Autism symptoms for children


understand some of the autism observed in children will help to find appropriate intervention as soon as possible. Autism is a neurological disorder that reportedly effects Up to 1 150 infants. Autism (ASD) is described as a spectrum distortion due to the distortion level can vary significantly. ASD presents in the form of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Asperger’s severe autism.

So far there is no known cure for autism, with ongoing research are suggestions that genetic pre curses distortions may be. Early diagnosis and intervention offers the best outcome for the child. Parents worry that their child may have symptoms of the disorder should seek diagnosis as soon as possible.

It can be very difficult for parents of babies and toddlers to see signs of autism, as they are still in development but there are some clear early warning signs that parents can look for.

Symptoms of ADD and ADHD are a little more obvious that parents find. Children who suffer from ADD and ADHD often have very short attention spans, are very active over the majority of the time and very difficult to feed. Their world just seems to have too much in it and not enough time to see and touch it all.

If you have to admit that the first warning signs ADD or ADHD child one must consider is their diet. There is much research suggests that children with ADD and ADHD can affect greatly the foods they consume. Chemical additives in food and drink they consume can have a major impact on their disposal. Not to be confused with the sugar high, some food additives can increase agitation and uncontrollable restlessness them. Eliminating these substances from the diet and replace them with fresh food and natural selection will go a long way to help young children control their behavior.

Within the spectrum Autism itself, this condition has no known cure and can affect the child significantly for the rest of their lives. The severity of this condition varies from very mild to severe. Some of the most obvious warning signs of autism are; the child does not respond to his or her name, the child did not respond to a smile with a smile, and the inability to be comforted with physical affection.

Children with autism often lack the ability to understand human emotions. They have difficulty interpreting facial expressions and body language of others. This can often lead to frustration for both parents and children. Other signs warning signs are constant repetition of words and movements or obsessing over one particular toy or object. If your child is showing any one of these early signs of autism, you should consider seeking a medical opinion pediatrician. Early identification and intervention can improve the outcome for the child as their brain is still developing.

Speech delay is another common symptom for children suffering from ASD. The devastating reality for parents with children with autism is that most children with autism begin life after normal path of development. Gradual loss of their fine motor skills and speech can be unexpected and very confusing. Many parents describe this experience as “losing her child” to the disorder. It is heartbreaking and devastating.

There are many ways you can support your child if they are suffering from early signs of ASD. Introducing gesture-based sign language early can help to maintain their ability to communicate, especially if the condition deteriorates rapidly, and their speech is lost. Sign language has been developed for babies and toddlers can be useful to help them with their communication, they may not have the dexterity or attention span for adults symbolism established.

If your child has been learning baby sign language from an early age and can communicate through this means, it is a skill that will prove invaluable if you discover later that your child has a speech delay or worst case is likely to lose their speech altogether. When a child has retreated in language development because of their autism, the skills they have developed a sign language will be held, allowing the parent and child the way of communication. It is important to recognize autism symptoms in children as early as possible, so there is no delay in seeking help.


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