differently to different methods of treatment.

Another channel autism treatment is treatment of a disorder naturally without the use of drugs. This is oftentimes preferred by parents as it involves the use of other medical procedures and supplements. In recent years, natural method has become increasingly popular. Basically, the natural method of autism treatment is commonly referred to as a holistic approach to the treatment of a disorder. It has been hypothesized that Autism can be caused by heavy toxic metals in the system or vitamin deficiencies.


Autism and Intelligence


While the average IQ percentage of the population appears to be about 100 patients with autism have mostly fallen one because of learning disabilities or create disabilities; some of the autistic however, have shown normal or even high IQ rate. From this reason, many people suffer from Asperger syndrome can live a normal life.

The autistic disorder is usually diagnosed in childhood, especially around the age of 3-4 when parents notice unusual behavior in their children. Some children, however, can remain undiagnosed until the age of 12 and medical treatment for the most difficult start of this age. Many autistic children are only diagnosed after going to school as they show poor social skills or challenging behavior. Especially patients with a milder form called Asperger syndrome can remain undiagnosed until later opportunities come.

No precise method of autism, his analysis is known. Still, doctors must first eliminate other conditions by conducting a hearing and blood tests. Autism is diagnosed by careful monitoring of behavior, social skills and ability to communicate. Parents and professionals must work together to find a possible autism disorder disorder. If suspicion of autism persists, the child will be seen by an expert, such as a pediatrician, child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Loge, speech therapist and educational experts. Every autistic child must have his personal caretaker who will closely follow the assessment of the patient and feel.

appropriate treatment for autism are education, special behavior and speech training and even drugs in some cases. Children with autism disorders require special care in a suitable environment in schools or regular schools more help if the symptoms are moderate. The feeling of patients depends very much on the well-organized structure of categories and classrooms. Schools will also use methods to help patients to find new ways to express themselves.

Adequate treatment of behavior can only be provided by a clinical psychologist and family will help to better understand the needs of the child. Some neurovegetative abnormal functions can be controlled by medication. Autistic children often have outbursts of aggression, obsessions, high agitation and hyperactivity behavior. Used in the long term, these drugs can show dangerous side effects as provoking obsessions and repetitive actions.

Other therapeutic strategies are known, but they are not approved by the medical institutions that their benefits are not proven. Music therapy can help calm down patients during the symbols and images may improve communication skills. Another unscientifically was a method of treating autism symptoms is the use of hormone secretin.

The autistic children need permanent care and parent needs other qualified men to help with the examination of the child. Care for patients with such diseases are also entitled for the disabled.


Autism Therapy Methods


Until today, no real cure for autism has been found. Early and proper treatment could very much reduce disruptive behavior and reduce the challenges parents and physicians deal because of distortions. Appropriate treatment might help autistic patients to learn, develop certain skills and get a certain percentage survival ability.

Autism can be treated by occupational therapy that tries to improve the patient’s basic skills and functions like getting dressed on their own, bathing or eating alone. Activity can also help with different physical exercises, such as massage.

first step in autism treatment is to help these children to change and improve their behavior, which is usually a result of aggression, repetitive and inappropriate actions. New behavioral change process is Applied Behavior Analysis based on the basic idea that patients are more likely to repeat rewarded action while ignoring one. Autistic children are helped to learn hoe to sustain normal functions inside environment.

behavior modification methods deal with highly professional ways of inducing certain skills. All patients must learn how to act and behave in society; every particular child needs a different treatment method in accordance with his needs and interests. A full great care with a therapist and supervisor is required for every single patient.

Most autistic can not integrate senses and suffer either from hypocalcemia and hyperactive sensor integrating organs. Treatment Sensor is usually performed by physical, occupational and speech therapists; they must work together to erase wrong further accumulated sensor information and caused reorganized sensory knowledge.

If problem to deal with touch sense, autistic patient gets help to learn to work with other kinds of materials and different textures. Listen to some music with different frequencies could help autistic integrate sound. Many autistic children suffer from hyper-reactivity to sounds and even receive them as painful. Therapists must carefully observe and understand the sensor needs of the patient to be effectively treated.

Autistic children are often emotionally reduced and this estate also affects their social communication skills and desire. Therapists usually use a playing technique controlled by the child to help improve their emotional. Educational social stories are used to help patients understand their own feelings and manage them. They are also taught to understand others ideas and perspectives.

Other behavior modification method is communication therapy to teach small children with autism disorders how to develop their language and show elder patients how to use verbal communication. Sustained speech therapy could even help some children to use language to communicate.

