3 Effective Ways of Teaching autistic children


Autistic children are usually visual thinkers, so teaches speech alone will not be completely successful. It is also common for autistic children find it difficult to connect the two cases. For example, if teaching reading with flash cards, it is best to have both pictures and written words on the same side. If they are on different sides, the child can not understand that they represent the same idea. While there are many unique teaching methods, the following three methods proved useful in teaching children with autism

o Social Stories

Social stories are used to teach social skills children with autism. They are simple descriptions of everyday, written from a child’s perspective. Social stories can be useful in helping a child prepare for changes in routine or learn appropriate social skills. The child practices these stories came in the hope that when the actual situation arises, the child can use history to help guide the behavior of his or her

Example :. I want to talk to my friends. I like it when my friends talk to me. Talking to my friends that I have to ask questions. Sometimes I do not know how to ask questions. When I see my friends in school I can say, “Hi, how are you?”

o Visual Supports

Since people with autism are often described as “visual learners,” it makes sense to autistic children learn easier through visual activities. Photos and white cards are great ways to enhance the learning experience. Token economy systems are also useful in educating autistic children. The token system child is rewarded for each correct answer then you can move into a plan where the child is doing several correct answers before the reward is given. Token economy systems are great for building capacity to delay gratification, increase attention span of the child and increase the amount of work that a child is able to produce a certain time.

o Floor Time

Interaction you and your child (verbal or non-verbal) help build skills. They are ways to build family relationships by promoting emotional child. The more animated you are and the more energy you have, the easier it will be to keep the child’s attention. The child looks now that you are playing partners. Sing fun songs, play Simon Says, pretending to be zoo animals (yes, this means playing a role!) Are all ways to engage your child in exploring their feelings and encourage original thinking.

Autism is so prevalent today that one of every 166 people have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum. We can not ignore this disease longer and it is our responsibility as parents and teachers to come up with new and effective ways to educate autistic children. While there are many unique teaching methods, the three methods reviewed above are just a few methods that have proved useful in teaching children with autism.


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