What are 14 Signs of autism and how can society help?


A nurse in Baby Phat Scrubs came across a young boy in the hallway of the hospital. The boy did not look her in the eyes and kept repeating the point of the poster in the surrounding wall. Another hospital employee in 8219 Landau approached a young boy with concern and asked the parents where he is. The young boy just kept pointing at the poster and not answer questions about the health of the employee. Then both realized the boy has just shown signs of autism.

Autism is rampant health problems. It is a condition of the brain where the autistic person does not seem consistent with social and behavior usually characterized by the fact that they have home of their own. No social or third-party challenge can then respond in the normal way or make them behave according to the rules of society. Other than social behavior and lack of development, they seem to grow normally in the physical side. They look like normal individuals from the outside but when you get to know how they interact or lack of communication, it is possible to see signs of autism.

first signs of autism avoid eye contact as situational example of a young boy above. What people can do this is to try not to scare or insist on having their eyes met with autistic individuals so they can calmly deal with them.

Second signs of autism is a choice to be alone. The young boy example might be one of those kids that just being on the sides of the field and do not seem to mind other children. Monitoring for autistic is important for their safety as they reach businesses and people most of the time.

The third sign is they echo the words or phrases. Any talk of an autistic person must be patient enough to understand the body instead of relying on their words.

The fourth sign is difficulty in communicating with others. As in other symbols, they usually stick to the group because they stay most of the time.

Fifth signs were turning themselves or part. Autism affects repetitive body movements, which explains why most autistic individuals like to twist or twirl again and again, without listening to the stop orders around them.

Sixth signs would they require that mimics all the time. Autistic people do not like intervention in daily tasks as they become more confused. Try to allow them a routine basis functions so that they will not cause any disruption as they are prone to throwing tantrums when things do not go as they have been going.

The seventh was too attached inanimate objects. Autistic people can not identify the life of a non-living object so that they cease to have attachments inanimate objects thinking they are real other individuals.

Eight signs were unstoppable giggling or laughing. Do not be offended if an autistic person laughs or laugh at you for no reason. Humors them are very different from most.

Ninth signal is implementing the hug. These individuals are not socially lower so they do not like to hug or affectionate gestures from other people.

Tenth signs of autism is to use gestures to define their needs. They do not have the right communication skills to interact with other individuals around him and so they usually use hand gestures to get what they want.

Eleventh signal would insensitivity hearing loss exposure. They do not respond properly to audio or instructions so they should be kept away from dangerous places they are not warnings.

Twelfth signal is that they have no fear of danger. As in the previous logo, they just do not know how dangerous thing, person or situation is to be afraid. They should be constantly monitored so they stay out of trouble.

Thirteenth is they do not know how to feel pain. They can not express their level of pain because they do not know how to make it known.

And finally, the fourteenth sign of autism is that they must be under sustained routine and have a different verbal and physical skills level. Patience needed to teach autistic person in most basics things ordinary man should be taught as personal hygiene and other daily activities.

Society to find out more about autism by a constant campaign for communal efforts to help people with the disorder to live a normal life as much as possible. This is the only way people can help these people to find a place in society.


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