Autistic sufferers are taught hoe to express ideas, wishes or concerns with pictures. The picture exchange communication system allows autistic communicate with others through images representing ideas, text, or even activities.


Children, Autism, and violence: Inception of monstrous behavior


Parents violence and autistic children have patience of steel. The monstrous behavior of their children – verbal threats, physical violence, often loss of temper, and extreme impulsivity – desolate lives and enforce them to experience serious injuries and unforeseen consequences

Numerous studies tell us numerous roots. violent behavior of children. According to research by Dr. Rebecca J. Scharf, University of Virginia, “Short nighttime sleep may raise monstrous behavior in children.” In addition, the Journal of Pediatrics uncovered, “Aggressive behavior of children are related to soft drink intake.” Moreover, a study Case Western Reserve University shows that children who witness violence between their parents usually embrace violent behavior.

psychologist, Dr. Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, tells us, “Planned violence is not a feature of the autistic child.” Anything and everything can immediately trigger feelings of severe outbursts inside him and force him to perform pernicious actions. Therefore, it is important to realize that the violent acts sometimes autistic children are not under their own control. Their eyes and ears liquidate stop listening, they just act without thinking anything. Several studies show that the limited verbal skills is the cause of violent behavior also. Because, limited verbal skills forces autistic children show physical aggression instead of using words.

It is probably not possible to cure autism in the near future. But now we have the full ability to diagnose and treat violent behavior. Autism itself is not dangerous. However, when violence merge with autism, the situation becomes dangerous. All we need to do is to understand the violent behavior of autism and cut the roots of the real problem. The right support and the right treatment can improve the quality of life of the child and offer heavenly happiness in the home. Therefore, I have put together 12 strategies that can help you to turn violent, autistic children calm and cooperative

1 -. Not the children hear, the words are like a second language to them. Word ruffle their hearts and puzzle their minds. The more you interrogate them with leading questions, the more you turn irritable inside them and scare them to express their feelings through violent behavior

2 -. Children with ASD make indirect requests, and that lead to all kinds of problems. Parents often feel the real desire of the child from the wrong context, and that thing leads to more distressful situation. If your child is asking questions about Christmas repeatedly, in the middle of the June, is not that he wants to know about Christmas. He may want you to bring a Christmas tree now

3 -. In autistic children with antisocial personality, the risk of violence is highest. Guys with antisocial personality are more likely to abuse than those who have anxiety disorders. Furthermore, it is a fact that alarmed indicate that guys with antisocial personality are also at risk of dying from suicide. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective in helping kids to change their thinking patterns of violence

4 -. Dr. Thomas N. Robinson, a professor of pediatrics at Stanford, tells us, “Exposing children to less aggression in television will have a positive impact on behavior.” Also, Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis, lead author of the study and professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington, said: “The take-home message for parents is, it is not just about turning off the TV, it is about to change the channel.” These circumstances show watching educational television for children can actually improve behavior

5 – Just change the information. do not change the whole picture. Information is the main culprit either water down or promote aggressive mode of kid. So, focus change information rather than changing the whole image to manage your child’s behavior

6 -. Autistic children learn best through doing, and behavioral nature can be changed by introducing new, positive activities in their lives

seven -. Feelings of being worthless can also intensify violent behavior in children with autism (ASD). If children with ASD are not good at social skills, it does not mean that they do not understand exactly what is happening around them. The amazing treatment community and lack of love makes it difficult for these children to overcome the core emotions low self-esteem. As a result, their struggle with a sense of compromising turns them into evil, violent creature

8 -. Violence can also be a way of seeking attention. Give him a comprehensive, positive feedback and often, accurate communication with him as much as you can, if you ignore the stable core child’s feelings, or do not understand the indirect his message. This will gradually stop him seek negative attention with violence, and he will begin to learn the proper ways to express their feelings

9 -. Autistic children also use violence to have a sense of control over their environment – when they are not dealing with the immediate changes and a flood of sensory information. We already know that most of these kids are born without a filter system. Their minds digest every bit of information in the forefront detail and not easy to allow them to experience the unpredictable changes. So, it is better to keep their lives as much predictable as you can, because unpredictable change can offer monstrous behavior then

10 -. Some non-verbal autistic children comfortable expressing their feelings through written words and drawings. It is very possible for you also teach your child in this way to express feelings. This will not only facilitate the environment at home but also help you understand exactly their emotions. In addition, this method will help you to turn violent situations in a healthy, playful game

11 -. If your kid is violence, it is a 90% probability of the existence of negativity in his practice is responsible for his behavior. To solve this problem, all you have to do is to make his routine as happy as you can, because satisfied practices develop happy children

12 -. Reward good behavior, the awards encourage him to act more positively in the future. Just get him to do something good, give him praise, hug him, kiss him, and let him do his favorite activities. Rewarding system keeps child motivated and forcing him emotionally and psychologically to change bad behavior and adopt good

Remember every child has little natural self-control. do not expect your child to take a mature step or understand the situation automatically. Almost every child sometimes works vigorously to achieve his needs. Just use the above methods and act of love; you have the ability to teach him how to show emotions appropriately.


15 Autism Strategies Managing autistic children


Management of autistic children can be difficult at times, which is why autism have procedures in place can make the difference between coping and feeling overwhelmed. The methods need not be difficult or complicated, it really is just a matter of ensuring that your child feels safe, comfortable and calm, so that they can grow and develop in a positive environment.

It is important to remember to talk about the behavior of autistic screen are they that they have developed to provide security and confidence to the world that surrounds them. Certain behaviors that autistic children naturally developed is intended to provide a situation they find too difficult to deal with. Thus, applying the right way can help parents reach autistic children instead of laying out

The following is a list of 15 different proposals autism strategy parents can utilize to help them manage their children with autism spectrum disorders .:

1. Provide predictable environment and everyday life

2. Prepare the child in advance for any changes that need to occur to routine, not us not surprise them. Keep in mind changes only when absolutely necessary.

3. Activities must be organized.

4. Interference should be minimized, especially in communication, so do not try to compete with TV or a lot of background noise when giving directions.

5. Make sure you have the full attention of the child when trying to interact with them.

6. When giving instructions that they should be simple and direct so there is no room for misunderstanding.

7. When instructions are given, you need to allow enough time for the child to process them. Autism methods require patience -. Do not rush your child

8. Try to use visual aids like flash cards or photo books in communication as they can help get your message across and cement understanding.

9. Try to be as consistent as possible with everything you need includes autistic disorder child. This includes punishment.

10. If an autistic person is not successful, he / she needs a “safe” place where they can retreat to calm down and de-stress.

11. If your child is not to deal with situations, consider if the underlying causes (IE confusion, stress, fear, pain or over-stimulation) could be an issue and try to remove these issues.

12. When stress of autism decreased, encouraging them to return to group activities or situations.

13. Talk to the school to see if the buddy system could be introduced to provide academic and social support. This involves pairing autistic children with non-autistic peers.

14. Before attempting to change or reduce the behavior you think is inappropriate, carefully consider whether this is necessary, as the behavior that you are trying to reduce not place any worse.

15. Do not take autism behavior personally, find ways to de-stress yourself and remember that laughter is often the best medicine when you are at wits end phone.

For discover more autism coping register for the free newsletter below.

In addition, parents need to keep in mind that education is one of the best autism strategies that they can apply in their efforts to control autistic child. For more information about autism knows, the easier it will be to deal, to understand the needs of the autistic, and help provide the best environment to grow up in.


Autism? – What does the term “Autism Spectrum Disorder” (ASD) Mean


Medical professionals often use the term autism (ASD or for short) to explain the large range of the most common symptoms and characteristics associated with the diagnosis of autism.

As we all know, more and more children are getting diagnosed with autism every day. According to the Center for Disease Control, Autism now occurs in one of every 150 individuals. Some researchers accounted for the increase in autism for us all better understand autism.

autism spectrum, however, is sometimes difficult for parents to understand ,. Some parents say things like: “My child has autism, but he is not doing it!” or they will ask “My child will interact with other children, he is still autistic?” The answer is simply that Autism is a spectrum, but what exactly does this mean?

A spectrum means that there are children with autism symptoms on one side, the other side, and everything in between. For example, let’s take a look at communication and autism. You may have one child at one end of the spectrum is without words and will only use gestures to tell their needs. Then you could have a child on the other end of the spectrum who can tell you every little detail and then some of his favorite dinosaurs. Both children have autism, but they are at opposite ends of autism for their communication skills

All basic lean autism spectrum are :. Communication, social skills and behavior. Each child with autism has the ability to vary each spectrums. Also, make all types of autism disorders up this “autism”. Different types of autism disorders are: Autism, Asperger syndrome, and pervasive development – it is not specified (PDD-NOS)


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